See I was on the verge of breaking down. Sometimes silence can seem so loud

Aug 19, 2010 01:32

[OOC: Over a year ago, I made a post with all 14 of my characters that almost reached 925 comments. I only have 8 characters now, but lets see how far that goes. :D Feel free to tag in. Multiple times with one character or with multiple chars. It's open for forever. And I know there have been a lot of posts lately but I haven't made one in over a ( Read more... )

meggie, spencer reid, xander harris, martha jones, millie, lilly rush, rachel dawes, captain jack harkness, harry potter, wes gannon, danny smalls, elizabeth jules, leonard mccoy, cassie riddle, iris fortner, owen harper, anne hamilton, robin rice, jonathan stens, jane, david hansen, just rafe

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hey_capn_jack August 19 2010, 13:23:45 UTC
The tall, rather military man stalking you from the hallway is not actually your guardian angel, Martha. Not that he's not going to act as though he is, but that can't much be helped.

After a moment the part of his brain that deals with things like what other people expect out of social interaction actually sends a note out to the part of his brain that deals with being aware of what he's doing, and he shakes his head and trots over to her, brushing a hand against her shoulder. "Hey."

Haven't seen you in a while, is what he should say. Or something along those lines. For the most part, though, he's still a bit miffed at the world which decided to swallow him up and spit him out without anyone - himself included - even noticing, and they can just elide that bit, thankyouverymuch.


smithnjones August 19 2010, 16:49:55 UTC
Martha pauses at the feel of the hand against her shoulder. She turns toward him, a little startled to see that it's Jack there behind her. Before she left on her trip and had an incredibly painful conversation with her guardian, she'd been avoiding... everyone. Jack included.

She did what she needed to do, and she remained in her room at night with the door locked, only answering for emergencies. Martha isn't exactly avoiding anyone anymore, but she's in no rush to see people either.

"Hey," Martha says and then raises an eyebrow as she looks critically at him, as if realizing all over again how long it has been since she's spoken to him. "It's been awhile, hasn't it? Recovering from your unexpected absence alright?"


hey_capn_jack August 20 2010, 01:24:45 UTC
"Still convincing myself Chicago hasn't gone to the Judges, Owen hasn't gotten himself arrested, and the Master's not the President of the United States," Jack says. "Other than that, fine. Peachy. Good to be back." He gives her a wrung-out smile. "How about you? Recovering from still being here?"

It doesn't sound like he got the worse end of the stick with his little jaunt outside of conventional existence. Honestly, he's a bit concerned that she'll have found herself another sniper rifle to go after someone in the CLF with, though he can't honestly said he'd blame her. If he was slightly more hubristic, had slightly fewer people to risk in an escalation, he'd be hunting the CLF the way only a Time Agent could, and making examples of them for anyone who might care to follow in their footsteps.

Of course, that would be wrong. That would, as so many others pointed out, reinforce the idea that wanderers were to be feared.

Sometimes, Jack doesn't give a damn.


smithnjones August 20 2010, 05:11:39 UTC
"And you sound so utterly convincing too," Martha says, noting that wrung-out smile of his and wondering why this city hasn't taken enough from him. It has to take weeks too. "I can tell you for certain that none of those things have happened in your absence. There was a tornado, which just happened to tear its way through a supernatural community even as opposed to anywhere else in the city, and then there was the video. The CLF doing the usual ( ... )


hey_capn_jack August 20 2010, 14:44:15 UTC
"Good," Jack says. "Never underestimate the value of a good vacation." Which is pretty rich, coming from him, but if they can just ignore the fact that for about a hundred years his vacations consisted of ill-advised off-Earth jaunts through time and space to stalk search for the Doctor, and the rest of the time Torchwood took odd weekends and sickdays and called it good until they died, it's good advice.

"If it's not too much business right away," he says, with another wry smile, "from what I've seen I think we may need to organize more than we have been. Granted, we're doing better than we did before, but the rate of wanderers coming through is still ramping up and every three people you talk to have a different idea on how to handle this CLF thing. Might help keep the broken glass off the floor if we got you a staff, for one thing. And response teams."

Torchwood Chicago is going to end up as large as Torchwood One, if he's not careful, but at least it will be considerably less hubristic. Hopefully.


smithnjones August 21 2010, 02:36:00 UTC
"I never will again," Martha says with a small smile. However, as everyone knows, she isn't always good at ignoring things like that. "And... when was the last time you took a vacation since you're such an expert on how valuable they are ( ... )


hey_capn_jack August 25 2010, 03:32:29 UTC
"I had a wonderful time in Indiana, a while ago," Jack says, distantly. He's kinda banking on no one calling him on it. Then, he snaps back to the topic at hand.

"I assume Mio got you access to the coffers to pay her," he says. "And the rest of them. Are the wanderers starting to come together, develop resources?"

It happened under Brando. But Torchwood is not Brando. Jack's much better working in microcosms - this one person, this one pain, this one reaction - than he is at groups. There's a reason Torchwood Three was never terribly large, and his instinct even with Torchwood Chicago is to break it up into governable groups even as he's looking to bring more people on.


smithnjones August 26 2010, 21:51:18 UTC
Martha linefaces. There is no other way to describe the expression on her face, and she is glad to focus on another topic entirely.

"Yes, it's all been taken care of," she says. "They are starting to come together. I think it's difficult to translate exactly what we're dealing with to so many of the newer wanderers."

They have been fighting against the CLF for a long time. The video really wasn't anything new. There's a new leader, new tactics, but the same old hate and violence.

