See I was on the verge of breaking down. Sometimes silence can seem so loud

Aug 19, 2010 01:32

[OOC: Over a year ago, I made a post with all 14 of my characters that almost reached 925 comments. I only have 8 characters now, but lets see how far that goes. :D Feel free to tag in. Multiple times with one character or with multiple chars. It's open for forever. And I know there have been a lot of posts lately but I haven't made one in over a ( Read more... )

meggie, spencer reid, xander harris, martha jones, millie, lilly rush, rachel dawes, captain jack harkness, harry potter, wes gannon, danny smalls, elizabeth jules, leonard mccoy, cassie riddle, iris fortner, owen harper, anne hamilton, robin rice, jonathan stens, jane, david hansen, just rafe

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inventandforget August 19 2010, 19:38:05 UTC
Millie, armed with her coffee cart, is watching Elisabeth from a little ways off, giggling quite a bit a the scene. When they slow down a bit, she's got a cup of cocoa waiting for Elisabeth, along with a towl.

At the moment though, she's having too much fun watching.


pplrunincircles August 19 2010, 20:20:16 UTC
It takes Elizabeth awhile to wear down the mermaid. ...this is a sentence that the narration would never think to actually have written. By the time she does, she's exhausted too. Elizabeth crawls out of the fountain and flops on the sidewalk beside it.

The mermaid is letting out a stream of exhausted curses in her direction.

"Geeze, what'd I ever do to you?"

And another string of cursing from the mermaid.

Elizabeth flops back down upon the pavement, staring up at the sky. She has not yet noticed Millie.


inventandforget August 19 2010, 21:44:38 UTC
Millie doens't mind not being noticed, she didn't want to interrupt, even if didn't didn't exactly seem like Elizabeth was having the best time of her life.

So, it's only when the girl is flopped out on the sidewalk that Millie approaches, the cocoa and a towel in her arms.

"Hi there," she says, smiling down at her. "I was watchin' from over there," she gestures to her cart. "And I thought you could maybe use this stuff."


pplrunincircles August 20 2010, 00:29:38 UTC
Elizabeth looks up at her, blinking at the sight of the cup and the towel. It's like magic to her, because she was definitely expecting to air dry... for a long, long time.

"Holy gosh, do you just... carry that with you wherever you go? You're an angel! I mean, you're a literal angel like me, but you're also the kind of angel that like how people use it when they're helped by someone," she says and then after a moment, gets to her feet.

"I could really use both of that stuff," she admits with a sheepish smile, walking slowly away from the fountain and reaching for the towel. She is dripping on the floor as she goes. "Thank you. Thank you so much. You're awesome."

Elizabeth has not quite noticed the shiny over Millie's head. It's too light out, and she lacks perceptive abilities.


inventandforget August 20 2010, 01:11:46 UTC
Millie is just going to be a ball of glee now. She got tto help someone@ And they seem nice! And bouncy! And yes!

"Thank you," she says quite cheerfully. "Er, uhm no, not thank you! I don't gotta thank you! But thank you anyway! You're sweet and you said thank you and not everybody does that. So thank you for sayin' thank you!"

Oh god, this was a match made in...something.

"There's more if you want it! And a cookie too! Do you like cookies?"


pplrunincircles August 20 2010, 04:58:23 UTC
Elizabeth blinks when Millie thanks her and then she smiles wider at the bit of a ramble. She is very much used to rambling herself so it's nice to be on the other end of it for a change.

She takes the towel, wiping it over her body and running it through the curls of her hair with a smile. It's good to be wrapped up in a towel after wrestling exhaustively with a mermaid.

"Thanks for thinking I'm sweet," Elizabeth says with a slow smile. "And I don't know who wouldn't say thank you for a towel and cocoa! Ohmygoodness, you got me cocoa too. You're awesome."

And she's going to plop down on the grass again, because she is exhausted and wet, and she has cocoa which is needed because she's shivering.

"Are there people who don't like cookies? I love cookies," she says, and her smile brightens as she pulls the towel closer over her shoulders. "I even like baking them and stuff, and my roommate says I have really good cookies. They're fun to bake."


inventandforget August 20 2010, 05:17:55 UTC
Someone who's in the grass! No really, right now Millie just wants to hug Elizabeth and never let her go. She loves anyone who's willing to just hang out in the grass and enjoy the sunshine.

"I bet there's someone," she says, getting to her feet. "But I'm willin' to bet I wouldn't wanna be friends with them." She darts off, going to her cart to retrieve the biggest chocolate chip cookie she could find before returning.

"Here," she offers it out with a big, happy smile. "I hope you like it!"

She plops down next to her then, even going so far as to lay down in the grass, her arms out.


pplrunincircles August 20 2010, 07:24:16 UTC
Elizabeth would love to be hugged. She may end up looking toward Millie as a maternal figure as Elizabeth's own mother died at birth, and Elizabeth really likes how Millie is taking care of her without even knowing her.

It's really sweet and nice, and it's things like this that always ignites her love for people and angels and everyone. As much horrible as she sees (and it's so often committed by people), she sees this too. She sees the light and the happiness as well in moments like this.

"Yeah, there probably is someone. I know someone who doesn't like peanut butter, and he's not even allergic," Elizabeth says with a small smile. She doesn't think Josef will mind that she's talking about him since she hasn't indicated that it's him that she's talking about.

