Will Tippin has very little idea what's going on with Torchwood. This is not to say that he hasn't tried to find out, but he's been hindered by a few things
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There's a girl standing at the end of one hallway, her back against the wall, staring up at the ceiling like there's something there, something even Will can't see. She's wearing a long, pale blue dress, and a leather jacket over that. It's not really Des' jacket, she knows that, but she can pretend.
As Will draws near, she looks down from the ceiling, directly at him, and smiles. "It's better you're here anyway. Boys. You just can't get on without someone looking after you." It's true, in Kara's experience. Just look at Mark. Des. Even Sark, though he was April's, not hers. Most boys just need someone to keep them from doing stupid things.
Will stops and blinks at her, rather confused. He hasn't had the good fortune (or misfortune, as the case may be) of running into any of Chicago's psychics yet.
Will dots at her a little bit, but... well, he is smart. It doesn't take a lot to figure out what's going on. "Uh... can all of you people do that, or are you just special?" 'You people' being the dead ones, obviously.
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As Will draws near, she looks down from the ceiling, directly at him, and smiles. "It's better you're here anyway. Boys. You just can't get on without someone looking after you." It's true, in Kara's experience. Just look at Mark. Des. Even Sark, though he was April's, not hers. Most boys just need someone to keep them from doing stupid things.
"Uh... what?"
She might have to hit you if you keep it up, Will. Really now. Don't irritate the dead psychic girl.
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