He did the monster mash! [party thread]

Oct 29, 2010 16:24

[OOC: I know there have been a lot of posts lately, but this one can be tagged from now until whenever. I just wanted to get it up this weekend. It technically happens Sunday evening. There has been advertisements up in the journal and around the Kashtta. Non-Kashtta residents can come too! Costume is not required though remember, you can feel free ( Read more... )

community building event, lena austen, rachel dawes, captain jack harkness, matoi tsunetsuki, gwen cooper, dmitri lang, sunshine destiny willow albright-higgins, ran connolly, conway rankin, flauros, iris fortner, owen harper, parker, mizuno ami/sailor mercury, kaden minoru fuchizaki, babel, ianto jones, phoebe donovan, lucky spencer, kenzie douglas, keilidh sixgriffe, csp-04, mio hongo

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Comments 606

doyoulikecake October 30 2010, 07:20:31 UTC
Kaden's Halloween costume is not actually his fault. Once it became clear that Lily wasn't going to be out of the hospital in time for Halloween, he had to come up with a completely different costume that didn't rely on her half to make it complete. And he wound up polling one of his discussion classes -- the one he's been increasingly casual with, not the class that gets his strictly-business persona -- for costume ideas, promising he'd do whatever they agreed on provided they all aced the next test.

He didn't expect all of them to actually conspire against him and get A's on the thing. At least it showed that they learned the material and could apply it given the right motivation ( ... )


sophicsulphur October 30 2010, 07:40:38 UTC
As Iris is currently dressed as Sora, clearly, the only logical thing for her to do is go over to him. And, possibly, demand a sword-on-Keyblade faceoff ( ... )


doyoulikecake October 30 2010, 08:04:12 UTC
Kaden turns at the sound of Iris's voice, smiling. He was kind of hoping she'd be here, given that she's the only one he definitely knows in the Kashtta and all. He grins down (though not that far down, considering his own tiny) at her, reaching over and ruffling her hair. And with the contact, the Calling zeroes in, thrums through his fingertips and he quickly takes his hand away, lest he give in to the urge to tighten his grip, interrogate her about her relationship with Molly. Maybe under duress -- definitely under duress ( ... )


sophicsulphur October 30 2010, 08:20:50 UTC
She giggles again, as he scruffs his fingers through her hair. It's one of those gestures that might make some people feel belittled, but for all she considers she's perfectly mature, Iris doesn't mind this sort of big-brotherly fondness. Or big-sisterly fondness, when it comes from a girl. In fact, she really likes it rather a lot. It's the kind of thing that makes her feel cared for ( ... )


very_bad_advice October 30 2010, 09:49:43 UTC
Flauros has always enjoyed Halloween. Lesser demons rising from Hell to cause all sorts of mischief, children wandering about seeking candy, and adults holding parties. Oh, and let's not forget that they're all dressed up today. Flauros is no exception; even if he didn't choose his costume. He honestly can't decide if he's more disgusted, or amused by the fact that he woke up as one of the many forms of Azrael, the angel of death ( ... )


suchasound October 30 2010, 17:38:06 UTC
Jane does not see the point in dressing up as someone else when she has no desire to pretend to be anyone else for even an hour. However, she did want to attend the party to mingle, to meet new people. She did not expect or realize that when she showed up her outfit would be replaced by a costume.

It's Xena Warrior Princess, and it is frighteningly accurate. The sword is real. The chakrams are real. What annoyance she could have felt at having been forced into a costume is gone at the thought that she could possibly take these weapons home and use them at her leisure in the future.

Of course, she isn't uncomfortable in the costume despite how revealing it is. If any male annoys her enough, she will remember their name and use the chakram on them at a later date.

Jane picks up a cup of the strange colored punch and looks sideways at him. Wanderer. "Nice costume," she says. "I would wager a guess from the book and the dark robe. ...Azrael? The wings look incredibly real."


very_bad_advice October 31 2010, 03:41:32 UTC
Flauros had noticed the woman walk in to the room. He's not the biggest fan of Xena, but he has to admit to himself that this woman does look good. He won't allow himself to become too attracted though for whatever reason.

"Thank you," he answers back. "I've always had a fascination with him," it's true, but possibly not for the reasons she's thinking.

He chuckles when she mentions the wings. "Thanks, had them custom made. Cost a pretty penny, but I believe it's worth it," and okay that part is a lie, but he sounds as sincere as possible.

"What brings you to this party?" he asks before grabbing a cup of punch.


suchasound November 1 2010, 23:20:01 UTC
[Sorry for the delay! ;_; Super busy weekend.]

Jane wouldn't recognize the costume for what it was if she hadn't seen an episode or two. She likes a strong woman, but thinks the costume took away from the power that the woman could hold and made her more of an object of male desire as every other woman is made to be. Ahem.

"Odd thing to have a fascination with," she comments offhandedly, which is also true. She doesn't think anything of the fact that he has a fascination with him, but it isn't everyday that someone admits to having a fascination about that. The angel of death. "What makes him so fascinating to you?"

She takes a sip and smiles. "If you're going to look authentic and you have the money to do it, you might as well go all out."

"To meet someone new. I tell myself I need to be more sociable." She stretches her hand out to him. "Jane."


ladys_free October 30 2010, 19:07:08 UTC
Nodate is dressed in what some might consider an absurd outfit: shiny jacket, shiny pants, a black buttoned-down shit (unbuttoned at the top) and a pair of broad sunglasses. While he normally needs no better excuse than the presence of attractive women to wear this outfit, he has taken advantage of the atmosphere to make himself extra impressive. It seems he still has to do this since his powers don't work on the women, anyway.

