QAF Fic: "The Twelve Years of Christmas" 3/12

Dec 06, 2004 19:58

This one's for juliedarling, who found out the plot and very enthusiastically encouraged me to write it. Love ya! (And burnitbackwards, your wish is my command.)

Previous parts found here. As always, feedback is greatly appreciated. You guys are most awesome. :)

The night was brisk and Justin shivered as he hurried down the street to Debbie’s house. The bags of presents he carried strained his arms, and he once again regretted turning down Brian’s offer of a new car. Sometimes convenience should really win out over pride.

Hunter stood on the front porch, a cigarette dangling from his fingers.

Justin smiled. “Hey.”

“Hey. Merry Christmas.”

“You, too,” Justin said as he put his presents down with a thud. “Got another one of those?”

“Sure.” Hunter pulled a pack from his pocket and offered it to Justin with a lighter. “Just hope that you’ll be spared the lecture on how your poor pink lungs are blackening as we speak.”

Justin laughed. “Debbie was never one for subtlety. Although, it’s true, you know. I don’t smoke very much, but I really should quit.”

“Well, between her and Ben, I’m about ready to quit just to shut them up.”

Justin laughed. “I can only imagine. So, how’s U of P?”

“Fucking awesome,” Hunter said, grinning. “The chicks are hot and the parties are cool. And the classes actually aren’t bad.”

“Glad to hear it. You know, I didn’t go to too many parties at school.”

“Why would you when you’ve got Brian at home?”

“Exactly. Besides, the parties I went to were unbearably pretentious.”

“All those berets and people dressed in black in one place.”

“You got it. Hey, what’s your major going to be?”

“Fucked if I know. I guess I like history and English so far the best. And sociology’s pretty cool. How’s grad school? You’ll be done in the spring, right?”

Justin took a drag. “Yep, I’ll officially be joining the ranks of over-educated artists who can’t get a job.”

“You and Michael do pretty fucking well with Rage.” Hunter butted his cigarette out.

“I know, I shouldn’t complain. So, is everyone inside?”

Hunter nodded. “The gang’s all here.”

“I can’t believe it’s Christmas Eve already. I barely got my shopping done.”

Hunter was quiet for a moment and then said, “It’s weird.”

“What, Christmas?”

“No. Well, yeah. It’s just…when I met Ben and Michael that night, I never would have thought in a million years I’d end up here. Once in a while it just hits me, I guess.”

Justin thought of streetlights bright in the night and the arch of Brian’s eyebrow. The cool glass of the shower beneath his cheek; ghostly blue light reflecting on skin. He smiled softly. “Yeah, I know what you mean.”

Hunter looked through the window and Justin could see everyone gathered together in the living room, the low murmur of their laughter wafting out. Gus and Brian sat on the carpet and played with some Superman action figures. Justin smiled. He knew Brian wouldn’t be able to resist giving Gus one present tonight.

He put his cigarette out and picked up his load of parcels. “Come on, let’s eat, drink and be merry.”

Inside, Debbie squeezed him so tight that he thought there might be internal damage, and then his mother followed suit. Brian smirked until Justin told Debbie that Brian looked like he needed another hug.


“I can’t believe Babylon is open on Christmas Day!” Justin shouted to Brian as they moved through the writhing crowd.

Brian glanced at his watch. “Actually, it’s past midnight, so it’s the 26th.”

“Oh, whatever. You know what I mean.”

They reached the bar and placed their order, and Justin looked around at the crowd. Except for the decorations, it was pretty much the same old, same old. He’d have been happy to just go home and collapse into bed after all the food they’d eaten, but Brian had talked him into coming out.

They sipped their Chivas and watched the crowd for a while. Then Brian grabbed Justin’s hand and said, “Come on, let’s burn off some of that turkey.”

Justin shook his head. “No way, I’m too tired. I'm not up for dancing. Can't we go soon?”

“Well, if you didn’t want to come, why are you here?”

“Because you wanted to come. Sometimes in a relationship, we do things for the other person that we wouldn’t normally do.” Justin was speaking like he would to a five-year-old, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself.

Brian’s jaw clenched and he dropped Justin’s hand. “After almost 36 straight hours of being with everyone and stuffing our faces, I just wanted to come out and dance for a fucking hour.”

Justin sighed. “I know. I’m sorry.” He rubbed his face. “I’m just tired.”

“Yeah, well, if you want to leave, you know where the door is.” Brian gulped back the rest of his drink and slammed the glass on the bar. “And there’s no lock on it.”

Justin’s eyes narrowed. “Fuck you, Brian.” He turned on his heel and stalked away, promptly bumping into a tweaked-out twinkie with big pupils and a nervous smile.

