turn around, bright eyes!

May 30, 2010 17:47

((OOC: I know. There has been all the posts lately, but it's KARAOKE TIME. >>" Party Post. Hop around, comment with one character multiple times. You know.))

In the bigger cafeteria at the Kashtta Tower, the room has been set up for a night of karaoke and fun. It's the first event run to bring the Supernatural Community closer together. Martha had ( Read more... )

richard alpert, martha jones, community building event, josef soltini, aislin benedict, matoi tsunetsuki, elizabeth jules, sunshine destiny willow albright-higgins, ashley magnus, cassie riddle, mizuno ami/sailor mercury, jo harvelle, rogue, phoebe donovan, william shakespeare, fletcher hadley, csp-04, nikolas demidov

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touchme_n_die May 31 2010, 05:11:50 UTC
Rogue is sitting at a table with a half-empty bottle of the strongest liquor the place has. It's not quite affecting her. At least, not yet.

Her hair is still wet from the shower she took upon arriving back at the Kashtta. She has a dislike for blow dryers. It's a thing.

She's dressed normally, for her, but her gloves are strangely absent. They're nearby. She's tired, not absurd, but sheesh. She's content right now to sit, drink foul-tasting liquor, and listen to really bad singing. Having another building almost explode on you and your friend's head kinda wears a gal out. Not to mention the hate group fun times. Boy howdy.

Heck, if the alcohol ever kicks in, she just might sing. She's kinda feeling Sweet Dreams, by the Eurythmics. Or, you know, AC/DC.


thehighestwing May 31 2010, 06:10:38 UTC
It's a party. It's a party that involves liquor and singing.

Of course Phoebe's gonna be there.

She's all ready to go, too. She might be singing some Journey. She might be in the mood for Michael Jackson's Thriller.

Point is, where there's karaoke there's Phoebe Donovan.

She spots Rogue and immediately joins her. "Hey, Roguey! What's up?"


touchme_n_die May 31 2010, 06:23:25 UTC
It's impossible not to smile when approached by a Phoebe.

"Hey, darlin'." Rogue nods over toward the stage and laughs a bit. Everyone seems to be having fun, relaxing. It's everything it's supposed to be, so far.

"I'm just takin' in the show and waitin' to see if my metabolism'll let me get sloshy enough to hop up and do some singin' myself."

She's giving it her very best shot.

"You gonna get up and give it a go?" She figures Phoebe will. That makes her smile, too. "I'm thinkin' somethin' from the eighties, y'know?"


thehighestwing May 31 2010, 06:29:14 UTC
Phoebe giggles, lifting up her own glass. She's not sure what it is. She just knows it's sweet and it's pretty heavy on the alcohol.

"Pshaw, you don't need liquid courage to get on up there! I bet you'd be kick ass at it just like everything else."

Rogue will get an emphatic nod. "I sure am. Thinking of some Thriller myself! Was that in the eighties? I don't even know."

She doesn't. She just knows it's cool and it's got zombies so she's giving it a go.


touchme_n_die May 31 2010, 06:38:05 UTC
Rogue grins at the giggle. She can't imagine what Phoebe's drinking, but she imagine it tastes better than this liquid nastiness she's got. She hopes so, at any rate.

There's another grin at her words, and she shrugs before moving on to Phoebe's potential song choice.

"I think it was," she says, thinking it over in her head. "Yeah, it'd better be. That was back when those Member's Only jackets were in style." And acid wash...yikes.

"Good song," she says after a bit. "I've heard of folks takin' classes to learn how to do that big zombie dance all right and proper." Rogue has no real interest in doing the zombie dance, but she imagines that'd look pretty neat.


thehighestwing May 31 2010, 17:14:59 UTC
Rogue should definitely order what Phoebe's having if she got liquid nastiness. Or have Jo fix her something up, anyway. The girl wouldn't want someone to be served liquid nastiness when she's on board.

Phoebe wrinkles her nose, having no idea what Members Only jackets Rogue is talking about. But, it is Rogue saying it so it must be true.

"Thank ye! I want to pick a song that everyone probably knows so they can sing along."

Phoebe drinks from her glass until there's virtually nothing and then she sets it back down. "So! What's kickin'?"


touchme_n_die May 31 2010, 17:47:49 UTC
Rogue glances around the room, a grin on her face. She's now picturing the entire room singing along to Thriller...and possibly doing the zombie dance.

"That's cool," she says. "Those are the fun songs, yeah?"

Anytime a familiar, upbeat song hits that makes someone want to sing along, it's nice. Rogue figures it's likely good for the soul or something.

At the question, Rogue thinks for a moment. "Not a lot right now. I'm just appreciating the atmosphere and the folks here." Definitely the folks.

She's not looking to bring down even a smidge of the happy mood here in the room, particularly not for her friends. So, her smile might be a little tired, but it's genuine. "I can't believe so many people turned up, yeah? Quite the party." And, there's food. Rogue is eying it.


thehighestwing May 31 2010, 17:52:29 UTC
It should be videotaped, if such a thing were to occur. It'd also make Phoebe's night.

