See I was on the verge of breaking down. Sometimes silence can seem so loud

Aug 19, 2010 01:32

[OOC: Over a year ago, I made a post with all 14 of my characters that almost reached 925 comments. I only have 8 characters now, but lets see how far that goes. :D Feel free to tag in. Multiple times with one character or with multiple chars. It's open for forever. And I know there have been a lot of posts lately but I haven't made one in over a ( Read more... )

meggie, spencer reid, xander harris, martha jones, millie, lilly rush, rachel dawes, captain jack harkness, harry potter, wes gannon, danny smalls, elizabeth jules, leonard mccoy, cassie riddle, iris fortner, owen harper, anne hamilton, robin rice, jonathan stens, jane, david hansen, just rafe

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Comments 486

hey_capn_jack August 19 2010, 13:23:45 UTC
The tall, rather military man stalking you from the hallway is not actually your guardian angel, Martha. Not that he's not going to act as though he is, but that can't much be helped.

After a moment the part of his brain that deals with things like what other people expect out of social interaction actually sends a note out to the part of his brain that deals with being aware of what he's doing, and he shakes his head and trots over to her, brushing a hand against her shoulder. "Hey."

Haven't seen you in a while, is what he should say. Or something along those lines. For the most part, though, he's still a bit miffed at the world which decided to swallow him up and spit him out without anyone - himself included - even noticing, and they can just elide that bit, thankyouverymuch.


smithnjones August 19 2010, 16:49:55 UTC
Martha pauses at the feel of the hand against her shoulder. She turns toward him, a little startled to see that it's Jack there behind her. Before she left on her trip and had an incredibly painful conversation with her guardian, she'd been avoiding... everyone. Jack included.

She did what she needed to do, and she remained in her room at night with the door locked, only answering for emergencies. Martha isn't exactly avoiding anyone anymore, but she's in no rush to see people either.

"Hey," Martha says and then raises an eyebrow as she looks critically at him, as if realizing all over again how long it has been since she's spoken to him. "It's been awhile, hasn't it? Recovering from your unexpected absence alright?"


hey_capn_jack August 20 2010, 01:24:45 UTC
"Still convincing myself Chicago hasn't gone to the Judges, Owen hasn't gotten himself arrested, and the Master's not the President of the United States," Jack says. "Other than that, fine. Peachy. Good to be back." He gives her a wrung-out smile. "How about you? Recovering from still being here?"

It doesn't sound like he got the worse end of the stick with his little jaunt outside of conventional existence. Honestly, he's a bit concerned that she'll have found herself another sniper rifle to go after someone in the CLF with, though he can't honestly said he'd blame her. If he was slightly more hubristic, had slightly fewer people to risk in an escalation, he'd be hunting the CLF the way only a Time Agent could, and making examples of them for anyone who might care to follow in their footsteps.

Of course, that would be wrong. That would, as so many others pointed out, reinforce the idea that wanderers were to be feared.

Sometimes, Jack doesn't give a damn.


smithnjones August 20 2010, 05:11:39 UTC
"And you sound so utterly convincing too," Martha says, noting that wrung-out smile of his and wondering why this city hasn't taken enough from him. It has to take weeks too. "I can tell you for certain that none of those things have happened in your absence. There was a tornado, which just happened to tear its way through a supernatural community even as opposed to anywhere else in the city, and then there was the video. The CLF doing the usual ( ... )


thehighestwing August 19 2010, 15:37:06 UTC
Phoebe has seen a lot of weird things throughout her time in Chicago. She's fought her own share of monsters and odd personages falling through the Rift at random.

She has never seen someone wrestle with a mermaid.

It takes Phoebe a few minutes to recognize it's her friend Elizabeth wrestling the mermaid in the fountain.

She's one of those people being covered with water. Clearly, the right thing to do in this case is to throw herself into the fountain too, grabbing a hold of the mermaid's tail as it flaps around heavily.

"Have no fear, Lizzie! Phoebe is here."

That usually means fear, Elizabeth. The narration never knows what can happen when the tiny blonde is left on the loose.


pplrunincircles August 19 2010, 17:28:28 UTC
Yes, the mermaid wrestling comes directly from vodka, Phoebe. It's a strange sight indeed, and it is most definitely vodka induced. The narration should only write posts sober.

