My Top 10 Biggest Supernatural Let Downs

Apr 05, 2011 19:45

I've been putting off posting this because really when I got toward the end of the list, the latter three seasons of Supernatural started to look less horrible, but then I decided to post anyway because, damn it, I spent a long while thinking up and writing this down. I guess, depending on its reception, we'll see how smart a decision that was.

Disappointment, ho! )

spn, meta, sammy!, wincest, writing, the world according to bigmamag, groped by an angel, dean/castiel

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Comments 37

thebiggest_lie April 6 2011, 01:08:17 UTC
This is a really interesting list and you know, I never put much thought into point 3, because I am not a serious SPN watcher...I don't even quite consider myself a fan given how long I go in between when I decide to catch up...but you're right. They did sort of...DECIDE on a religion or POV for the world within this show. They have every right to as it is their show, but I am surprised I have never seen commentary on this before.

I wish I had more to say, but I am not caught up on the show currently so don't feel like anything I have to offer is relevant, but I really enjoyed reading this! I always love your meta. :D

BTW, I followed you over on tumblr. BalladOfMona-Lisa. No pressure to follow me back, just wanted you to know it's me!


bigmamag April 6 2011, 01:14:11 UTC
I'm not a serious watcher anymore, but I definitely was when season 4 came out and really it was a shock when they went so Christian-oriented. I can't even tell you how many people left purely on that point, especially the athiest and pagan crowd, and it really was a shock to the system after having a show that explicitly said over and over that angels and miracles didn't happen. Sure, angels turned out to be dicks too, but we didn't know that at the time. :)

I shall definitely follow because you're awesome and I had no idea you had a tumblr! Just as soon as tumblr stops being down. *pokes it*


rae1013 April 6 2011, 01:31:23 UTC
Oh you forgot the endless rivers of emo tears that used to be singular and profound as well as the gruff, grunty voices of the eternally constipated Winchesters ( ... )


bigmamag April 6 2011, 01:43:20 UTC
See, you were there before even I was! I consider those 11 and 12 spots. THE BATMAN VOICES. I forgot who said it, but I laughed to tears when an episode review of a late S5 episode in which Sam, Dean, and Castiel all talk strategy together sounded like they were growling at each other. ACCURATE ( ... )


rae1013 April 6 2011, 02:08:32 UTC
I find it completely unforgivable that I watch for Cas now when I used to be a hardcore Dean-girl! And how I reminisce about the days when I could complain about Sam being a whiner. He hasn't raised his voice high enough to whine in three years ( ... )


bigmamag April 6 2011, 16:20:11 UTC

... )


earlofcardigans April 6 2011, 01:43:46 UTC
You know I didn't even know they did half these things. I'm glad now that I stopped watching. One of the last things that made me so angry was Bobby making a deal. After all the lecturing and handholding and he goes and does that because now he can't walk?


And I like your comparison of Sam and Dean's changes to that of alcoholics.


bigmamag April 6 2011, 01:49:09 UTC
Well technically he made the deal so Crowley can do something or other (I don't know, I forget the details but it was for the end of the world or something), but you're right in that the 'able to walk' part thrown in was cheap and oh yeah, four episodes into season six, Bobby easily gets his soul back by the invented magic that if you burn the original bones of the demon, they die, so they threaten Crowley's bones and yay, soul. And I didn't even get to see Dean's reaction on the plane trip to Scotland, what a load. Bobby just sold his soul way too easy, in my opinion. It should have been a big story arc to get him to that point.

I still don't know why I watch. Some vague hope that they will end it soon or that I'll finally get the show I've been missing? Truthfully, it hasn't been that bad since Sam got his soul back, but it hasn't been all that good either.


earlofcardigans April 6 2011, 02:01:39 UTC
There should never be anything and 'thrown in' when it comes to Bobby. He's not a ditchable prom date, dammit.

I honestly don't know what episode I stopped watching. I saw Jo and Ellen die and I saw when they turned old...I don't even know what season that was.

I remember being very disinterested in season three even with the entire Bela storyline.

The whole thing saddens me really. It was my favorite show and it was beautiful and Faith and Born Under a Bad Sign will always be two of my favorite episodes of television.


bigmamag April 6 2011, 16:29:34 UTC
Oh god, I'm watching BUABS tonight because they show reruns on some channel in the morning and I dvr'd them. Though, I have the DVDs, but it's so much cooler watching them on tv, IDEK.

That was season five you were watching, impressive. :P I do recommend the fourth episode from season six "Weekend at Bobby's", simply because it's an entire episode about Bobby and it shows what he does when he's not around Sam and Dean, and I absolutely love looking at his 'every day' life. :D


overstreets April 6 2011, 01:45:24 UTC
I agree with a lot of these, especially all the stuff concerning Sam's powers and Sam's character in general. I'm not a fan of the road they took with him. He's my favorite and I feel like they fucked him over in a lot of ways. I still watch and enjoy the show, ngl, but I also still wish SPN would have stayed how it was during the first two seasons. That's why right now I'm enjoying the anime more than the regular show, hehe.


bigmamag April 6 2011, 01:53:08 UTC
You know, I haven't watched the anime. I think I'm waiting for the summer when all my shows are in hiatus and I'm itching for new stuff.

Oh man, poor Sam. I do admit that I've always been a Dean girl, but man, around the middle of season three, I fell so hard for Sam, namely because of Mystery Spot. My god, was that episode perfection. But then they took the new love I had for him and squashed it flat and that's just sad. I can't even imagine being a Sam girl and having to deal with all this crap. Probably how I felt toward the end of season 5 and Dean all thinking about giving up.


bostongirl2003 April 6 2011, 02:21:43 UTC
I couldn't agree more about how the show just completely went to shit with the angels/Heaven arc. Didn't Kripke or some higher up say after the priest-with-visions ep that they were NOT going to touch organized religion?

I love Misha, but the only time I watch now is for stunt episodes (the Meta, boys trapped in tv, etc).


bigmamag April 6 2011, 16:31:54 UTC
I definitely recall that being said. I thought Faith was extremely religious, and here a few seasons later that's all there is.

Stunt episodes are usually crap to me. IDK, maybe it's because I feel like they're trying to hard to be witty and pandering to fandom. I watch everything and then tell my sister what NOT to watch. She's the lucky one. :/


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