Man, I feel like a woman!

Jul 26, 2009 17:54

[OOC: This is for Martha's planned girls' night, which was locked to individuals in her journal, but these women were asked to invite other female friends so they would be here, too. I thought it might be good if the women actually interacted to see how well they got on and to form relationships. Maybe a couple are secret soul-sisters or something ( Read more... )

gail chandler, toshiko sato, sakura martinez, martha jones, amity mackenzie, juliet burke, rachel dawes, donna noble, rose tyler (and cassandra), gwen cooper, winny carpenter, rachel conway, aniki forfrysning

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Comments 60

rattle_thecages July 27 2009, 00:38:47 UTC
Rachel Dawes is indeed the one that's never had a girls' night out. For one, she didn't have female friends back home, or many friends period. And secondly, she'd had a job that required much, if not all of her time. Being an ADA meant you barely had any time to yourself. Rachel's idea of a decent dinner meant a box of low mein at two in the morning while pouring over case files.

This after having had coffee for lunch.

A glamorous life she'd led, oh yes. But it was one she'd loved and found rewarding.

Rachel raises her iced drink. Despite having only known Martha before the night, the rest of them seem just as lovely. "To us, and what has been a wonderful night."

Also to being a year older, and hopefully wiser.


neverinportland July 27 2009, 01:40:05 UTC
Juliet is probably more pathetic than most people, considering before Chicago? There was an island with no bars. And before that? Lots of long nights working in laboratories and medical research facilities and having no friends.

This? This is necessary. And she's having a marvelous time so far.

"I'll drink to that," Juliet says, holding up her drink to match Rachel's with a smirk. She opens her mouth to add something and then shuts it just as quickly with a sheepish smile. It's clear she wanted to say something just then though, so it's easily noted.


rattle_thecages July 27 2009, 01:52:28 UTC
Some might say while Gotham has no bars it's a city of bones and chains. It's impossible to leave it, for some reason or another. You fall utterly in love with it or hate it on sight. One may tire of how much it needs, how much it takes from you, how gritty and unrelenting its pace is.

Rachel was one of those natives who loved it despite all its setbacks. She is determined, however, to make the most of what she has. And right now, that is the company of lovely ladies in Chicago.

Though she is still smiling as she clinks her glass with Juliet's, she notices the other woman's hesitation. She can't not ask. Sometimes it may seem all Rachel has are questions. But she likes learning, especially about others. "Is something wrong?"


neverinportland July 27 2009, 02:14:44 UTC
Juliet makes a face over her drink as she sips it. "No. I was actually just about to say something about how here's hoping to a night free of explosions, but then I realized that was asking for it."

She rolls her eyes and raps her knuckles on the table. "Let's just hope the gods of fortune take pity on us."

Of course, from what she hears, Rachel is new here, so if she was trying to avoid frightening her, she... Failed.


crossindexing July 27 2009, 03:16:28 UTC
There are two other women in the Venus, sharing drinks near the girls' night table. Winny, having had one (or three) too many, is giggling like a mad thing while Gail watches, her own glass hovering in front of her face to hide her amusement.

Winny's wearing a white and flowered two-piece silk outfit with colors to match the necklace Dan gave her. She hasn't taken it off--well, except to shower, obviously, because showering with it on might damage it and she wouldn't ever, ever, ever want to do that.

Of course not.

Gail's been keeping her eye on the other table, vaguely, throughout the night--not often you see so many wanderers in one place, having what appears to be a celebration.

She's wearing a very proper suit--one with enough room for her wings.

And she's debating whether or not to inquire if she and Winny can join the others.


techniclybrill July 27 2009, 04:40:26 UTC
Gwen managed to drag Tosh out of the Tower, though she's mostly been quiet, and a little on edge. As tense as she is, she notices the woman watching them, and meets her eyes briefly. There are plenty of reasons that they could be watching the group of them, she's just... Well, Tosh is having trouble shaking a certain amount of hypervigilance, so even if Gail and Winny (particularly Winny) seem harmless, she's keeping an eye on them now.


neverknewhatred July 27 2009, 19:07:58 UTC
Gail smiles at their watcher, and while it might be hard to find warmth in the expression, it's steady and calm. She gets up and makes her way over, Winny wobbling slightly in her chair while she watches from behind.