“Hey, you wanna dance?” the kid asked.

Justin was about to brush him off, but with a glance over his shoulder at Brian, he said, “Sure, why not?” They danced for a few songs, Justin batting the twink’s hands away every so often. He quickly lost sight of Brian in the crowd.

Fucking Brian.

He’d been secure in their relationship for a long time, but it was amazing how a few little words he hadn't heard in forever could still make Justin feel like shit. To top it off, he had to admit that dancing felt pretty good after being cooped up inside all day, and guilt and anger burned uncomfortably in his gut.

Finally, he couldn’t take it and went looking for him, leaving the disappointed twink with a quick wave. He took a quick look around the dance floor, then headed into the backroom. Brian didn’t go there very much anymore, and truth be told, Brian didn’t even come to Babylon very often. But all bets were probably off now.

To Justin’s surprise, he was nowhere to be found. He scanned the sweaty bodies and hidden faces and turned to go. He squeaked in surprise when he walked right into Brian coming in.

“Hey,” Justin said.

“Hey.” They stared at each other for a few moments.

“So, you wanna dance?” Justin asked, a rueful smile playing at his lips.

“Yeah.” Brian pulled Justin tight against him and forced Justin’s mouth open with his tongue. Their arms moved around each other and Justin relaxed against Brian, savouring his familiar taste, his scent, the feel of his muscles pressed close.

Brian didn’t stop kissing him as he shoved Justin against the nearest wall. He ground his hips down and Justin moaned, his hands moving down to grab Brian’s ass, pulling him even closer.

Brian’s hands roamed under Justin’s shirt, his fingers pinching his nipples roughly. They both panted and after a few minutes, Justin pushed Brian away so he could turn around and face the wall. But Brian grabbed his shoulder and turned him back, his tongue diving into Justin’s mouth once more.

Justin finally broke away to gulp in some air and he bit at Brian’s neck. “Come on, fuck me.” He tried to turn around again, but Brian’s leg between his kept him pinned to the wall.

Brian kissed him, then trailed his tongue down Justin’s neck as he sank to his knees. Justin looked down at him breathlessly, his brow furrowed. He couldn’t really be…could he?

As Brian undid the buckle on Justin’s belt, the molecules of air in the room shifted, and Justin could feel all eyes on them, could hear the whispers that ricocheted off the dark walls. Then Brian’s mouth was on his cock, and Justin didn’t think about anything else.

He gasped as Brian ran his tongue up the underside of his shaft, and his fingers slid on the wall behind him. Brian swallowed him into his mouth and as he sucked, Justin looked down and watched his head moving up and down on his cock. Brian looked up at him and licked across the leaking tip of Justin’s cock as he rolled Justin’s balls between his fingers.

Justin took a shuddering breath and closed his eyes. He was going to come far too soon if he kept on watching Brian’s pink tongue darting out between his lips. If he kept on watching Brian on his knees.


On his knees.

At Babylon.

He swallowed Justin whole again, and Justin arched his hips up, his fingers tangling in Brian’s hair. He muttered Brian’s name over and over again and couldn’t resist looking down again. Brian sucked and licked and grasped Justin’s hips to get better leverage. Justin thrust deep into his throat and soon he was coming hard, hard, hard. Brian swallowed it all and milked him until Justin thought his legs were going to collapse out from under him.

Brian stood up and kissed him deeply as he pulled up Justin’s pants. When he pulled away, they looked at each other for a long moment. Justin practically purred and said, “Fuck me.” They kissed again, tongues stroking and probing.

“You bet your tight little ass I’m going to fuck you.” Brian slid his finger into Justin’s mouth, and he sucked it eagerly. Brian kissed him again and his hand slid down the back of Justin's pants, his finger slipping into his hole.

“Do it,” Justin panted. He thought about the fact that Brian had just sucked him off in the backroom of Babylon and he started getting hard again.

“Not here.” Brian took a step back and pulled Justin with him.

Justin grinned and as they left, he could feel the stares following them out. When they got to the car, Justin stopped and kissed Brian softly. “I love you.”

Brian smiled. “You say that to all the boys who give you killer blowjobs.”

Justin shook his head. “Just you.” He kissed him again and his fingers grazed Brian's cheek. “Just you.”

As snow started floating down, Brian pulled him close and said, “Yeah.”

“Now get me home and fuck me senseless.”

When they stumbled into the loft, they were flushed and laughing. Justin kicked his shoes off and started to drag Brian towards the bedroom, but Brian stopped suddenly. “What?” Justin asked. Brian brushed their lips together and pulled away gently. He kept Justin’s gaze as he moved backwards.

With a flick of his wrist, he locked the door.

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