Fanart findings and a pairing curiosity

Aug 30, 2009 17:03

Hai there, I feel pretty good today. Watched a couple of episodes of Psych with my sister, ate cookies, and figured out two separate computer issues with my dad and sister's computers. I'm the resident IT person, apparently.

I went on an art binge because I haven't really looked for Star Trek art, and so I decided to share a few of my favorite Kirk/Spock findings, but please don't ask where I got them because it will be a very general answer at best. I mean but DAMN, look at this!


I mean just LOOK at that lighting and I love the dress uniforms.

Mirror 'verse Valentine's. I believe that this goes to a fic which I haven't saved, but I so remember it. I recall that Spock thought someone was trying to kill him, not that he had a secret admirer. I'll have to try st_ficfinder later.

I'm not a fan of how Kirk is drawn, but I love how Spock is drawn and it's WINTER and Spock's expression, an actual smile. ♥


This, my friends, is fucking ART. They're both brilliant, but the first one is epic. I mean, look at the ghostly figures of dead Vulcans, it just encompasses the sheer misery and all-consuming depth of loss of almost an entire race. The other is also wonderful, how it kind of shows Jim's destiny and when you pair them together, you get despair/hope.

So romantic. I love how they draw these two.

Holy hell, Kirk's blue eye. Just wonderful.

I'm so behind on fangirling, I still haven't finished my top ten favorite slash moments or episodes, I'm stuck on my Big Bang, stuck on a fanvid, and I haven't made a TOS fic rec list yet. FAIL.

On another note, I'm going to ask this because I'm deathly curious as to why it's so popular. Kirk/Bones, reboot. I hear a LOT of people saying that it's their OTP, but most of them ship TOS Kirk/Spock (hard not to, even I have to admit that reboot K/S has its flaws and please, like a TOS K/S meta writer says, a blind person with a cane can see it.) I think my hang up has to do with the fact that I'm not a huge 'best friends turned lovers' kind of person. I used to be, WAY back in the day, like my BSB days, but ever since HP fandom and Harry/Draco, I've always liked my pairings with a bit of antagonism or pairings where they have just met and form an unlikely friendship (the aforementioned H/D, Clark/Lex, Fraser/Kowalski, Arthur/Merlin, Shawn/Lassiter, it's almost scarily predictable which pairing I will go for in a new fandom.) The only pairing that doesn't really fit that mold seems to be TOS K/S, but then I also have a HUGE THING for epic pairings, and when one person dies and the other risks everything and does anything to get them back, even if there's almost no chance it will work, well then, duh I like it.

So with that, I'm nevertheless curious, but haven't tried to read any of this fic because what if I read a few bad ones and ruin any chance of liking the pairing at all? So I turn to you flist. If you read Kirk/Bones or especially if it's your OTP, rec me just one fic. Like, a fic so good that it explains all that you love about the ship, and if someone reads it and doesn't like it, then that means that they're pretty much not going to get the pairing at all (if it helps you think, I love humor to death and my bullet proof kink is fuck-or-die fic.)

boldly slashing where i've never slashed, dork, space husbands, lend me your rears, yeah i'm a trekkie whut, art

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