"Yup! I'm thinking of some other songs that could be just as fun, but so far, that's the one that's winning the race."

Considering the past month and what everyone in the room has been subjected to, this is definitely good for the soul.

Phoebe brightens at Rogue's answer. If there's something wrong, Phoebe doesn't know it. She needs to be told outright or it'll go over her head.

"I know. I was pretty surprised too, cause I know karaoke's not exactly everyone's cup of tea. I think everyone's just trying to build the community again and putting effort in, which is nice!"


touchme_n_die May 31 2010, 18:11:54 UTC
"Yeah, I reckon that one'd be at the top of any list." It is Thriller, after all. Rogue's thinking Love Shack might be another fun one. She might suggest it in a while. She's hearing the tune in her head, however, and not remembering the name, for sure.

She's also glad to see that brightening. It's a bit contagious.

She nods in agreement. "Yeah, I definitely think it's more about folks comin' together than anythin'. It's nice t'see."

It is. It'll take effort from everyone to get things started in the right direction, so it's very nice to see.

She takes another drink of whatever and looks seriously at Phoebe. "You reckon they've got cake here?"


thehighestwing May 31 2010, 19:38:26 UTC
"Only one way to find out!" Phoebe says cheerfully.

Cake is serious business, but Phoebe rarely is.

She stands from her seat and moves over to the table with the food. There really is a lot of food. She hasn't spotted cake though she's pretty sure there's cheesecake around.

Someone else takes the stage.

The song of choice is Akon.

Phoebe approves.


touchme_n_die May 31 2010, 23:17:40 UTC
Rogue is not familiar with Akon. It's all right though. Whoever it is seems to be doing better than the last singer.

She follows Phoebe on over to the table and there is, indeed, cheesecake.

Restraint is used here, as she only takes a piece, as opposed to seven.

As she moves away from the food, holding her cake, she'll hum along a bit to the song. As she doesn't know it, the humming doesn't really fit, but oh well.

Her mood is greatly improved, Phoebe.

"You get an urge to sing anythin' by Cyndi Lauper, lemme know. I might just get on up with you."


thehighestwing June 1 2010, 01:58:01 UTC
Phoebe's appetite is not as big as Rogue's. She doesn't need seven, only one! Maybe half of one. She eats a lot of sugar throughout the day, but the key is the small portions!

Oh, tiny girls and their appetite.

She picks up a plate of cheesecake for herself.

This is fun. She's planning on sticking to her girlfriends for now. No boys. NO BOYS.

"Ohmigosh! Now we HAVE to sing Girls Just Wanna Have Fun."

Sorry, Rogue. Phoebe does not wait for your answer. She's now placing the cheesecake back on the table and rushing toward the stage.


touchme_n_die June 1 2010, 02:55:21 UTC
Rogue is all for Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. It's practically a WOMAN ANTHEM, after all.

She's just taken a bit, however, when Phoebe puts down her plate and starts toward the stage.

"Oh." She giggles a bit, and stuffs another large bite in her mouth before putting her plate down, too.

Then, she's going on up.

It's Cyndi. Lauper. And an ANTHEM of GIRL FUN POWER.

"You take all the notes that're supposed to be in tune. I'll handle the rest." Ha? Ha ha?


thehighestwing June 1 2010, 04:36:54 UTC
It is definitely a must-sing-anthem, particularly when there are only girls involved. "Let's DO this thang."

See Phoebe walk up to the stage like a cool cat.

Phoebe doesn't have the best voice in the world either, Rogue. The notes that are supposed to be in tune will still not be in tune. ALAS, that is not the point of karaoke.

"I come home in the morning light,
My mother says "When you gonna live your life right?"
We're not the fortunate ones,
And girls,
They wanna have fu-un.
Just wanna have fun."


pplrunincircles June 1 2010, 03:40:11 UTC
Elizabeth is not pleased that Richard and Fletch are so displeased with drinking.

She is taking a survey!



"HI!" She plops down in front of Rogue, swaying a bit in her seat before fixing Rogue with a very serious look. Elizabeth is carrying her journal and a very sparkly pen. "Do you feel that it's okay for people who are underage in chicago and are a part of all the supernatural-ness to drink soemtimes, even though it's technic- tekan- technee- EVEN though it is illegal?"


touchme_n_die June 1 2010, 03:50:49 UTC
YAY DEMOCRACY! Rogue's a fan of it.

Rogue blinks a few times when Elizabeth sits down with the sparkly pen and fixes the serious look her way.

She purses her lips a bit, considering the question.

"It's Chicago, sugar. I think if you've made it more than a day-and-a-half, you deserve a drink, regardless of your damn age."

Then, she takes another long drink of what tastes like battery acid. Somehow, she manages to smile afterward. "You askin' everyone here?"


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