It's party tiiime!

Jul 11, 2008 22:26

[OOC: Okay, another party thread. :) Comment your characters in or have your characters respond to other characters' comments within. Uh, anyone who got invited can be here. And there's a huge list of invites. Well, not huge, but substantial. Like anyone she's ever had a decent conversation with. So come. Plz ( Read more... )

the doctor (ten), grace cassidy, martha jones, kara kendricks, captain jack harkness, the whistler, john dorian (j.d.), desmond descant, ripley hennisey, april, charlie walker, dinah

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nothingsodivine July 12 2008, 22:31:23 UTC
"It is my house," he says, a bit too gleefully. Des never really had a desire to be domestic, but he never had anything against it either, and this house makes every shitty apartment over his office he's ever had pale in comparison. There's just something... Quaint about having a house, but, as has often been established, Des is a girl sometimes.

He ventures over to the fridge and tries to remember if there was actually something he needed from the kitchen or if he just gravitated towards the kitchen for some reason. He glances over his shoulder when staring at the fridge fails to give him the proper results and really notes the fact that the Doctor is poking at the microwave.

"What did that poor microwave ever do to you?" Yes, Des is just going to be adorably sarcastic until he remembers that there were things and he needed to say them. "Or was it just conveinent? How's your hand, by the way?" The last bit is added as an afterthought (a completely random, non-sequitor of an afterthought) as if he just now remembered that was part of what he needed to say.


thatsortofaman July 12 2008, 22:48:45 UTC
"I don't have anything against the microwave," he says cheerfully. "This microwave just happens to be useful, and I'll get you a new one. In the mean time, it's for a good cause and... you've still got a toaster."

He pauses a moment to adjust something with the sonic screwdriver, and then glances up at Des again. "Were you... looking for something?" Des is looking a little lost, as far as the Doctor can tell.


nothingsodivine July 12 2008, 23:00:24 UTC
"You'll go shopping for a microwave or you'll make one magically appear?" He doesn't mean to tease you about your lack of domesticity, Doctor. He chuckles at the toaster bit and then adds, "I'll remember that when I set the house on fire trying to cook a hot pocket in the toaster. Should I ask what the good cause is for?"

He frowns at the fridge. "I have no idea. Either I'm more drunk than I realized or it wasn't important." He shrugs and abandons the fridge, taking to leaning on the counter and watching the Doctor work for a bit. "Your Time Lord frenemy didn't send the dog by with anymore nasty surprises, did she?

And he's slowly remembering that he was kind of a jackass before and never really apologized for that. Normally he wouldn't, because that's how he acts and most people who know him have a thick skin when it comes to his mouth, but, well, the Doctor really hasn't been in the best of moods lately. Best to make sure all's quiet on the western front in that regards. Not that he knows about Three Mile Island or anything.

Also it's probably best not to question that he actually just used the word frenemy.


thatsortofaman July 12 2008, 23:17:14 UTC
The Doctor pauses momentarily. He hadn't thought about that. Microwave shopping is a bit... hmm. Well, he'll find a way to work around it. "It's a Torchwood thing. And they haven't got a microwave where they're staying." The Kashtta's still in the process of being furnished with... the basic requirements of living.

He shakes his head at the question about the Rani. "Nah. That was just a... temporary punishment anyway, and as I haven't done anything to upset her since then..." He should be fine.


nothingsodivine July 12 2008, 23:25:37 UTC
He brushes him off as soon as he sees that pause. "Don't worry about it," he says, meaning the microwave, obviously, and then pauses briefly at the mention of Torchwood. "At least they're not living in a warehouse or something. Not having a microwave would be the least of their worries then." Des doesn't actually know that was briefly an option, he's just being unintentionally ironic.

He shrugs, a bit relieved by that. "Good. I'd be wary of that dog showing up unexpectedly, but it's so damn cute. Maybe that's the point. She is so not a nice lady, is she?"

That's one way to describe the Rani, Des. Sure.


thatsortofaman July 12 2008, 23:41:00 UTC
The Doctor raises an eyebrow at the mention of Torchwood staying in a warehouse, in a what would they be doing that for? sort of way. "I wouldn't blame the dog. The Rani is... brilliant, dedicated, and a number of other things generally considered good, but nice is not one of them."