But at any rate, there is a mermaid and it is being wrestled! Elizabeth fell into the fountain, and the mermaid decided the water was hers and thankfully is only capable of wrestling. It's slightly stronger than an angel though so it had been winning before Phoebe jumps into the fountain.

"Yay Phoebe! You came to-" GURGLE, water "-sa-a-a-ave me!" is Elizabeth's thoughts about all this, and now her mind must think strategy, except she's being shoved under the water again.

She kicks the pretty mermaid in her pretty, sparkly, green stomach. Screw this wrestling with arms. SHE HAS LEGS AND SHE IS GOING TO USE THEM.

The mermaid, however, has a fin that she has decided she'll use, and it's strong, and it whaps Elizabeth in the face. "YEOWCH." And then she flails. THERE IS HER STRATEGY. "THE FINN! PHOEBE. GET THE FINN ( ... )


thehighestwing August 19 2010, 17:55:24 UTC
This narration disagrees, and believes vodka-induced posts should always be welcomed.

This is not the Ariel kind of mermaid Phoebe would think is adorable. This is a scary mermaid that is hurting her friend Elizabeth! Maybe the mermaid doesn't know what's going on. Maybe she's scared and that's why she's lashing out.

Either way, the only thing to do here is try to restrain the mermaid until they can get the point across that NO ONE HAS TO GET HURT.

"Of course I came! I'm--" Phoebe flails, coughing up water. All the flapping around is ensuring she half-drowns in the fountain.

Phoebe gasps. "You did not just smack--you just smacked my friend. HOES BEFORE FINS. I got it!"

Phoebe jumps in tandem with Elizabeth. They're both going to try and tackle the fin at the same time. The narration only hopes this does not result in their headbutting each other. Or maybe she hopes it does. She's evil.


pplrunincircles August 19 2010, 19:53:21 UTC
It is not a nice mermaid at all. It's mean, and it's strong, and it's kicking Elizabeth's patooty. If this were a fight on land, Elizabeth assures everyone that she would so be the one coming out on top.

"You're what?" There's no time for Phoebe to finish her sentence, because the flapping continues on, and they're both distracted with trying not to drown.

Elizabeth has no idea what hoes before fins is, but if Phoebe is shouting it from the rooftops (fountain... top), she is absolutely sure that she totally agrees, and she'll voice it too. "YEEAAH--"

However, her voice of agreement is cut off when she does indeed collide with phoebe. Her head knocks against Phoebe's with a loud whack, and she says ow, and then the fin that the girls had been trying to grab, flies up in an attempt to hit them both and knock them away.

This is not going well at all.

Why can't they all just get along and sing about wishing they were underwater/on land?

Anywhere but a fountain.


inventandforget August 19 2010, 19:38:05 UTC
Millie, armed with her coffee cart, is watching Elisabeth from a little ways off, giggling quite a bit a the scene. When they slow down a bit, she's got a cup of cocoa waiting for Elisabeth, along with a towl.

At the moment though, she's having too much fun watching.


pplrunincircles August 19 2010, 20:20:16 UTC
It takes Elizabeth awhile to wear down the mermaid. ...this is a sentence that the narration would never think to actually have written. By the time she does, she's exhausted too. Elizabeth crawls out of the fountain and flops on the sidewalk beside it.

The mermaid is letting out a stream of exhausted curses in her direction.

"Geeze, what'd I ever do to you?"

And another string of cursing from the mermaid.

Elizabeth flops back down upon the pavement, staring up at the sky. She has not yet noticed Millie.


inventandforget August 19 2010, 21:44:38 UTC
Millie doens't mind not being noticed, she didn't want to interrupt, even if didn't didn't exactly seem like Elizabeth was having the best time of her life.

So, it's only when the girl is flopped out on the sidewalk that Millie approaches, the cocoa and a towel in her arms.

"Hi there," she says, smiling down at her. "I was watchin' from over there," she gestures to her cart. "And I thought you could maybe use this stuff."


pplrunincircles August 20 2010, 00:29:38 UTC
Elizabeth looks up at her, blinking at the sight of the cup and the towel. It's like magic to her, because she was definitely expecting to air dry... for a long, long time.

"Holy gosh, do you just... carry that with you wherever you go? You're an angel! I mean, you're a literal angel like me, but you're also the kind of angel that like how people use it when they're helped by someone," she says and then after a moment, gets to her feet.

