deadlines and meetings and contracts...

Jan 16, 2009 00:14

There's always a lot of things going on in Chicago at any given time. Anywhere you go, any neighbourhood, any hour, there will be something ~HAPPENING~.

For example, at the Conrad Hotel, Adelaide Hunt is packing her bags to head back to New York, and hoping very desperately that Martin got her voicemail asking him to come up so she could say good ( Read more... )

will tippin, rose tyler (and cassandra), maya roy, marshall flinkman, dmitri lang, desmond descant, annie cartwright, dusty baker, mat wallace, tay barnam, adelaide hunt, 42-k (devon), dr. horrible, maria jackson, fiona glenanne, donna noble, john smith, mathias, becky trapper

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Comments 45

likes_pears January 16 2009, 12:35:47 UTC
John does, in fact, like curry -- as long as it's not too hot, that is. He's been looking for a teaching job, when not tutoring the girls at the Casa Del OT3, and has, in fact, just come home.

He's just going to watch Rose dancing along to the radio as she cooks, with a ridiculous smile on his face.


fantasticrose January 16 2009, 13:09:37 UTC
Rose doesn't notice him at first, busy testing the rice, and deciding it needs five more minutes, singing along to the radio.

"You're wrong when it's right, it's black and it's white. We fi--OH!" she yelps as she catches sight of John when she twirls a little, and her spoon goes flying. "Oh, you scared me!" she says with a laugh, hand pressed over her heart.


likes_pears January 16 2009, 17:29:42 UTC
Sheepish John is sheepish. Or, at least... sort of. He's doing a very bad job of hiding his smile.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to, I just... it... you're really very..." Deep breath. "You looked like you were enjoying yourself."


fantasticrose January 16 2009, 19:09:22 UTC
Rose blushes and shakes her head as she retrieves the spoon and rinses it off in the sink. "It's all right," she says. "I just... I wasn't expecting you home this..." she glances at the clock, and then looks sheepish herself. "That is, I sort of lost track of time?"

Awww, look at how adorable she is! Don'tcha just wanna snog her senseless?


nowinprint January 16 2009, 20:05:58 UTC
Dmitri, in a strange twist of fate, is in the Conrad's basement too. She's been there for a few days, actually.  Come for the archangel martial-arts training, stay for the fact that the Arctic Circle decided to take a stroll across the midwest and walking to her apartment or the Kashtta is liable to give her frostbite on anything without a spacesuit over it.

She hears the music and follows it, tucking herself into a corner of the room near the entrance and trying to be unobtrusive. She really should see if she can get ahold of a fiddle here, though it's been years since she played. And, honestly, seeing Dusty with her wings out is a bit... it makes her wonder if she's going to be as good any more.


please_see_me January 16 2009, 20:31:13 UTC
Dusty keeps playing for a while, not paying much attention to anyone potentially watching, but it doesn't take long for her to hit a couple sour notes and make a face at the music.

"Yeah, well, I don't like you, either!" she declares, sticking her tongue out at the paper.


nowinprint January 16 2009, 22:18:03 UTC
Hey, anger directed at inanimate objects is something Dmitri can get behind. Those fuckers need to learn their place.

"You know, the composer put those in there just to annoy you," she says. "Personally, I think sharps are the devil and they should all be listed as flats instead."


please_see_me January 17 2009, 01:33:01 UTC
"Yeah, they're a pain to play, 'specially once you've taken the markings off the neck and you're going by memory." Which she's been doing for years now, but that's not the point. Dusty smiles brightly at Dmitri. "Anyway, I'll beat him. Just 'cause he can write something not even remotely playable doesn't mean I won't play it anyway."


trivialsublime0 January 17 2009, 01:00:51 UTC
Well, it's not Annie Hunt, anyway, and that's the important thing, right, Becky?

Rusty occasionally visits the Gauche. He used to live there after all and his sister still does. So. It's not totally out of the question that he would be here right now. He walks into the sun room, noticing Becky and her muttering to herself.


"Hey, Becks!" Rusty waves at her from the entrance.

Then he kneels down for the benefit of the puppy as the tennis ball rolls to stop in front of his feet and he reaches out to scritch the dog behind the ears with a smile. "Freddy."


worseforfears January 17 2009, 01:35:39 UTC
"Ferdi," Becky corrects without thinking, and groans a little, flopping on the ground near the other two, prompting Ferdinand to, of course, climb all over her. "God, I am so ridiculous. Rusty, tell me something ridiculous you've done recently so I can feel better about myself?"

