It's party tiiime!

Jul 11, 2008 22:26

[OOC: Okay, another party thread. :) Comment your characters in or have your characters respond to other characters' comments within. Uh, anyone who got invited can be here. And there's a huge list of invites. Well, not huge, but substantial. Like anyone she's ever had a decent conversation with. So come. Plz ( Read more... )

the doctor (ten), grace cassidy, martha jones, kara kendricks, captain jack harkness, the whistler, john dorian (j.d.), desmond descant, ripley hennisey, april, charlie walker, dinah

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Comments 104

xiaomei_mei July 12 2008, 03:05:40 UTC
April is here. April is actually outside sitting in the grass and playing with the Doctor's "cat", if you want to get technical about it. Or, well, trying to socialize with it, at any rate. It's hiding in the bushes.

"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you," she murmurs in Mandarin, holding her hand out and trying to come across as non-threatening as possible.

April and the Doctor deserve each other sometimes. This is one of those times.


bloodsoulrhythm July 12 2008, 23:04:39 UTC
"You know," Charlie says, watching from a distance, "the Doctor warned me about that cat. Creature. Thing."

He's not saying she's wrong for trying to make friends. Just sharing the warning.

He's actually taking a break from dancing and just... wandering. Seeing what there is to see. Like a little girl trying to coax the Doctor's weird pet from out of the bushes.


xiaomei_mei July 13 2008, 02:56:31 UTC
April turns a little and grins brightly at him. "She's sweet. Just scared. I think she smells somethin' she's scared of on me. I'm trying to convince her she ain't got reason t'be."

Thank you, Charlie. Your cowboyness has brought out April's space cowgirl accent.


bloodsoulrhythm July 18 2008, 00:08:42 UTC
...Which is saying a great deal, considering that, except for the hat, Charlie's not that overtly cowboyish. But then, such are the hazards of dealing with psychics. And he has seen Brokeback Mountain five times.

"I can't say I blame her. Seems like she's a long way from home."

He smiles back, just a little, and keeps a respectful distance. "I'm Charlie. Don't think we've met."


first_shots July 12 2008, 03:53:26 UTC
Where there's a Dinah, there's also usually a Jezebel.

In this case she's in the middle of the makeshift dancefloor, dancing to the music as her camera swings around her neck. She'd been taking pictures for a while but her attention swayed when a particularly alluring song started playing.

Occasionally though, if she spots something of interest, she might just stop her movements and take a snapshot.

Maybe later she'll do something nice with them, give them to the nice woman who was hosting the party or something, she hasn't decided yet.


somebodysdeath July 12 2008, 05:10:18 UTC
"Jez, you always dance so beautifully." Dinah smiles at her as she walks on to the dancefloor with a drink in her hand, hips swaying to the beat.

"I love watching you dance. Does that sound creepy?" She laughs, a little as she takes a sip of her drink and holds it out towards Jezebel, in case, she wants to try. "I think I'm okay with that."


first_shots July 12 2008, 09:20:11 UTC
Her movements slow as she hears Dinah and she reaches for her camera almost instinctively, snapping a photo of the woman.
"Learned from watching the best," she informs when she lowers the camera and starts dancing again, this time, letting her hips sway a little more, as she moves closer.

"Sorta does," she comments but she's laughing as she does so and taking the offered drink as well.

Having a few sips, she gives her nod of approval before handing it back. "You're lucky though, I like creepy every now and then."


somebodysdeath July 13 2008, 02:46:14 UTC
"And you learn well," Dinah says with a very pleased tone.

She laughs, too and twirls with the drink out of her hand.

It's so easy to laugh around Jezebel.

"I'm very lucky. So very lucky to know you."


no_pulsing July 12 2008, 03:57:08 UTC
He wasn't planning on coming and honestly? He's not exactly sure why he did.

But he's here now, wearing a nervous smile and sticking very close to the door, occasionally looking around in an attempt to catch sight of Martha.

And when he does spot her? He'll call out her name, smile just a little and beckon her to come over so he might be able to say a proper congratulations.


smithnjones July 12 2008, 04:35:33 UTC
Ripley doesn't even have to beckon her before she rushes over to his side at the sight of him in her doorway. She's smiling, brightly.

It means so much to her that he's here.

"Ripley!" She rushes to his side and hugs him tight without a moment's pause. "I'm so glad you came!"


no_pulsing July 12 2008, 09:09:27 UTC
He laughs at the rather enthusiastic welcome but he moves to hug her back. It's good to see Martha this...happy.

He missed seeing her that way.

"How could I not come," he questions with a teasing voice. "My Martha goes off and gets a house and then doesn't expect me to show up?" He grins a little. "Well, I guess I can understand but ta-da! Here I am."

Yes, seeing her has put him into a better mood. Maybe not eased his anxieties any but hey, at least he can try and get through them with a smile.


smithnjones July 12 2008, 18:29:37 UTC
Martha smiles lovingly at him.