"I apologize if I unsettled you--I couldn't help but notice such a... unique collection of women. My name is Gail Chandler."

She holds out a hand.


techniclybrill July 27 2009, 20:31:44 UTC
Tosh hesitates for a second, and then reaches out to shake her hand with a tentative smile. "I'm Toshiko Sato. Hello."

She pauses, when her hand touches Gail's, a little surprised. "Are you... are you from the Conrad?" It's easier than asking if they're angels, out in public.


gotbottle July 27 2009, 03:19:16 UTC
The show was wonderful. Rachel's still humming the tune of one of the songs as she stands at the end of the coffee bar afterwards. She's idly fingering the key pendant around her neck as she waits for her drink--upside down extra hot soy caramel mocha with three sugars, the biggest they've got.

(The narration shakes its head, and tsks at Rachel for wondering why she doesn't sleep well at night.)

Her drink is set on the bar, and she collects it. She's still humming as she moves between the tables, searching for a place to sit, a faint smile turning her mouth. The overall effect can probably best be described as "walking on air". You can point fingers at Adrian for that one.

Still, it makes for a pleasant evening, and even the fact that seating seems to be a scarce commodity does not sour her mood.


rattle_thecages July 27 2009, 03:29:02 UTC
Rachel (Dawes) is also at the bar. After having listened to the first set of songs, she's gone over to ask for another drink.

(The narration sympathizes, as this Rachel doesn't sleep well at night, either. Ah, the malady.)

She's bumped into by one of the patrons, and that in turn has Rachel colliding against someone else.

"Oh! I'm sorry." Rachel steps back with a grimace. She smiles apologetically at the redhead. "It's getting crowded, isn't it?"


gotbottle July 27 2009, 03:44:39 UTC
"Oh, nono, it's okay!" Rachel replies, laughing. "Not your fault. It's totally crowded in here. I'm about to just give up and take this home."


rattle_thecages July 27 2009, 03:51:38 UTC
Dawes returns it with a laugh of her own.

"I was invited to a girls' night." Her thumb points over to the table that has Martha and the others. "It wasn't crowded up until a while ago. I wonder if it's always this busy."

It is her first time being there.


anjelsword July 27 2009, 03:35:55 UTC
Aniki is also in the coffee shop, with a strawberry mango smoothie. Gods, why did no one in Tortall, Carthak, somewhere come up with the miracle of blenders?

She made the mistake of going to get another and leaving her table unattended. It was promptly taken by a man who will be missing his wallet in the morning.

Poor, poor lad.


ornobodywill July 27 2009, 04:03:15 UTC
So here's Mac. And you might say, "Damn, that is a sweet Mac." She has a table that is mostly unoccupied... Meaning that it's just her. She doesn't really do the whole girl's night thing. Hanging around large crowds of women tends to make her a very confused bunny.

The blonde chick who just picked that dude's wallet, however? (YES, MAC SEES WHAT YOU DID THERE- SHE KNOWS ALL) Seems more her speed.

She kicks the other chair from her table out and waves her over. "Full house tonight. Need a seat?"


anjelsword July 27 2009, 04:26:03 UTC
Aniki twitches a grin at Mac. She sees the calculation on the other woman's face, and the fact that she shoved a chair out for Aniki says (at least to the rusher) "YEAH, I SAW THAT. I APPROVE. :|"

So she sits, holding out a hand. "So it is. Thanks. Aniki Forfrysning."


ornobodywill July 27 2009, 04:30:12 UTC
Mac takes her hand and shakes. She has a firm, many handshake that is totally odd for a woman that size. It is the hand that has crushed many a finger and won many an arm wrestling match. It is also decidedly cold.

"Mac. I have a longer name than that, but all you need to know is that part of it." She tilts her chair back on two legs. "So, I don't have my wings out, but I'm gonna guess you're not from around here."

Aniki? Not exactly a local name.


feelmymusic July 27 2009, 03:42:12 UTC
Sakura's at the coffee shop. She met the artist... somehow. The narration doesn't want to go into the details. There was a duck involved, and it was nearly traumatizing. Anyway, she heard about the show from her. Sakura got there early enough to secure herself a spot with a table. Said table now has some people she doesn't know and two chairs that might pass as empty should anyone want them.

Sakura herself is fairly interested in the show and applauds enthusiastically at the end of every song.


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