
Dec 08, 2004 21:24

I was over at Zap2it the other day, and TV Gal was gushing on and on about how great Sawyer is, and how we all can’t wait to find out more about him. Uh, speak for yourself, sister.

I’m mostly ambivalent about Sawyer, and don’t find him fascinating in the least. His crashback (tm adjrun) story was my least fave so far. The whole con artist thing? It’s just so…banal. Ohhhhh, he became what he hated the most! Uh, yeah, and that involved a lot of choice on his part. Sure, he had a rough childhood, but suck it up. I’m reminded of the time on ER when the drunk driver who just cut that woman in half was trying to get sympathy from Dr. Pratt by saying that he was from Cabrini Green and boo hoo, his life was so hard. Then Pratt tells him to STFU because he grew up in the same place, and we all choose how we want to live our lives.

Sawyer was just so Smirky McSmirkerson about the inhalers. There was a real possibility that Shannon could have died, and if he’d just cut the shit for a minute and told them that he seriously didn’t have them, I think they would have believed him and not wasted so much time when they could have been focusing their efforts elsewhere. And hey, maybe they wouldn’t have believed him and would have tortured him anyway. But the point is that he didn’t try. Not saying the torture was the right thing to do (that’s a whole other issue), but Sawyer made his choices again.

I’m not writing him off, and clearly he’s showing signs of not being such a schmuck, but I am most certainly not feeling the love.

Also? As my OTP queenofthorns has pointed out, he has really weird, slopey shoulders. Very unfortunate.


Squeeeee!! So good! Christ on a cracker, JJ totally had me thinking Charlie was dead! At first I was like, I wasn’t born yesterday, he’ll be fine. But then the sad music of tragic death started playing, and Jack wouldn’t give up and Kate started bawling and I feel for it hook, line and sinker. Well played, JJ. Well played. Also well played by Matthew Fox and Evangeline Lilly. I like them both a lot.

Ethan the creepya (and angry!) Canadian is a great villain, and I’m really enjoying how they are still amping up the tension without resorting to the Mysterious Island Creature wandering over every episode. Bravo!

Man, Jack’s dad was such an asswipe. So manipulative and sleazy. I continue to like Jack a lot, even when he’s being a bit of a dick. He’s not perfect, but his intentions always seem to be good. He tries to do his best, and although he screws up sometimes, he’s a good egg. It took balls to stand up and tell the truth about his dad. Also, I just love MF.

And OMG, what is that metal thing???? I love this show. Love!
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