Man, I feel like a woman!

Jul 26, 2009 17:54

[OOC: This is for Martha's planned girls' night, which was locked to individuals in her journal, but these women were asked to invite other female friends so they would be here, too. I thought it might be good if the women actually interacted to see how well they got on and to form relationships. Maybe a couple are secret soul-sisters or something ( Read more... )

gail chandler, toshiko sato, sakura martinez, martha jones, amity mackenzie, juliet burke, rachel dawes, donna noble, rose tyler (and cassandra), gwen cooper, winny carpenter, rachel conway, aniki forfrysning

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anjelsword July 27 2009, 03:35:55 UTC
Aniki is also in the coffee shop, with a strawberry mango smoothie. Gods, why did no one in Tortall, Carthak, somewhere come up with the miracle of blenders?

She made the mistake of going to get another and leaving her table unattended. It was promptly taken by a man who will be missing his wallet in the morning.

Poor, poor lad.


ornobodywill July 27 2009, 04:03:15 UTC
So here's Mac. And you might say, "Damn, that is a sweet Mac." She has a table that is mostly unoccupied... Meaning that it's just her. She doesn't really do the whole girl's night thing. Hanging around large crowds of women tends to make her a very confused bunny.

The blonde chick who just picked that dude's wallet, however? (YES, MAC SEES WHAT YOU DID THERE- SHE KNOWS ALL) Seems more her speed.

She kicks the other chair from her table out and waves her over. "Full house tonight. Need a seat?"


anjelsword July 27 2009, 04:26:03 UTC
Aniki twitches a grin at Mac. She sees the calculation on the other woman's face, and the fact that she shoved a chair out for Aniki says (at least to the rusher) "YEAH, I SAW THAT. I APPROVE. :|"

So she sits, holding out a hand. "So it is. Thanks. Aniki Forfrysning."


ornobodywill July 27 2009, 04:30:12 UTC
Mac takes her hand and shakes. She has a firm, many handshake that is totally odd for a woman that size. It is the hand that has crushed many a finger and won many an arm wrestling match. It is also decidedly cold.

"Mac. I have a longer name than that, but all you need to know is that part of it." She tilts her chair back on two legs. "So, I don't have my wings out, but I'm gonna guess you're not from around here."

Aniki? Not exactly a local name.


anjelsword July 27 2009, 19:04:31 UTC
She can't help it--she likes Mac. "Assumptions, assumptions. Maybe my parents were just creative. Or cruel."

Aniki takes a mighty slurp of her smoothie. "But wings or no, you're right. I'm a bit of a stranger to the city."


ornobodywill July 27 2009, 20:01:05 UTC
Mac wrinkles her nose. "I know better." She crosses her arms over her chest. "Local myself, if the wings comment didn't tip you off." She frowns. "Well. Local now, anyway. I was stationed overseas with the military until they decided to kick me out."



anjelsword August 4 2009, 06:22:44 UTC
A raised eyebrow. Yes, she's curious. She knows enough former Dogs that she can't not be. "Any particular reason for that?"

Aniki drags in a slurp of her smoothie like it's something deliciously alcoholic. "Never been much of a military girl myself." She wrinkles her nose. "Rules. Well. Those rules."


ornobodywill August 4 2009, 06:57:15 UTC
Mac toys with her coffee cup, scowling. "Old enough to retire, which is bullshit, because everyone knows angels age slow. I'm a guardian angel, so they couldn't promote me because they didn't want to risk me getting a squad under my command and then getting my ward in the middle of a battle and risking the lives of my men."

She snorts. "Rules. Yeah. I used to be fine with the rules and regs until they bitchslapped me." She downs the rest of her coffee and wrinkles her nose. "What can I say? Guess I'm falling out of love with both now."

Which isn't really true, but she'll damn well pretend it is for the moment.


anjelsword August 4 2009, 07:26:49 UTC
She's not had a change to talk to a proper angel before. Not about what angels do. "Guardian. So you're like the myths, then."

She's been in the library a lot recently. "The responsibility without the backing of the gods."

There's irony in her tone at the last bit. It doesn't seem fair, somehow.


ornobodywill August 5 2009, 01:13:09 UTC
Mac picks up a coffee stirrer and stirs her coffee. It's not like she put anything into it. She just likes to watch the stirring. "Yep," she says, popping the 'p.' "No ward though, so it's mostly just raw instinct with no focus and that's a hell of a thing to explain on reports, even when the whole squad is supernatural."

Stupid army bureaucracy.


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