"I could really use both of that stuff," she admits with a sheepish smile, walking slowly away from the fountain and reaching for the towel. She is dripping on the floor as she goes. "Thank you. Thank you so much. You're awesome."

Elizabeth has not quite noticed the shiny over Millie's head. It's too light out, and she lacks perceptive abilities.


inventandforget August 19 2010, 19:41:04 UTC
Millie wanders into the kitchen of the Kashtta, her intent to get some real food into her. She would just go out and buy something but she's in the mood to prepare food right now and her shop isn't as equipped when it comes to actually having food that is not baked.

She sees Robin's set up and raises a brow. "You tryin' to make an army outta those pots, sweetie?"


despite_myrage August 19 2010, 20:29:10 UTC
Robin turns around from the coffee pot that he'd been working on. He does not recognize the voice at all, but it's impossible to not recognize her. It's been a long time since he has been to a First meeting, months before Romana died and she's been dead for over a year.

He is not at all expecting to see one standing in the Kashtta kitchen, even if it's the First that the others were often incredibly frustrated by. She never comes to meetings unless she's forced. At the time, he was as frustrated and annoyed, but now he's... more understanding. It isn't as if he's unfamiliar with denying one's calling. It only ever made sense to him, because his calling is shameful. Being a First is supposed to be a privilege, an honor... There are times that he's really happy he no longer hangs out around Firsts any longer.

Robin clears his throat. "Millie," he says after a moment, "Fancy meeting you... here."


inventandforget August 19 2010, 21:48:33 UTC
She smiles brightly, waving at him. "HI there sweetness, how're you doin'?" She would kiss him on the cheek if he looked like the type to take it. She knew him vaguely, having seen him once or twice at one of the meetings when someone dragged her along but she never really got to talk to him.

"Uhm...An R name, right? Richard? Roland?" She looks down, slightly embarrassed. "Sorry."


despite_myrage August 20 2010, 01:13:10 UTC
Robin doesn't quite smile back, though he doesn't look as filled with hate as he may have been at one time. "I'm... fine," he says after a moment, turning back to the coffee. "How are you?"

Ah, small talk.

He winces when she doesn't know his name, but he isn't surprised. She was always dragged to those meetings, and he couldn't expect her to remember his name when he was hardly an important part of those meetings. He was the one that delivered the coffee.

"Close," he says after a moment. "It's Robin. Robin Rice."


physics_magic August 19 2010, 19:53:06 UTC
Spencer was on his way out when he spots Xander. It takes him a moment to decide what to do but he's approaching, if not a little cautiously.

"Hey," he says, a slight smile on his face. "Do you need some help?" If you think that he's smiling because he's amused, you'd be wrong. He's not entirely certain Xander is in his right mind and, if he's not, he'd rather be careful rather than jumping in head first and getting himself into trouble.

Or, at the very least, not jumping in head first until he can get a diagnosis.


xandtheman3 August 19 2010, 20:35:43 UTC
"I... need clothes," Xander says after a moment, which is his way of saying YES as long as the help is clothes.

For some reason, Xander Harris is able to recognize the Lets move toward the crazy person slowly action, which is apparently what this guy is doing.

And why is it a guy?

Why can't this be like a porno where there's a hot chick waiting here, happy to see him naked, and-- Okay. If there was a woman waiting here, he knows the chances of her then taking him on the floor in ecstasy... are very, very small.


physics_magic August 19 2010, 22:58:55 UTC
"Clothes," he repeats, his posture going a bit more lax. "RIght. Just uhnm....hold on, I"ll get you something."

He darts off and runs into a closet before he runs into his own roonm, so he winds up bringing Xander back a towel instead.

"I iknow it's not clothes," he offers. "But you can uhm...cover up with it until you get some."


xandtheman3 August 20 2010, 03:08:59 UTC
Xander reaches for the clothes like he is a man dying of thirst and Reid is holding water out to him. He pulls the towel over, wrapping it around his waist and tying a knot to keep it in place.

"Thanks," he says and then he clears his throat awkwardly. He moves away from the potted plant, folding his arms over his bare chest. "I-- There was a monster. It eats clothes."

He pauses.

"Only clothes. All of the clothes. It ate all of mine... as I was running away. It's fast. This nakedness wasn't... on purpose."


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