"In a way, their enthusiasm and optimism are refreshing. I certainly won't try to take it from them." Let them keep it for as long as they can. "There are a few who think the best idea is to hunt down the CLF and kill them, but none have acted yet. Rachel and I have been talking to them whenever we get the chance, trying to show them why it's not a good idea."


hey_capn_jack August 26 2010, 22:18:47 UTC
Jack hmphs. "If we're honest," he says, "from a tactical standpoint... given the resources we have here, under appropriate leadership, I believe we could wipe out the CLF as it exists today." And then he holds up a hand to forestall the objection he's sure is coming. "I know, I know - violence begets violence, you can't stamp out hate and fear without feuling it, and none of us want to get into empire building. But nonviolent resistance works when you can sway people to change their behavior, or when you can sway people who can put pressure on the groups perpetuating things."

He looks at Martha.

"It doesn't work on fanatics. If no one had fought Romana, yeah, the rest of the archangels might have eventually worked out that what she was doing was wrong, but not before Elashte and a lot of good people died. Nonviolence means taking some hits, and the CLF isn't throwing us in jail or breaking out the firehoses, they're coming out with knives and nooses. I can't blame anyone who doesn't want to accept that."


smithnjones August 28 2010, 00:17:22 UTC
Martha is quiet as she listens to him. It isn't like this isn't something she's already thought about herself. She understands why people would want to fight back. She understands that violence has assisted them in the past when it was necessary.

There comes a certain point where having a moral standpoint against violence can be detrimental. There comes a point when setting out to attack another person is more defense than offense. She doesn't know what they can do beyond what they are doing, trying to make their rights known and recognized on a larger scale.

"I know," she says finally. "I can't blame anyone either. I certainly have thought more than once about... gathering together a small army and hunting them down."

Or simply taking out her sniper rifle and ending the leader at the very least.

She knows she can do it now. She knows she can pull the trigger.


hey_capn_jack September 1 2010, 18:58:16 UTC
Jack nods. And this...

Well, this is where he's got to be pretty good at dancing. Not only raise the issue of violent reprisal as an option, but do so in a way that keeps the responsibility on Torchwood. And do so without suggesting anything, because once the suggestion is made, she might just veto it out of hand.

It's more effective to beg forgiveness than to ask permission, but it's a lot easier to beg forgiveness when you're not directly contravening someone's orders.

"If it comes to that," he says, "find me. If Torchwood needs to get its hands dirty, better us than the civilian populace." He gives a sidelong smile. "That or we can count on Elashte establishing Chicago as a Protectorate of Las Vegas."


fff lj must have eaten my reply smithnjones September 24 2010, 10:13:21 UTC
[OOC: Feel free to ignore since holy shit. More than 22 days LATER. But I wanted you to know I didn't drop on purpose. ;_;]

Martha stops. She hears what he says, and there's that brief moment where she thinks, Why not? If someone can take down the organization, they would no longer have to worry about it. They could destroy the leader and give the city a breather at the very least.

"Hopefully it doesn't come to that," she says.

It may be too much to ask from Chicago, but she's asking it.

"We should catch up some time when I'm not going on rounds." In other words, a time when alcohol is a viable option. She smiles at him. "If you're interested."

It feels like a long time since she's properly talked to him. She didn't feel the weight of it until this moment as she stands in front of him, realizing how long he's been missing and wondering over how she couldn't notice.


Re: fff lj must have eaten my reply hey_capn_jack October 2 2010, 22:26:40 UTC
{{OOC: No worries! I'm pretty much going for the King of Late Tagging position at the moment, so. >_<;;}}

"Hopefully," he agrees. Then he relaxes - business is over, banter can resume. Or something. He has the sneaking suspicion that talk between them will never be just casual, but it doesn't need to be life-or-death. Not just now.

"Definitely interested." He smiles. "What do you think - send our guardians off to get to know each other better, and find the most creative bartender we can?"


smithnjones October 3 2010, 02:28:12 UTC
((OOC: It's okay! *SNUGS* <3))

Martha senses him relax, and she relaxes with him. They honestly have enough time for business. It's all she really concerns herself with for the most part.

She smiles back at him. "Good. You'd better be."

Martha laughs at the suggestion. The imagery is a bit hilarious.

"Have you-- I don't honestly know what to think of our two guardians being in the same room together. Have you ever met mine, Jack? He's practically Phoebe's opposite. If we throw them in a room together to get to know each other, I really feel as though that interaction should be videotaped."


hey_capn_jack October 3 2010, 03:39:24 UTC
"We could arrange that," Jack says. "I'm good at hidden cameras."

And bugs. And he's not going to bring up that time so long ago, in the Conrad, when he bugged a room to set her up on a date in. It's... impossibly long ago.

Though, then he has to grin. "Though I can only imagine what my guardian would say if she found out. She'd either find it hilarious or smack me, and I'm still not sure which." Which is almost criminal. He likes being able to predict all the moves people make, three moves in advance.


smithnjones October 3 2010, 05:16:02 UTC
Martha laughs at that, not at all surprised. "I'm certain you're very good at hidden cameras... among other things that involve hiding."

It was impossibly long ago. It would take effort for her to recall that memory. It's something that she can hardly touch, miles away, enjoyed by a different person in a different time.

She rarely dreams but when she does, it isn't of the past anymore. Part of her wonders if that should concern her or if it should give her confidence that she's on the right path. She doesn't want to forget the past and couldn't if she tried, but she doesn't want to live in it either.

"Maybe both," she suggests with a quirk of her lips as she regards him with warmth and humor. "I think that's why she's good for you. She's unpredictable."


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