turn around, bright eyes!

May 30, 2010 17:47

((OOC: I know. There has been all the posts lately, but it's KARAOKE TIME. >>" Party Post. Hop around, comment with one character multiple times. You know.))

In the bigger cafeteria at the Kashtta Tower, the room has been set up for a night of karaoke and fun. It's the first event run to bring the Supernatural Community closer together. Martha had ( Read more... )

richard alpert, martha jones, community building event, josef soltini, aislin benedict, matoi tsunetsuki, elizabeth jules, sunshine destiny willow albright-higgins, ashley magnus, cassie riddle, mizuno ami/sailor mercury, jo harvelle, rogue, phoebe donovan, william shakespeare, fletcher hadley, csp-04, nikolas demidov

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Comments 238

touchme_n_die May 31 2010, 05:11:50 UTC
Rogue is sitting at a table with a half-empty bottle of the strongest liquor the place has. It's not quite affecting her. At least, not yet.

Her hair is still wet from the shower she took upon arriving back at the Kashtta. She has a dislike for blow dryers. It's a thing.

She's dressed normally, for her, but her gloves are strangely absent. They're nearby. She's tired, not absurd, but sheesh. She's content right now to sit, drink foul-tasting liquor, and listen to really bad singing. Having another building almost explode on you and your friend's head kinda wears a gal out. Not to mention the hate group fun times. Boy howdy.

Heck, if the alcohol ever kicks in, she just might sing. She's kinda feeling Sweet Dreams, by the Eurythmics. Or, you know, AC/DC.


thehighestwing May 31 2010, 06:10:38 UTC
It's a party. It's a party that involves liquor and singing.

Of course Phoebe's gonna be there.

She's all ready to go, too. She might be singing some Journey. She might be in the mood for Michael Jackson's Thriller.

Point is, where there's karaoke there's Phoebe Donovan.

She spots Rogue and immediately joins her. "Hey, Roguey! What's up?"


touchme_n_die May 31 2010, 06:23:25 UTC
It's impossible not to smile when approached by a Phoebe.

"Hey, darlin'." Rogue nods over toward the stage and laughs a bit. Everyone seems to be having fun, relaxing. It's everything it's supposed to be, so far.

"I'm just takin' in the show and waitin' to see if my metabolism'll let me get sloshy enough to hop up and do some singin' myself."

She's giving it her very best shot.

"You gonna get up and give it a go?" She figures Phoebe will. That makes her smile, too. "I'm thinkin' somethin' from the eighties, y'know?"


thehighestwing May 31 2010, 06:29:14 UTC
Phoebe giggles, lifting up her own glass. She's not sure what it is. She just knows it's sweet and it's pretty heavy on the alcohol.

"Pshaw, you don't need liquid courage to get on up there! I bet you'd be kick ass at it just like everything else."

Rogue will get an emphatic nod. "I sure am. Thinking of some Thriller myself! Was that in the eighties? I don't even know."

She doesn't. She just knows it's cool and it's got zombies so she's giving it a go.


pplrunincircles May 31 2010, 05:27:03 UTC
Elizabeth has friends at the Tower so she heard about the party through the journals. The people running the party are actually letting her drink! It's pretty awesome! She has been here since 6pm, helping to set up, and her drink was the first one that was made.

She requested something sweet. The bartender delivered. She is awesome.

At the moment, she's sipping on her drink, grinning wide at the singing people, and cheering wildly for every little thing that pleases her. Elizabeth is on the loud side when she has enough alcohol in her. Everything is exciting and fun! Yes, she's a... lightweight. One serious drink (more serious than pink champagne), and she's had enough to be drunk ( ... )


thehighestwing May 31 2010, 06:12:22 UTC
The people running the party are also letting Phoebe drink. Not that she understands why certain establishments don't let her drink. She's eighteen!

In Europe and other places, that totally counts as an adult.

She also requested something sweet. Naturally.

She plops down on a seat next to Elizabeth. She's avoiding males. Phoebe is not going to deal with males tonight or any other day if she can help it.

She loves her girlfriends. Girlfriends are great! They're problem-free and so Phoebe will not avoid them. "I'm thinking of doing a cover of Thriller."

Hi also works, Phoebe.


pplrunincircles May 31 2010, 06:54:16 UTC
If you're old enough to die for your country, you should be old enough to drink for it. Er. The point is that the narration agrees!

Oh, Phoebe.

The narration also apologizes for her stupid boy(s).

It's totally best to stick with the girlfriends. The girlfriends are not hobags.

"Thriller?!" Yep, that's a squeak. "You'd do awesomely at it! Like seriously! Do it!" Elizabeth grins and bounces in her seat. The drink has been set on the table, otherwise it'd be all over her pants. "Ummmm... Do you know the dance? I used to know it, but then I forgot it. It's a lot of acting like a monster anyway."

Cause that's totally how monsters instinctively act.