Oh, she's missed him very much.

"Yes, here you are. It really means so much to me that you're here." She grabs hold of his hand and leads him further into the house. "C'mon then let me give you the grand tour, yeah?"


nothingsodivine July 12 2008, 03:58:10 UTC
Des has so missed Dinah's mixed drinks and he has one in his hands as he meanders through the party, grinning like an idiot, which is generally how he always grins, so it's nothing strange. It's been awhile since they've had a big group together since the Fall of the Basement and long before, honestly, so he's making the most of the party.

So there is a Des! Mingling! Feel free to prod him. He's slightly buzzed and in good spirits and may lead the charge in drunk table dancing later if he can convince Martha to join him.

Yeah, Des's protests about not table-dancing apparently go away when he gets into a party mood.


smithnjones July 12 2008, 05:05:15 UTC
Martha is a little more than slightly buzzed, which is surprising, because she has been running around so much she didn't have much time to drink. Nothing like making up for last time.

"Des!" She practically squeaks with glee, smiles at him, and leans against him. Hey, just because they live together in this house doesn't mean they can't mingle together, too. "The party's looking good, huh? I'm so glad we could pull it off."


nothingsodivine July 12 2008, 05:35:19 UTC
"Martha Jones!" Des throws an arm around Martha and gestures with his cup. "It's looking amazing, and I'm so glad I didn't have to hold a convention center hostage just so you could have a party."

He would have done it though. Totally.

"And what's this 'we' business?" He drawls, looking down at the top of her head (Martha is tiiiiiny). "You're the belle of the ball, Miss Jones, organizing this whole shindig."


smithnjones July 12 2008, 05:46:51 UTC
"I'm really glad you didn't, too, though it sort of would've been fun to decorate a whole convention center. It's just... require far too many decorations. So it's best that we just stuck to the house then, yeah?"

Martha laughs, tilting her head to the side as she looks up at him with a loving smile.

"Oh, but you moved the couches where I told you to and put up the really tall decorations. And technically it's our house so it's our party." She has to giggle though. "Belle of the ball? Seriously? I don't think I've ever been called that before."


thatsortofaman July 12 2008, 04:05:19 UTC
The Doctor's attitude toward and opinion on parties varies depending on his mood, the party itself, and possibly the phase of the moon. This party... he's not sure how he feels about it, but he's pretty much required to be here for a little while, so... here he is.

He's in the kitchen, actually, sitting at the table and... well, he hopes Martha wasn't planning on using this microwave any time soon. Let's just say he's repurposing it. If anyone wants to wander in and say hello, he won't mind. He's just in here so he can pretend he's not actually here for the party. Nor does he live here. Just happens to be here. As usual.


nothingsodivine July 12 2008, 04:33:38 UTC
And Des is finished mingling for awhile- or maybe he just needed ice or something. Either way, he wanders into the kitchen, takes one look at the Doctor, and sort of leans on the doorframe, watching him for a second.

"Is this a private party or can I join?" He says with a chuckle, mildly sarcastic. He's not rip-roarin' drunk and won't be for awhile. He did, in fact, need to talk to the Doctor (especially since he's well aware he was more than a little assholeish the last time they saw each other), and thus he needed to remain sober for it.

...Or mostly sober anyway. You can't deny the wonders of Dinah's mixed drinks. At least he still has all cognitive functions working in his favor. Always a plus.


thatsortofaman July 12 2008, 17:16:19 UTC
The Doctor glances up as Des speaks, looking up over the tops of his glasses, and he smiles a little. It's not his full-fledged real smile, but a pretty good imitation of it. "It's your house," he says with a shrug. Apparently the fact that it's Des' house doesn't preclude the Doctor keeping his cat thing here, or taking apart his microwave and reassembling it in ways that mean it may never function as a microwave again. That's just the sort of thing you put up with when you have the Doctor in your life.


nothingsodivine July 12 2008, 22:31:23 UTC
"It is my house," he says, a bit too gleefully. Des never really had a desire to be domestic, but he never had anything against it either, and this house makes every shitty apartment over his office he's ever had pale in comparison. There's just something... Quaint about having a house, but, as has often been established, Des is a girl sometimes.

He ventures over to the fridge and tries to remember if there was actually something he needed from the kitchen or if he just gravitated towards the kitchen for some reason. He glances over his shoulder when staring at the fridge fails to give him the proper results and really notes the fact that the Doctor is poking at the microwave.

"What did that poor microwave ever do to you?" Yes, Des is just going to be adorably sarcastic until he remembers that there were things and he needed to say them. "Or was it just conveinent? How's your hand, by the way?" The last bit is added as an afterthought (a completely random, non-sequitor of an afterthought) as if he just now remembered that was part ( ... )


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