She's only half-kidding, sadly, but she means it in love!


trivialsublime0 January 17 2009, 02:12:05 UTC
"Freddy," Rusty insists, in a loud whisper to the dog even as he climbs all over her.

He has always and will always refuse to call the poor guy Ferdinand.

Rusty glances at Becky with a half smile as he stops kneeling and plops down on the grass next to her in a seated position. "Really? Y'never exactly struck me as the ridiculous type, Becks, and I should know. You hide it well."

"Hmm." He seems to think about it, because he's apparently going to grant her half-kidding request, because he cares. He's trying to keep the drug dealing stories out of this. "I tried to convince some old lady who shoved cookies at my face and wouldn't stop huggin' me that I'm not a good person. Helped a cat get into a club. Talked shit about the group I work for. Challenged a seven year old to a Nintendo DS match on Brain-Age. And lost. We hittin' enough levels of ridiculous yet to help?"


worseforfears January 17 2009, 04:52:55 UTC
Becky laughs softly at the tales, and reaches over to ruffle Rusty's hair. "Yeah, thanks." She sits up and smiles at him. "So, you coming with us to Cabo? I think we're leaving next week."


theburningcross January 17 2009, 01:29:24 UTC
Devon (not Arthur) is also in the living room, sitting crosslegged on the floor, staring at the Rift like he's wondering if it would make Mr. Descant freak out if he brought something through and hid it in his closet (except it's a closet that Des also shares with Martha and Devon has no problems with Martha, so maybe it's for the best that he's probably not going to do it).

He may be sneaking surreptitious glances at Maria and her telekinesis and pretending he's not... But he's also eleven years old and not very subtle.


weallendupalone January 17 2009, 01:39:41 UTC
Oh, Maria has noticed. She has so noticed. And she's just at that age where she's had one or two short babysitting jobs before, and she doesn't really have a problem with (slightly) younger kids, so...

The remote might sort of float over and poke Devon in the head. Lightly.


theburningcross January 17 2009, 02:09:02 UTC
Devon jumps a bit, because he got caught up in staring at the Rift and watching the way it swirls and shifts and zoned out, and then turns to look at the floating remote. He gives it a light poke as if he's wondering if poking it will disrupt the illusion.

"Is that what it did to you?" Meaning the Rift, of course.


weallendupalone January 17 2009, 04:51:07 UTC
"Yep," Maria says with a bit of a grin. "Found out a couple months ago. Got in a snowball fight and started accidentally deflecting snowballs." About halfway through the sentence, the remote drops, and she winces. "Still need practice, though. Takes a lot of concentration to keep it up."


that_damn_paki January 17 2009, 01:34:35 UTC
There's a ghostly bear wandering the halls of the Kashtta Tower.

She hasn't met Will yet, but she's heard tell of him among the other dead residents and upon seeing him chatting with one of those dead residents, she trundles up and hauls herself onto a chair. At least she can still act like she has mass when it comes to climbing on things and running into them. It's not as if the world validates her existence in any other way, but at least she's not falling through floors.

All these books and no way to read them, she remarks, mostly to herself. Hey, she's a ghost - it's not like she's using any real vocal apparati or producing physical sound anyway. Why shouldn't she be able to speak in sunbear form? I'd settle for a randomized teleprompter.


casanovapoptart January 17 2009, 01:43:14 UTC
Florence nods politely to Maya (after all, with the exception of Will, they're all ghosts here. The rest of the world doesn't count if they can't see them after all, right?) and steps back, murmuring that she'll see Will later. They've got a bit of rapport going that she's happy to exploit, and Will just sort of nods to her while eyeing Maya a bit askance.

"I can't say I've had talking animals before," he comments. "And it's not like there's that many books. Maybe thirty, and they're not all mine..."


that_damn_paki January 17 2009, 01:50:16 UTC
Maya nods to Florence, then repositions herself on the chair. I was a shapeshifter before I got shot in the head, she says. Seems like it's stuck, though I have to say this version is more user-friendly. And being a bear is oddly relaxing. I'd say you should try it sometime...

She whffls. Tilts her head at the shelves.

Believe me, thirty books is thirty more than I've been able to read since dying. She raises her paws, waggling her claws. I think maybe you have to be an angry ghost to move things from beyond the grave.


casanovapoptart January 17 2009, 01:57:23 UTC
Will laughs a little, sheepishly. "Yeah, well, that's a good point. I haven't noticed anyone able to move anything, but I've pretty much steered away from the angry folks..."

He offers a hand, even though she doesn't have hands - she has paws afer all. "Will Tippin, resident... ghost whisperer, I guess."


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