And I've wondered who's the woman for whom we all kill...

Jul 08, 2008 17:14

[[OOC: Party thread of awesome, guys! This operates on the same scale as all of our party threads in the past. For those of you don't remember or weren't here. See the following threads. Those of you who have archangels waiting in the wings can fill free to tag in and chat amongst your fellows. Those of you have kids already in the basement can ( Read more... )

georgia bishop, kiki monroe, grace cassidy, romana angelos, martin raske, dmitri lang, mitsuki takahashi, vincent sterling, elena guerrero, sky williams

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Comments 52

nowinprint July 8 2008, 22:51:40 UTC
Dmitri, because she cannot leave an issue alone (and the official city records have to me MULTILATERAL and BALANCED!), has come into the basement seeking an interview with Romana. Hey, maybe the First was a bit cranky when she got shot up by Harkness, but who wouldn't be? She's probably past whatever pushing-people-into-Rifts aggression cropped up right after the fact. And who doesn't want to see their side recorded for posterity?

Instead, she's found a crowd of people milling about and looking like Archangels. Except for that one guy in the purple suit. Whatever. She has a feeling that Romana will probably not have much time for her just now.

She slips into the press, reporter's notebook out, and singles out one of them - Mitsuki, as it happens. "Hey," she says, letting out her wings, just to look like she fits in. "Dmitri Lang, Angel of Knowledge. Want to give me a statement for the record?"


armedandangelic July 8 2008, 23:01:44 UTC
Mitsuki doesn't actually look up from her palm pilot, because SCHEDULES. They must be PERFECT. Thankfully, however, she is actually a relatively pleasant person for an angel who spends most of her time cursing over the phone at gunrunners and the like. Also, she has a soft spot for Angels of Knowledge. Tokyo boasts one of the highest concentration of them in the world and Mitsuki always thought that's what her calling should have been if she had to have a calling, instead of that which kills things. Not that she's not really good at killing things.

"I have a few statements about how traveling in an obscenely small minivan from O'Hare to here with this many bumpkins should be elected as the eighth level of Hell, but I bet that's not what you're asking."

Oh girls. Have fun.


nowinprint July 8 2008, 23:17:49 UTC
Dmitri chuckles. "Tell me it wasn't a rental. Not that I imagine a minivan to be typical Archangel gear, but rental minivans bump it down at least another two circles, in my mind." She's scribbling notes, as well. It's not sure what they're on, as they haven't gotten past the "poking fun" stage of the meeting yet, but Dmitri will find something to write about if nothing presents itself. "So, did the bumpkin poobah give you a reason for dragging you all in, or is it just to appease Lady Angelos?"

She pauses for a moment, tapping her pen against her chin.


armedandangelic July 8 2008, 23:49:12 UTC
"Okay. I won't tell you, but I will say if Vince had to buy the damn thing, I would have shot him in the kneecap." She says that out of love, because she loves her captain. Really ( ... )


eatthepastries July 8 2008, 23:03:38 UTC
And standing by herself twirling her hair like some hopped up, magazine-flipping, toe nail-painting teenager is one Kiki Monroe, bored out of her mind after the plane ride and the stupid minivan. She was going to punch out the car rental guy when he presented them with that clunker, but she's not really that good at punching and she hates people knowing that. Especially the people here.

"God there had better be alcohol," she drawls, rolling her eyes. "Dontcha think, Steve?" she asks her seatmate from the van, and if she had gum she would have popped it at that point.

Good lord she's annoying. A sweetheart when it comes down to it, a terrified kid, but... annoying.


doicreepyouout July 8 2008, 23:25:11 UTC
Steve was admiring the walls when Kiki speaking up brought him out of whatever it is was he was doing. There was a good chance he was thinking deeply about something or other, but with Steve it's hard to tell. He is a mystery.

"Alcohol," he repeats as if he was making sure he heard that right. "And here I was thinking you were more of a fruit punch kind of girl."

Teasing, really, although gently and not as extreme as he can be. Being stuck in that damn minivan sobered him up some, because there's only so much eccentricity one can handle in close quarters... Also he's afraid of Mitsuki. She hits hard.


eatthepastries July 8 2008, 23:40:30 UTC
Kiki rolls her eyes. "Come on, Stevie," she says, grinning. "I'm 22. I can totally drink." She lets out a girlish chuckle. "I'm only interested in punch if it's spiked."

Don't ask why she's clung onto him. There's something about his intensity- the way he doesn't really seem to all be there- that makes her like him.

