(no subject)

Dec 06, 2004 14:30

Urg. As I was walking to work in our first snowfall of the year, I noticed my vision was funny and that there was a blur in my eye. This, unfortunately, is the migraine early warning system and by the time I got to work, I knew I'd have to turn around and come home. Some people appear to be able to still function with a migraine, but I am strictly a dark room/fetal position/whimpering person. The pain is just so intense. Like brain freeze in my forehead cranked up to 11 and constant. ::shudder::

Anyway, I'm up now, and feeling much better. And yay! I got prezzies! Just what I needed today!

Both joesther and juliedarling sent me stuff. How lucky am I? So very lucky! Jo, thanks so much for the DVDs, I appreciate it so much! Yay! And Julie, my fangirl geekiness now is indeed complete with my Brian Kinney shell bracelet. Hee! And a B/J Shippy tape!!! 9 hours of B/J goodness, without anyone else getting in the way! Thank you so much, babe. Believe me, I'm glad I introduced you to Teh Love, too! *g*

You know, it really is amazing how many fabulous people I've met in various fandoms over the last 4 or so years. Starting at TWoP (before they became such assholes), and then migrating over to LJ, I've met some really kind, generous, funny and smart people. Love you all!
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