Fanart findings and a pairing curiosity

Aug 30, 2009 17:03

Hai there, I feel pretty good today. Watched a couple of episodes of Psych with my sister, ate cookies, and figured out two separate computer issues with my dad and sister's computers. I'm the resident IT person, apparently.

I went on an art binge because I haven't really looked for Star Trek art, and so I decided to share a few of my favorite ( Read more... )

boldly slashing where i've never slashed, dork, space husbands, lend me your rears, yeah i'm a trekkie whut, art

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Comments 15

candesgirl August 31 2009, 00:02:47 UTC
Holy hell, I am blown the fuck away by that piece that has them in their dress uniforms, Kirk specifically there is gorgeous, it's like looking at a picture of Shatner. And that reboot black and white art is epic. Thanks for posting these.

As for Jim/Bones...I have to say, my OTP is K/S, more so in TOS than the new, but I see the potential in the reboot and the echo of TOS is there for me, so I can't help but ship them. And ZQ and Fine have amazing chemistry, and they do all that eyefucking and what not, yeah, I love K/S however I can get them.

I don't see Jim/Bones at all in TOS but I definitely do in the reboot, and I am okay with that, I find I really enjoy the pairing, but on a different level. I like the bffls becoming lovers angle well enough, and Urban and Fine's characters have such a different story than Kelley and Shatner's counterparts did, you know?

I wrote a PWP featuring Jim/Bones getting it on in some dusty old bathroom, that's about as far as I take the pairing. I really would rec inell's fics though, she does the ( ... )


bigmamag August 31 2009, 22:58:50 UTC
You make a really good point about Jim/Bones and them having a different story. I mean, I pretty much assume that they all met for the first time onboard the Enterprise, so there's no pre-history to what we see in the series, unlike this one, where there's three years in which we know little except that they become BFFs and Spock is the outsider douchebag. Here's hoping the next movie kick's ass with more K/S. \o

I read some fic, and it's kind of sad but predictable that I don't like Jim/Bones. Oh well, though I might try something different. :)


euraylie August 31 2009, 02:52:06 UTC
Ooh all the art is gorgeous and so hot, especially the first one. And yeah while I can see Bones/Kirk (Karl Urban was fantastic), I like you prefer my slash with a sprinkling of antagonism. I mean common on! The sorta!hate sex between New K/S would be awesome.


bigmamag August 31 2009, 22:59:48 UTC
Hate!sex FTW. I totally get what you're saying. Hell, I see McCoy as more of a parenting figure for Jim, and I don't go for the 'who's your daddy?' thing. :P


lettered August 31 2009, 06:38:07 UTC
Oh! I love that first one!

I've been wondering about the Kirk/Bones thing too.

I think one thing is the best friends thing. Kirk and Spock were bff in TOS, and people like that and ship them; it's Kirk and Bones who are bff in Reboot, people like that and ship that.

But there's also the fact that Spock has Uhura.

There's also the fact that it's a lot more work to get Spock into bed than Bones, and a lot of the Kirk/Bones has a lot of porn. That's not to say that all there is to it, but I do think that's part of it in some fics.

Also, there's Karl Urban. Who's yes, very hot--to which I flail and say yes, but *all* of them are! And I thought maybe it was just he was more people's "type". But then I started thinking about . . . Shatner, Nimoy, Kelly, Pine, and Quinto if you ask me, none are the "macho" type. I'm not saying they're girly or effeminate, but . . . they're not gruff (Kelly's character is. And the man is craggy! But in physique he's more of an elf than Nimoy, who got the pointy ears) or lumberjacks (even if ( ... )


bigmamag August 31 2009, 23:10:09 UTC
Now THIS is an lj comment! *loves this kind of thing* I think you make several interesting points, and although I have distantly read about slash in regard to what attracts people (i.e. girls like slash because girls like boys, generally), I really think there's something to attraction. I'm not attracted to Urban, except in a kind of distant, 'oh yeah, he's handsome' way, but I'm INSANELY ATTRACTED to Quinto and Pine. Same with Shatner and Nimoy and Kelley ( ... )


lettered September 1 2009, 02:29:15 UTC
Actually, I don't know if I'm attracted to any of those people. Unless I count Shatner's ass as a whole 'nother person.

Spock/Uhura doesn't work and here's why, and it's for the romcom reason you mention

Um. Well, the romcom in the movie (imo) is Kirk/Spock. The meeting of Kirk and Spock, how they get along, and how they resolve is extremely romcom-ish. As is the meeting of Kirk and Uhura and how they get along (the gotcha in that plot there is Uhura doesn't fall for the charming rogue, but rather the smart stuck up guy [her parents want her to marry, if this was romcom]). To me Spock/Uhura in Reboot isn't romcom-y at all. It's quiet and understated and ...just is, without all the big romcom build up brouhaha. But that's just me.

I don't think it's wanky that some K/S fans are big fans of the soul mate/epic destiny thing.It was wanky since I was implying (or meant to, anyway) that the soul mate/epic destiny tends to be trite and over-simplified, and even wankier, that fans of soul-mate/epic destiny do nothing to subvert that ( ... )


lettered September 1 2009, 02:55:34 UTC
Spock/Uhura doesn't work and here's why, and it's for the romcom reason

...Forgive me, upon further analysis, it occurred to me you could be saying Spock/Uhura doesn't work because it's not structured like romcom; we don't get to see how it all began yadda yadda. In which case ... I'd submit to you that just because the narration gives preference to one set of characters doesn't make the relationship between another set of characters invalid. Personally, although we didn't get told much about the characters, from what I saw of Spock and Uhura, I think they'd get on quite well.


acetamide August 31 2009, 13:25:21 UTC
The one fic I'd most definitely recommend is Switch by ceres_libera. It's a WIP but she updates regularly and it's always worth the wait because it is, in her own words, a SLOW BURN. Even her main OC is wonderful.

I ship Kirk/McCoy because the new film was my first introduction to Star Trek and it's a pairing that just jumps out at you. I mean, McCoy smuggled Kirk aboard the Enterprise and could have easily lost his job for it, but he still did it. Whereas I don't get any vibes from K/S in the film, though I can see why people would.

I've been watching TOS recently though and I'm leaning more to the K/S side - I certainly don't ship Kirk/McCoy, because their relationship just isn't the same.


bigmamag August 31 2009, 23:15:27 UTC
That's so odd, isn't it, that I know no one personally who ships TOS Kirk/McCoy. Totally different portrayals of characters.

I tried reading Kirk/McCoy, and I can now say that it doesn't work for me, even if I do understand better where people are coming from.

The movie was my introduction to Star Trek as well, and I knew not shit about any of Star Trek and still I was like, damn, Kirk and Spock are totally gay. Then after the movie, oh yeah, that's that old school pairing that defined slash, duh! *headdesk* At least I'm predictable, lol. An earlier commenter mentioned attraction, and though it's shallow and I shame myself, I think another factor may be that I'm not attracted to Urban, though I can console myself because I ship a few other pairings where I wasn't attracted to one or they only become attractive when I saw the gay light. If I was a psychologist, I'd totally investigate fandom and why some people ship the way they do, because it's damn well fascinating, yo.


l_vera01 August 31 2009, 17:56:52 UTC
bigmamag August 31 2009, 23:16:56 UTC
I have checked out more, HO SHIT. :D I'm usually not into art, but when it's done criminally well, then I turn into a fucking art aficionado.


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