Will Tippin has very little idea what's going on with Torchwood. This is not to say that he hasn't tried to find out, but he's been hindered by a few things
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There's a girl standing at the end of one hallway, her back against the wall, staring up at the ceiling like there's something there, something even Will can't see. She's wearing a long, pale blue dress, and a leather jacket over that. It's not really Des' jacket, she knows that, but she can pretend.
As Will draws near, she looks down from the ceiling, directly at him, and smiles. "It's better you're here anyway. Boys. You just can't get on without someone looking after you." It's true, in Kara's experience. Just look at Mark. Des. Even Sark, though he was April's, not hers. Most boys just need someone to keep them from doing stupid things.
Will stops and blinks at her, rather confused. He hasn't had the good fortune (or misfortune, as the case may be) of running into any of Chicago's psychics yet.
Will dots at her a little bit, but... well, he is smart. It doesn't take a lot to figure out what's going on. "Uh... can all of you people do that, or are you just special?" 'You people' being the dead ones, obviously.
"What do you mean, you weren't even properly alive?" Will asks, mentally taking notes. Hey, if he can't investigate what the hell is going on with Torchwood, maybe he'll investigate the people only he can see. "Sorry, introductions. I'm Will Tippin. I was a reporter back home."
"I know," Kara says with a grin, pushing herself away from the wall lightly. "I'm Kara. Died once before. Brought me back, but not all the way." She shrugs. "You wouldn't have been able to tell."
It's not as if he can tell now. And the way she's talking about it makes it sound like the psychic abilities were a result of being half-dead, which isn't true at all, but... never mind that.
"That's... fascinating. You couldn't do anything like that where I'm from." Right. We're not going to grill the psychic dead girl on her death, because that's rude. Or something.
Also, he's sort of wondering if she stopped him for a reason or if she was just bored.
"Well, it's nice to meet you, Kara," he says, offering his hand for shaking.
She rolls her eyes at the extended hand and steps forward to hug him. She misses hugging people - sure, there are the other ghosts around here, but it's... different. She feels real, hugging a person with a beating heart and air in his lungs.
"I need you to do something for me," she says as she bounces back, eying him very seriously.
Will was... very much not expecting the hug. But he already knows that he can interact with the ghosts like he would any normal person, that they feel just as real to him. So after a second of surprise, he hugs her back.
Obviously she needs it.
"Uh... yeah, sure. I mean, I can't promise, not knowing what it is, but to the best of my abilities..."
"First, I need you to find Julian Sark and tell him not to be stupid, and to listen to April. Tell him I said so. You should hit him too." She nods firmly to punctuate that. Really, Will. Hit him. It's for his own good. "And tell Des I'm sorry, but the sewers really are the best place for him now and it'll get better."
She pauses, and then eyes Will thoughtfully. "You can hit him too, but only if you tell him I said not to punch you first." Kara loves Des, really.
Now, Will's not usually the sort to be anal retentive about things strange girls tell him to do. But this girl's dead, and as far as he knows, he's the only living person who can see or hear her.
Therefore, he pulls out his memo pad/journal and scribbles down those messages, so he doesn't forget them. It seems only right that if he can see her, he should help her communicate. Right?
"Right. Okay." Will pauses for a moment. "You... have a last name for this 'Des' guy? I don't know him myself, so..."
"His middle name is Damien," she adds, just because sometimes it's necessary to share the full ridiculousness of that name. And she hasn't teased Des in so long... feels like forever, and maybe it is, here.
"Thank you!" she says brightly, and then spins off down the hall, in a swirl of skirts and long hair. Other things to do now. Psychic dead girl things. Best not to ask.
Will is left staring after Kara with a bemused smile on his face, shaking his head a bit. Once she's out of sight, he turns and heads back to the main tower, scribbling in his journal as he goes. Desmond Damien Descant gets a journal entry, because Will is pretty sure Sydney won't let him leave, even to go explore the sewers to try to find this guy.
Julian Sark, though, is in the building. He knows this. Julian will not get a journal entry.
As Will draws near, she looks down from the ceiling, directly at him, and smiles. "It's better you're here anyway. Boys. You just can't get on without someone looking after you." It's true, in Kara's experience. Just look at Mark. Des. Even Sark, though he was April's, not hers. Most boys just need someone to keep them from doing stupid things.
"Uh... what?"
She might have to hit you if you keep it up, Will. Really now. Don't irritate the dead psychic girl.
It's not as if he can tell now. And the way she's talking about it makes it sound like the psychic abilities were a result of being half-dead, which isn't true at all, but... never mind that.
Also, he's sort of wondering if she stopped him for a reason or if she was just bored.
"Well, it's nice to meet you, Kara," he says, offering his hand for shaking.
"I need you to do something for me," she says as she bounces back, eying him very seriously.
Obviously she needs it.
"Uh... yeah, sure. I mean, I can't promise, not knowing what it is, but to the best of my abilities..."
She pauses, and then eyes Will thoughtfully. "You can hit him too, but only if you tell him I said not to punch you first." Kara loves Des, really.
Therefore, he pulls out his memo pad/journal and scribbles down those messages, so he doesn't forget them. It seems only right that if he can see her, he should help her communicate. Right?
"Right. Okay." Will pauses for a moment. "You... have a last name for this 'Des' guy? I don't know him myself, so..."
...Really. She loves Des.
He looks at it, written on his memo pad, and snorts a little. "Wow, that really is ridiculous."
"Thank you!" she says brightly, and then spins off down the hall, in a swirl of skirts and long hair. Other things to do now. Psychic dead girl things. Best not to ask.
Julian Sark, though, is in the building. He knows this. Julian will not get a journal entry.
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