meme whore, meme whore, la la la la la laaaaaaa

Nov 24, 2009 16:37

stolen from pseudicide!

Eight ships you like :
1. Kirk/Spock (Star Trek XI)
2. Jayne/Inara (Firefly)
3. Sandor/Sansa (ASoIaF)
4. McCoy/Chapel (Star Trek XI)
5. Harry/Draco (Harry Potter)
6. Kara/Anders (Battlestar Galactica)
7. Phedre/Joscelin/Hyacinthe (Kushiel's Legacy)
8. Jon/Danaerys (ASoIaF)

Four ships you're curious about :9. Arthur/Merlin (Merlin ( Read more... )

fandom: is a zombie, fandom: is meta, memes

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Comments 15

ceilidh November 24 2009, 21:39:31 UTC
7 ♥


betweenthebliss November 24 2009, 21:46:34 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

it's so nice to see you commenting on this journal, omg. :3


deensey November 24 2009, 23:05:35 UTC
LOL HAPPILY EVERY AFTER IN ASoIaF You're so cute <33333

Also I adore kara/anders. YAY.


betweenthebliss November 24 2009, 23:12:34 UTC
hey, it asked what i WANT, not what actually has a prayer of HAPPENING. >.<;;; it's TR's fault, man, sandor's actually had a taste of being happy and now it's like i don't want to give it up. but you know he's going to actually end up saving sansa's life and dying in some horrible tortured way. which will make me sob like a little bitch, and i love when books do that to me, but still. sigh.

omg i fucking love sam anders. when lastvoyages starts taking apps for wardens again i'm apping him. i love kara/lee a lot, don't get me wrong, it's awesome and i love it in canon and in fic. but from pretty much the first second anders showed up i was super in love with him and that's never gonna change. :"}


deensey November 24 2009, 23:47:34 UTC
Ooooh lastvoyages looks neat.


I loves him and I loves Kara. <3<3 Even if I am UNSURE of what the whole angel/vanishing thing meant and pretend it didn't happen. Sorta. LOL.


betweenthebliss November 25 2009, 00:45:54 UTC
lolol everyone says that at first. ;)

yeah actually i kind of do the same thing with kara's part of the finale. in my mind it sort of ends after she and adama do the "nothing but the rain" thing. >.>;;;;; kara's one of my favorite characters from anything ever, basically, and yeah, i wasn't such a big fan of the "end" of her storyline. :x


barrowjane November 25 2009, 01:30:34 UTC
Your reason for not liking Simon/Kaylee is much like mine - I like the two characters on there own - Simon's actually my favorite firefly character and I enjoy Kaylee - but she gets all googly-eyed over him.

ALSO I two episodes into BSG and I love it already. I think it was the moment with "But why do the cylons come every 33 minutes? Why not 32, or 34 - " "Shut up." that did it. Or the fact that it's awesome.


betweenthebliss November 25 2009, 15:41:06 UTC
exactly, right? and b/c it's joss i can so see that jayne/kaylee is where the show would've ended up if it had kept on for a few seasons, and THAT is a ship i really enjoy. also i'm actually sort of a bad person and ship simon/zoe after wash dies. >.>;;; and simon/jayne is another favorite. just-- ugh, idk. kaylee needs a guy who's going to protect her when she needs protecting and let her do her own awesome thing the rest of the time. simon just flusters her and that pisses me off. .....not that i could talk about this incessantly or anything, lol.

OMG OMG OMG YESSSSSSS you are in for such a fucking treat, you have no idea!! LOL that line makes me laugh every single fucking time, ahaha. and god, it only gets more awesome with time. i look forward to your repeated flailing. XDDDD


HOLY CRAP I LOVE YOUUUU. srsly I'm about to make a list based on your list mutantjules November 26 2009, 14:39:36 UTC
1) I thought I couldn't love you more, and then I see Jayne/Inara. Not that I ship it or have ever really thought about it, just..the possibility and the idea of the few ways in which it could happen (and beyond that, the few ways to get it to work) kind of sets my brain on fire and it's AWESOME.

2) yeaahhh ilu some more, Simon/Kaylee doesn't work for me at all. I love him and I love her a lot more but their relationship is just a BIG NO to me. (and not just cause I spent the whole show convinced he was into Mal and trying to very politely brush her off, then in the Big Damn Movie when he talks about wanting her or something I was like .......WAIT WHAT) I don't like how she chased him around, I HATE when this happens, an awesome female character starts mooning all over a guy and when he seems a bit reticent, sets to convincing him to date her. wtf? YOU ARE TOO BADASS FOR THIS. (also seen with TONKS; HI TONKS. I like the idea of her & Remus as a couple -one CAN ship them and him/Sirius too!- but their getting-together scene was like ( ... )


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betweenthebliss December 4 2009, 14:08:50 UTC
oh yey an excuse to use this icon. XD and eeee, i hope you like the WC ficlet, i cannot stop wanting to write about them. i have a long canon piece planned as well, but that's not happening til after the holidays (and subsequent hell for retail workers, lol) are over.

i have still never seen glee. i have almost all of s1 on my DVR, but i just haven't had the goddamn time to sit down and marathon it. i have no idea who any of the characters are except i know there's a kid in a wheelchair and puck is the jock (right?). lmao. i think i need to educate myself....

and YESSSS omg, seriously i feel like the only people who still think of HP as a fandom are not H/D shippers. idk. they were my first ship in my first fandom and i still love them fiercely. is anyone still writing H/D fic anymore? :3



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