The microwave sparks, and the Doctor jumps back, frowning at the microwave like he's been personally insulted. But it didn't burn him or anything, so he gets over it fairly quickly.


nothingsodivine July 12 2008, 23:47:56 UTC
"I don't blame the dog and if it weren't for the fact that I don't want her inflicting me with alien smallpox, I'd kidnap it." For Great Justice, really.

Des jumps back when the microwave sparks and bites back a Holy shit, and for a moment just stares at the microwave like it might possibly attack.

"I don't think it likes you taking away its purpose in life." It's... Hot pocket-heating purpose. Of course.


thatsortofaman July 12 2008, 23:53:58 UTC
"It didn't have a purpose in life," the Doctor says, rolling his eyes a little, "primarily because it doesn't have a life. Anyway, like I said. It's for a good cause." He looks up, a bit of a mocking smile on his lips. "You're not scared the microwave's going to attack you, are you?"


nothingsodivine July 13 2008, 00:11:50 UTC
"With you, Doctor, I never know," Des mutters, stepping out of his defensive stance and rolling his eyes in return. "Don't tell me you couldn't turn that thing into something that could chew on my ankles if you had the time and were bored enough."

Obviously, chewing on Des's ankles would not be its primary function, but it would probably have the ability and would use it. That's just the way things are.


thatsortofaman July 13 2008, 00:14:18 UTC
The Doctor considers that for a second, frowning at the microwave, and then shrugs. "I probably could. What gave you the idea that I would is a question I'm not going to ask. At the moment, it can't move under its own power, so unless you're worried I'm going to throw it at you..."

Come on, Des. Stop being a girl.


smithnjones July 13 2008, 04:37:55 UTC
Martha walks into the kitchen with an armload thanks to Jack. She probably could have left some of it behind, but it all looks so impressive when it's kept together and she's stronger than she looks.

"Hey, boys! Look what we got!" She smiles, brightly, and attempts to maneuver the armload of gifts to the counter or table or somewhere solid so they can go threw them.

But she's ti-i-i-iny. Even being stronger than she looks doesn't mean it's easier to maneuver an armload of gifts! It's Christmas in July!


nothingsodivine July 13 2008, 05:10:55 UTC
Des to the rescue! Or something like that. At any rate, he takes advantage of the distraction to bolt from behind the counter and take some of the weight off Martha. "Whoa there, missy. Don't topple over or anything." Oh Des, sometimes you're randomly a cowboy.

"And who do we have to thank for this impressive haul?" He asks, a little bit shocked at the gifts as he takes some into his arms and drops them onto the counter to examine them better.


thatsortofaman July 13 2008, 05:14:06 UTC
The Doctor blinks. Gets to his feet and wanders over to snatch the note off the top of the pile of gifts. Take no notice of the half-dismantled microwave, Martha. It's unimportant. Honestly.

He frowns at the signature on the note for a half-second before smirking slightly and setting it down on the table. "Jack." Somehow, he's not surprised. Well, a little, the way Jack looked at him the last time he saw him, but...


smithnjones July 13 2008, 05:30:26 UTC
Yeah, Martha's stuck between very surprised and... not at all that it's Jack. It's something he would do, but she didn't exactly have the best last conversation with him either.

"Oh, he's so thoughtful. Really," she says, fondly, with a tiny, warm smile as she looks at the presents. "And look there's wine and chocolate and something for each of us."


nothingsodivine July 13 2008, 06:04:52 UTC
"Always liked Jack," Des muses casually, like he's known Jack for years... Or, you know, that his opinion of Jack doesn't actually change depending on his mood. Whatever.

He digs through the chocolates and pops one into his mouth- hey, why let good chocolate go to waste? He finds the gift addressed to him and studies it, his expression immediately growing more gleeful around his truffle.

"Oh Jackie-boy," he says, voice muffled just a bit by the sweet. "I'd kiss him for this, but that would be a bad idea for several reasons."


thatsortofaman July 13 2008, 06:28:10 UTC
"I'm sure he wouldn't mind," the Doctor mutters, rolling his eyes a little. Actually, he's certain Jack wouldn't mind, and still can't believe there wasn't more flirting the first time Jack and Des were in a room together. Glad there wasn't, but...

He steals a chocolate himself and wanders back over to sit in the chair by the microwave, though instead of poking at it further, for the moment he just leans back in the chair and puts his feet on the table. "I won't even ask what you want to kiss him for."

Really. The Doctor is suspicious of presents from Jack. For a variety of reasons. Feel free to take your pick.


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