He is presently staring at the refreshments, disappoint at the lack of...spike. He has to do something about this and quick!

--after he's talked to one or ten women.


trappedbyhate November 1 2010, 03:54:26 UTC
Mio flounces over to Nodate. Thanks to losing a bet with Ianto, she's wearing a fairly ridiculous Lolita-style Alice in Wonderland outfit, but Mio's making the most of it anyway. It's an exercise in building a character and staying in it, that's all.

"You know, you're really overdoing it," Mio says critically. She pitches her voice slightly higher than normal and deliberately affects a cutesy tone. "It really would have been better without the jacket, I think. And those sunglasses make you look like a skeeze. ...Unless that's what you're trying to dress up as, which in that case, good job. Although, I'd really have to question your judgement in that case."


ladys_free November 5 2010, 18:40:35 UTC
“That's the spirit of the party,” he says calmly, with a wink, as if he's wearing one of his impressive business suits-or better yet, as if he has no shame (he doesn't). He gives Mio's costume an appreciative look and smiles, knowingly. “You're following it, too.”

But he isn't. He didn't have an excuse when he last wore an outfit like this. He felt like he could, and so he did. And it worked! It almost always worked. The problem is women in this dimension are impossibly hard to get.


trappedbyhate November 6 2010, 00:09:54 UTC
"Well, yeah," Mio says. "Except Lolita is fashionable," she says in a pretentious tone of voice. "That's not." Mio waves a disdainful hand towards Nodate's outfit.


ripsouthearts October 30 2010, 21:28:17 UTC
Ran is not happy to be here. He hates parties. Alright, he hates socializing in general. This has never changed and never will change. Unfortunately for Ran, Molly isn't a complete misanthrope. She's going out, and therefore he has to go out also. According to Molly it's Halloween, which is why Ran is wearing a costume. Not just any costume.

A cow costume. It basically amounts to footie jammies, with black cow spots on a white background. He doesn't have to suffer udders, but he's wearing floppy cow ears on his head and mittens on his hands. There's a giant bell around his neck that makes noise when he walks, and he can feel his tail dragging behind him. It takes a lot to make Ran want to hide in a corner, but this was doing it. He's only eighteen but right now he looks twelve and completely uncomfortable.


ilikeyourcake October 31 2010, 19:02:14 UTC
Molly is so high. Molly is all of the high. Which is why she isn't paying a lot of attention to her guardian. There are so many people here. This, she imagines, is a lot what sex is like. Or something like that. This is perfect. Her Calling -- this is what she needs. This fixes her on a fundamental level, listening to everything, seeing how it all connects.

But then she finds herself back with the other half of her costume. The silly half. She is the sexy half, see.

"You could like, at least try to look like you don't want to go die in the corner or something," she says, but then is distracted by something shiny going on somewhere else.


ripsouthearts October 31 2010, 19:19:51 UTC
"But I do want to go die in a corner," he points out, arms still crossed over his chest. It stops the bell from making too much noise. He wishes he could rip it off, but the bell was always part of the package. The rest of it was negotiable, but he chose the footie jammies over a pair of briefs and the ears alone.

Wouldn't you?

"You look cute," he says, trying to compliment her. He's hoping if he's nice she'll end his humiliation earlier. If he were interested in picking up girls he certainly wouldn't be able to do it in this outfit.


ilikeyourcake October 31 2010, 19:37:25 UTC
"And you totally look like you think that if you compliment me that I'll totally let you off the hook earlier, but you'd think that you would have seriously noticed --" Molly freezes, staring off at a throng of people. Right. Talking to Ran. Not dissecting exactly what is going on over there even though she has to -- "noticed like, oh my gawd, I like, don't even know what I'm talking about and stuff, do you like, want a drink or something?"

Which is nicer than she could be, considering. Then again, she might also put something in the drink, only to make things more interesting in the long run.

Really, though, she wants to go over to the punch bowl so she can get a better look at all that.


AIN'T NO PARTY LIKE A MARIO PARTY justaplumber October 30 2010, 21:43:56 UTC
...considering what others have been saddled with, Mario could've been forced into a much worse costume than a doctor's. Still, he finds the joke humorless-not that he'll show this to everyone else who have gathered here.

But he hasn't made much of an effort to socialize, either. He needs to talk himself into it first, and that involves no small amount of suppressing the seemingly insurmountable bad feelings he has now and has been having ever since he wound up in Chicago.

(He finds himself, for the first time in years, wishing for something stronger than fruit punch.)


thehighestwing November 4 2010, 23:52:06 UTC
Phoebe would probably spike the fruit punch if she was feeling reckless, but she's trying to behave tonight. She's flitting around, introducing herself to new people, reacquainting herself with old friends, and crossing her fingers so that nothing bad happens.

It's Chicago. And it's Halloween. It's not like it's an irrational concern.

Phoebe strides up to Mario and grins.

"You having a good time there?"


justaplumber November 5 2010, 19:29:26 UTC
If he might've been frowning before, ever so slightly, he's smiling, now. “Yeah!” he says cheerfully, convincing enough to make the unobservant forget he'd been bored before. “Halloween. Always a good time.”

He gives the room a scan with that same pleasant smile plastered on his face. The sight doesn't make him nearly as happy as he looks: it just reminds him he's far away from where he's supposed to be, and no place where he wants to be.


thehighestwing November 6 2010, 02:01:46 UTC
"Awesome! I want to make sure everyone's having a good time. You'd think people would agree with us but some folks are kind of tentative about the whole thing. Superstition and whatnot. Me? I love being able to dress up like someone else for a change."

She takes off the eye patch and lifts up the hook to show him.

"Now, do I not look like a kick-ass pirate or what?"


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