Fanart findings and a pairing curiosity

Aug 30, 2009 17:03

Hai there, I feel pretty good today. Watched a couple of episodes of Psych with my sister, ate cookies, and figured out two separate computer issues with my dad and sister's computers. I'm the resident IT person, apparently.

I went on an art binge because I haven't really looked for Star Trek art, and so I decided to share a few of my favorite ( Read more... )

boldly slashing where i've never slashed, dork, space husbands, lend me your rears, yeah i'm a trekkie whut, art

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lettered September 1 2009, 02:29:15 UTC
Actually, I don't know if I'm attracted to any of those people. Unless I count Shatner's ass as a whole 'nother person.

Spock/Uhura doesn't work and here's why, and it's for the romcom reason you mention

Um. Well, the romcom in the movie (imo) is Kirk/Spock. The meeting of Kirk and Spock, how they get along, and how they resolve is extremely romcom-ish. As is the meeting of Kirk and Uhura and how they get along (the gotcha in that plot there is Uhura doesn't fall for the charming rogue, but rather the smart stuck up guy [her parents want her to marry, if this was romcom]). To me Spock/Uhura in Reboot isn't romcom-y at all. It's quiet and understated and ...just is, without all the big romcom build up brouhaha. But that's just me.

I don't think it's wanky that some K/S fans are big fans of the soul mate/epic destiny thing.

It was wanky since I was implying (or meant to, anyway) that the soul mate/epic destiny tends to be trite and over-simplified, and even wankier, that fans of soul-mate/epic destiny do nothing to subvert that tendency. There are ways to involve soul mates and destiny which are not trite, obviously. However, I find that if someone actually brings into the story the idea that there is some empirical force dictating X and Y be together, and if it is also true that the author wants X and Y to be together, then we will probably not be treated to a story about the complications the concept of destiny invites, but rather a story about how swell it is destiny ships X/Y.


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