"Hi Phoebe!" Elizabeth remembers that's the greeting that should happen! "How are you? Your drink looks good."


thehighestwing May 31 2010, 17:26:11 UTC
The narration believes an apology is not necessary, since she is laughing her ass off here.

Girlfriends are not hobags! They are lovely companions and Phoebe is going to have nothing but girlfriends from now on.

Oh, yes.

She's swearing off boys for good. No matter how hot, how funny, how interesting they are!

Well, she can't swear off her ward but that's another thing altogether.

Phoebe laughs, hard enough she nearly falls off her chair. "I totally know the dance! We could teach it to everyone once you remember! Cause that's like riding a bike, yo."

Definitely how monsters act. Ahem.

"It's very good. And pink! Hi Elizabeth! I'm bitchin'. And youuuuuu?"


kick_ash May 31 2010, 22:33:19 UTC
Social wasn't something that came entirely easily for Ashley. More so now that she'd gone all fangs and blood and had no idea how to control it. Or even if she could. That didn't stop her from following the sound of singing and people gathered.

It wasn't that she didn't want to make friends in Chicago, she just royally sucked at events that didn't mean kill or be killed. She was really praying this wasn't that kind of event.

The bar was such a temptation, but she fought it off for the time being. She couldn't afford to spend all her life drunk to ignore where she wasn't. She needed to live where she was.

That didn't mean she was entirely watching where she was going, running dead into someone before she'd barely made it into the room.


smithnjones June 1 2010, 03:23:22 UTC
Martha has been drunk off and on throughout the night.

She's on a more sober streak when Ashley runs into her.

Martha makes a slightly high pitched noise that's not normal for her, but the alcohol's effects are still lingering around a bit. She grabs hold of Ashley's shoulders to keep from falling over and then laughs a little.

"Sorry about that." She is completely unaware as to which of them ran into which of them.

It's all quite confusing, and it could just as easily be her since she's not entirely sober.

"Oh, Ashley," Martha says, and then she smiles at the other woman. "I'm glad to see you here. I've been meaning to ask how you've been settling in."


kick_ash June 1 2010, 17:46:48 UTC
It had been her own fault, yet Ashley's eyes went wide in shock. At least until she'd seen who it was. Relief washed over her, obviously still expecting the worst about any encounter she had in Chicago.

Her hand went to her face, scared the bump might cause something she really didn't want to happen in front of people. Thankfully she was normal. Mostly.

And the person was Martha. Ashley grinned broadly.

"Don't even say sorry. My fault. I was just..." Sneaking in. "Not watching where I was going. Sorry." But she was still smiling.

"I'm going good. Mostly good. Settling in and good." Yeah, there's no overcompensation there, but she is trying to be social. "You? Everything been okay?"


smithnjones June 3 2010, 01:16:16 UTC
Martha smiles in return.

"I'm a bit on the influenced side. I wouldn't be surprised if I were partly at fault," she says, waving a hand. "It's completely alright. There's plenty to pay attention to on karaoke night. Very distracting."

She raises her eyebrows.

This is Martha fixing you with a very disbelieving look, Ashley.

"You certainly said 'good' quite a bit," she points out. "It makes it a little difficult to believe you. Just so you know."

It's said with gentleness, of course, but there's a very definite 'I see through that' tone to it as well.

And then she nods. "I'm okay." Which will never quite be correct, but she's as okay as she's going to be at the present time. "Busy. There's plenty to do when it comes to setting up these events and things. More than I'd initially realized."


starryeyed_cass June 4 2010, 01:19:33 UTC
Cassie is sat at one of the tables, having only just recently entered the room. She's a little nervous, still being a little new to this place - but it's nothing a glass of wine won't cure! Besides, the atmosphere's so happy and lively and it cheers her up a great deal. She takes a sip of her wine, wondering whether or not to get up and sing or not. Perhaps she will, a little later.

And she's not totally alone either. It seems her powers have been developing recently since she first arrived and she's managed to be able to create shadow puppets. Well, sort of shadow puppets. The shadows take forms of actual animals. They don't really do anything - just move occasionally. She's still getting used to it. She currently has a cat sat beside her.


thehighestwing June 9 2010, 04:16:37 UTC
Phoebe knows a new Wanderer when she spots one. She can sense the nervousness, not so much because she's an angel, but because she's also a young girl that's been nervous in the presence of new people before.

She's just good at faking it a lot of the time.

She sits next to Cassie with a bright grin. "Daw, cute kitty! That's neat."


starryeyed_cass June 12 2010, 01:37:03 UTC
Cassie jumps only slightly at the sudden bubbly and bright exclamation - peering round curiously at the blonde girl who's suddenly sat down next to her. She grins brightly and nods, laughing "Thanks! And I know right? I didn't know I could do this stuff! Like, I couldn't do it at first,"

She gazes down at the small shadow cat next to her and laughs again, "I'm new here, I bet it's easy to tell, right?"


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