Elizabeth stares wide eyed at the huge cookie.

"Holy moly," she says and then she lies out on the grass beside Millie, placing the cookie on her face and smiling against it. "It's almost as big as my head. Wowza!"


inventandforget August 21 2010, 00:57:52 UTC
Millie may not be the best mother figure but she would certainly try to be! She thinks Elizabeth is absolutely wonderful, so she'd definitely try to be everything she could to the girl.

She makes a shocked face as Elizabeth speaks, eyes wide and everything. "You're kidding?" She the bursts into giggles. :"Poor thing, don't know what they're talkin' about, I bet."

She's giggling even more as she watches the other girl, even going so far as to give her a light poke. If she makes the cookie fall into the grass, she'll just get her another one.

"I like 'em big," she explains. "So big that you gotta break it in half if you wanna dunk it in milk. And soft and warm too. That's when they're the best."

....The narration refuses to say anything but all manner of sexual joke should be made here.


pplrunincircles August 21 2010, 03:42:43 UTC
Elizabeth doesn't need the best mother figure. In a lot of ways, she's already quite grown up. In a lot of ways that matter the most. But she would attach herself to an older female figure that seemed to like her, helplessly so.

She shakes her head. "Nope, I'm not kidding at all," she says and then smiles a bit. "He knows almost everything, but he just doesn't get peanut butter."

It's a sad thing indeed, and she make a light noise at the poke, lifting the cookie off her face to turn her head toward Millie and grin.

"I like them all kinds of sizes," Elizabeth says. "As long as they taste good, and I haven't met a cookie yet that doesn't taste good."

If Josef were around, he'd be making all the sexual jokes ever. In fact, he often makes them to things Elizabeth has said, and it goes directly over her head every time.


inventandforget August 24 2010, 23:33:55 UTC
Well, in that case Millie is her girl! She is used to being attached to and she does a fair bit of attaching herself, so y'know...

"Silly<" she announced to the sky above them. That's just silly."

"That's cause there aren't cookies that taste bad," she answers very matter of factly. "At least not any that I've tried." And she's tried a lot of cookies in her time. Sure, she's ran into cookies that she's not been too fond of but she still liked them well enough.

"Hey," Millie says after a moment. "Why were you wrestlin' with her?" It seems like question she should have asked before not but it just struck her that not everyone goes around challenging mermaids to wrestling mermaids.


pplrunincircles August 26 2010, 21:56:04 UTC
Elizabeth smiles and nods her head. "So silly."

She twists to look sideways at her at the answer. "Really? I thought there must be a cookie out there that tasted bad. Like maybe it was made with really weird ingredients, and I guess it's more like an opinionated thing really. Some people think hot dogs taste good."

Elizabeth makes a face that includes use of her tongue and a wrinkled up nose. "But not me. Hot dogs are nasty. I had a nightmare about one once. I think. Scarred me for life."

Unfortunately, she is being all too serious. She cannot look at a hot dog without making a face that describes how much she dislikes it.

She is wringing out the curls of her hair. The water drips down from the strands, and she presses her lips together thoughtfully. "WELL. I kinda fell in the fountain, and I guess she though that it was her territory. So she started after me and at that point, I didn't really have a choice. It was either wrestle or drown! And I chose wrestle!"


inventandforget August 27 2010, 01:08:21 UTC
"I don't normally like 'em," Millie agrees. "But it's fun to cook 'em over a fire! 'Course it's fun to cook lots'a things over a fire." Smores anyone?

She listens and giggles, peering at the fountain for a moment then back to Elizabeth. Watching the way she plays with her hair, Millie is struck with an idea.

Pushing herself upright, she looks down at the other girl, offering out a hand. "C'mon," she urges. "Sit up for a sec."


pplrunincircles August 28 2010, 00:19:58 UTC
"Yep, it is!" Elizabeth smiles warmly at her and then she frowns a bit. "I kinda have a fear of fire actually. I didn't always, but... I do now. It's getting better. I can be around it without freaking out."

She shakes her head. There's reasons that things change, and she doesn't want to get into why she's so afraid of fire, not on their first meeting.

Her chest aches, and she looks up, reaching for the offered hand and sitting up beside her. Elizabeth is still smiling.



inventandforget August 28 2010, 00:43:50 UTC
Sh3e doesn't pry because well, everyone's allowed to have their secrets. If she wants to talk about it, she will, if she doesn't, then they'll probably talk about something much nicer.

Once she's sitting up, Millie moves to sit behind her, gathering Elizabeth's hair behind her and pulling out a brush and starting to brush it.

"I can stop if you want," she says quickly. "You just have real pretty hair and I thought it might need a brush through after the wrestlin' and stuff."


pplrunincircles August 28 2010, 01:22:01 UTC
Elizabeth prefers much nicer conversations. They take her mind off the bad, and they're just as true, just as real. Plus, the secret isn't hers to tell. It's how a specific man died.

There's something warm that fills her chest when she realizes what Millie is doing.

"Thank you," she says at the comment about her hair, and she wipes at her face, damp still from the fountain adventure. "No one has really brushed my hair since my grandma, and she-- she's been in the nursing home for awhile. She has that disease that makes you forget? It starts with an A. So she hasn't done it in a while, but I like it when... someone brushes my hair. It feels nice."


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