"Granted," she continues, "I do like those little umbrellas they put in the kind of fruity drinks? Those things are fun when you spin them- the pattern goes 'whoo'!" Yes, whoo. Oh Kiki.


doicreepyouout July 9 2008, 00:23:11 UTC
"You coulda fooled me, Kikikins," he responds, giving her hair a playful flip. Oh look, it's a nickname war. "You being all cute and innocent."

Pssh. He's known her for less than a week or just a little more than a week (it's hard to tell on those long flights halfway across the world), so he only barely knows her, but Steve likes to think he has a certain way with people that allows him to really get to know them in short periods of time... Or something.

"I love those things!" He replies gleefully. "I wonder if they have those here. I mean in the hotel part. They have a bar, right? They gotta have a bar- it would be criminal if they didn't. We should totally get one after the, uh... Whatchamadooji." He snaps his fingers, trying to remember that cool lingo Vince and Mitsuki were using before. "The briefing! Oooh. I wonder if we'll get to meet Romana. I hear she's so cool, if not totally terrifying."

And the eccentric side emerges. Apparently, the concept of fruity drinks perks him right up.


radiantsoldier July 8 2008, 23:03:55 UTC
Elena's up and wandering around, and... Oh, hey, people. And Vincent's back!

She should check out the fresh meat (never mind that most of the 'fresh meat' is much, much older than she is), but she can't resist wandering over and saying hi to Vincent first.

"You," she says, smirking, "have got cojones the size of fuckin' moons."

And she means that with respect, really.

{{OOC: Since she's technically part of the original group brought over, I'll leave it to you just how much of a relationship or lack thereof Vincent has with her, but she does like/respect him, whether from afar or otherwise.}}


thrillofthekill July 8 2008, 23:36:59 UTC
[[OOC: Vincent adores everyone in his little archangel circle, excepting perhaps, a couple of my kids. *coughs*. Be prepared for VINCENT LOVE, ELENA! Also shitty Spanish is shitty and found on websites, and I KNOW THE INTERNET IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED, but let's hope that it actually means what I think it means.]]

Vincent is relatively pleased that his first exposure to the old regime isn't Romana, herself. It's not that he doesn't want to see her (he does- desperately)... He just wants to work up to her. Slowly. Or something.

He throws out his arms in a way that suggests he's either expecting a hug (not all archangels are big on that, but it's nice to throw up the offer) or is shrugging really dramatically, and gives Elena one of his cheesiest grins, "I bet you say that to everyone who does what I did, queridito."

He's kidding, of course. No one's that stupid. Not even him, mostly, but desperate times call for desperate measures.


radiantsoldier July 9 2008, 00:15:26 UTC
{{OOC: Elena's Spanish comes half from the internet, and half from my fuzzy memories of a language I spoke fluently over fifteen years ago, and then forgot huge chunks of, so I make no claims to how good it is, myself. Anyway, what you've got there is almost right. Though I don't recall seeing the diminutive (-ito/-ita -- "little one") on querido/querida ("beloved") before, it does make sense if it's more "adorable kid" and not romantic. So if that's what you wanted, you're good. Only problem is the gender. Should be queridita. But we shall ignore that Vincent basically just called Elena a boy and get on with the story, and I'll stop rambling about Spanish grammar when no one cares. Yes. There's a plan. :P }}

Elena's tough. She's hard. She's a woman you Do Not Fuck With, who does not go in for chick flicks, manicures, talking about feelings, and other girly stuff.

She just happens to be pouncing on Vincent and hugging him very, very tightly right now. There may have been a little squeeing in there as well. Just don't tell anyone ( ... )


thrillofthekill July 9 2008, 00:36:33 UTC
[[OOC: VINCE CAN'T SPEAK SPANISH. AND NEITHER CAN I. Hahaha. I was trying for "litte darling" which is what Vince calls every female character younger than him, because he is a COWBOY. Or something. His southern accent, let him show you it. WE CAN PRETEND THIS MADE SENSE.]]

Vincent does that to everyone. He is a huggable guy for a fucking hardass archangel, but it's part of his charm. He hugs her back tightly and decides not to call her on the squeeing, because he's nicer than that.

He chuckles as she pulls away. It's good to see the old gang again. He's happy to be back, but her words bring out the frowny face, because the idea of anyone else bringing down Romana irks him. He's the captain. The second. The one who takes it on himself to bring Romana down from her frenzy when it needs to be done, and only then. Her standing's been compromised enough and while she doesn't care how these people (the wanderers, the other angels) see her, he does. It's a PR thing. Not that she needs PR or anything of the sort, but... Well, you get it ( ... )


aboveandbelowme July 8 2008, 23:22:48 UTC
There are very few angels with anything resembling actual training in this group - Mitsuki was, apparently, scraping the bottom of the barrel to find most of them.

