deadlines and meetings and contracts...

Jan 16, 2009 00:14

There's always a lot of things going on in Chicago at any given time. Anywhere you go, any neighbourhood, any hour, there will be something ~HAPPENING~.

For example, at the Conrad Hotel, Adelaide Hunt is packing her bags to head back to New York, and hoping very desperately that Martin got her voicemail asking him to come up so she could say good ( Read more... )

will tippin, rose tyler (and cassandra), maya roy, marshall flinkman, dmitri lang, desmond descant, annie cartwright, dusty baker, mat wallace, tay barnam, adelaide hunt, 42-k (devon), dr. horrible, maria jackson, fiona glenanne, donna noble, john smith, mathias, becky trapper

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that_damn_paki January 17 2009, 01:34:35 UTC
There's a ghostly bear wandering the halls of the Kashtta Tower.

She hasn't met Will yet, but she's heard tell of him among the other dead residents and upon seeing him chatting with one of those dead residents, she trundles up and hauls herself onto a chair. At least she can still act like she has mass when it comes to climbing on things and running into them. It's not as if the world validates her existence in any other way, but at least she's not falling through floors.

All these books and no way to read them, she remarks, mostly to herself. Hey, she's a ghost - it's not like she's using any real vocal apparati or producing physical sound anyway. Why shouldn't she be able to speak in sunbear form? I'd settle for a randomized teleprompter.


casanovapoptart January 17 2009, 01:43:14 UTC
Florence nods politely to Maya (after all, with the exception of Will, they're all ghosts here. The rest of the world doesn't count if they can't see them after all, right?) and steps back, murmuring that she'll see Will later. They've got a bit of rapport going that she's happy to exploit, and Will just sort of nods to her while eyeing Maya a bit askance.

"I can't say I've had talking animals before," he comments. "And it's not like there's that many books. Maybe thirty, and they're not all mine..."


that_damn_paki January 17 2009, 01:50:16 UTC
Maya nods to Florence, then repositions herself on the chair. I was a shapeshifter before I got shot in the head, she says. Seems like it's stuck, though I have to say this version is more user-friendly. And being a bear is oddly relaxing. I'd say you should try it sometime...

She whffls. Tilts her head at the shelves.

Believe me, thirty books is thirty more than I've been able to read since dying. She raises her paws, waggling her claws. I think maybe you have to be an angry ghost to move things from beyond the grave.


casanovapoptart January 17 2009, 01:57:23 UTC
Will laughs a little, sheepishly. "Yeah, well, that's a good point. I haven't noticed anyone able to move anything, but I've pretty much steered away from the angry folks..."

He offers a hand, even though she doesn't have hands - she has paws afer all. "Will Tippin, resident... ghost whisperer, I guess."


that_damn_paki January 17 2009, 02:03:27 UTC
Maya takes the hand, as well as she really can take anything without opposable thumbs, and shakes. Maya Roy. I worked here for a few days before everything went to shit. Wound up at the Main Gauche, and you can see how well that turned out.


casanovapoptart January 17 2009, 02:05:28 UTC
"Yikes, right. I think I saw you once or twice around here. Indian woman, right?" God, he fails at social in Chicago. "Well... glad to see you're... relaxed?"


that_damn_paki January 17 2009, 02:11:23 UTC
She makes a noise which is possibly amusement. Paki Brit, she says, always one to go for the bluntest possible approach. Never knew my father, though; he died before I was born. Pretty bog-standard British upbringing.

She scratches the side of her neck absently.

"Relaxed" is one term. "Bored" is more like it.


casanovapoptart January 17 2009, 02:57:56 UTC
"Well, at least it's not hellfire and brimstone or stuck up guys in dresses playing the harp," Will offers with a shrug. Then he smiles a bit. "I'll see about setting something up. Movies or a teleprompter or something. I mean, I'll have to ask Torchwood, but they'll probably fix something."


that_damn_paki January 17 2009, 07:34:10 UTC
Maya chuckles. That would be appreciated. Thank you.

She pauses for a moment.

Are they aware that their dearly departed are sharing a building with them? They seem to have some problems with information flow.


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