There are, however, two who don't look like teenagers or punkass kids or... okay, there are absolutely no words for Steve.

There's a man with slightly messy brown hair and a brown leather jacket leaning against the wall, arms folded over his chest, looking vaguely like he'd like to curl up somewhere and sleep for a long, long time. International flights, plus a minivan ride, the entire trip spent with a group of archangels... oh yeah. He's got good reason to be tired out.

His partner, however, is pretty far from exhausted. She's been cooped up way too long, and is therefore wandering around the lobby - not quite bouncing, but very close - and investigating. There's not much that's very interesting here, but... oh, look, panic buttons at the reception desk ( ... )


wolverine9601 July 9 2008, 02:48:44 UTC
"It'll alert specific people that someone's panicking. Hone's in on the location of the button so they know where to go to help."

Wolverine was in the lobby before the massive group of angels arrived. He considered leaving, but then thought it better to remain quiet by the wall behind the desk and see just what all he's going to have to deal with for the next who knows how long if when he decides to leave his room.


aboveandbelowme July 9 2008, 05:48:37 UTC
Georgia eyes the the guy, and then the button, and then puts it down with an expression that pretty much conveys fuck that. "People around here call for help a lot?" she says, in a tone that makes it difficult to tell whether she's being scornful, or looking forward to some action.

Martin contemplates slamming his head back against the wall. Maybe if he hit himself hard enough, he'd pass out and then he could get some sleep. He also contemplates apologizing to this guy for Georgia, but... eh, if he apologized to everyone Georgia spoke to, he wouldn't have time for anything else.


wolverine9601 July 10 2008, 03:25:33 UTC
"Only once that I heard."

And they were too late to be of any help then.

But the Doctor destroyed the warehouse of death and Wolverine killed the demon so... it's not as if they did nothing at all.

"They won't anymore. Not many wanderers left down here, least not ones that'll need any help."


of_rageandruin July 8 2008, 23:50:00 UTC
Romana is just now getting back to the hotel, after... well, killing a young, unimportant demon, but a demon nevertheless. She can sense the gathering of people downstairs while still in the upstairs lobby, and that's... fairly unexpected. Still, the general energy she's getting from them suggests "archangels", more than anything, and that's encouraging. It raises some questions, but there's very little chance it's a bad thing.

The elevator hums softly as it descends, and then the doors slide open, revealing the First among Firsts standing there, brown and white wings already out and half-spread. She's really not prone to dramatic entrances. Sometimes these things just happen.


thrillofthekill July 9 2008, 00:45:24 UTC
A little bit of a hush falls over a few of the group. Mitsuki excuses herself from a conversation she's having with another angel and tugs Vince's sleeve, gesticulating in a very subtle way to get his attention.

Vince notices Romana and the angel he was playfully roughhousing with slowly backs away in a 'okay, man, do what you gotta do' gesture. He takes a deep breath and adjusts his tie a little. Chin high, no tail between his legs. He was not hiding from her, dammit. Chicago is cursed when it comes to archangels. Apparently whatever strange thing happened to keep Romana away while Calisto was exploding affected him too.

Mitsuki follows him over without being asked and he's very thankful for it if only so she can provide a better explanation of the specs of what happened than he can. He's so bad at that stuff.

"Well," Vincent says, once he's in front of her. "I'm finally back. Transportation into Chicago is a bitch."

It's a good thing Mitsuki is tiny. No one generally notices when she rolls her eyes.


of_rageandruin July 9 2008, 01:19:06 UTC
Romana eyes Vincent silently for a moment, sifting through the thoughts at the surface of his mind. She'd be more bothered if he were slinking back to her with his tail between his legs, because then she'd be worried about what else he did that she's not aware of. As it is, she just watches him for a moment, eyes slightly narrowed, like a cat considering pouncing, and trying to decide whether it's worth the energy.

"It's generally considered polite to leave notice when you leave town. You could have called to let me know you were delayed." Instead of dropping out of contact altogether and... yes, it looked pretty much like running and hiding from a certain perspective.


thrillofthekill July 9 2008, 01:46:32 UTC
It did. It really did, and goddamn it, he knows that, and he can't even form a coherent excuse for why he didn't, because it mostly involves the insanity that went into rounding up all these kids, and...

He suddenly blurts out, "Tokyo exploded."

....Well, that was part of it anyway. Although as far as excuses for not calling or writing go, it's not the best one.


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