meme whore, meme whore, la la la la la laaaaaaa

Nov 24, 2009 16:37

stolen from pseudicide!

Eight ships you like :
1. Kirk/Spock (Star Trek XI)
2. Jayne/Inara (Firefly)
3. Sandor/Sansa (ASoIaF)
4. McCoy/Chapel (Star Trek XI)
5. Harry/Draco (Harry Potter)
6. Kara/Anders (Battlestar Galactica)
7. Phedre/Joscelin/Hyacinthe (Kushiel's Legacy)
8. Jon/Danaerys (ASoIaF)

Four ships you're curious about :9. Arthur/Merlin (Merlin ( Read more... )

fandom: is a zombie, fandom: is meta, memes

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HOLY CRAP I LOVE YOUUUU. srsly I'm about to make a list based on your list mutantjules November 26 2009, 14:39:36 UTC
1) I thought I couldn't love you more, and then I see Jayne/Inara. Not that I ship it or have ever really thought about it, just..the possibility and the idea of the few ways in which it could happen (and beyond that, the few ways to get it to work) kind of sets my brain on fire and it's AWESOME.

2) yeaahhh ilu some more, Simon/Kaylee doesn't work for me at all. I love him and I love her a lot more but their relationship is just a BIG NO to me. (and not just cause I spent the whole show convinced he was into Mal and trying to very politely brush her off, then in the Big Damn Movie when he talks about wanting her or something I was like .......WAIT WHAT) I don't like how she chased him around, I HATE when this happens, an awesome female character starts mooning all over a guy and when he seems a bit reticent, sets to convincing him to date her. wtf? YOU ARE TOO BADASS FOR THIS. (also seen with TONKS; HI TONKS. I like the idea of her & Remus as a couple -one CAN ship them and him/Sirius too!- but their getting-together scene was like "WHAT? NOOO. HE'S AWESOME AND SHE'S AWESOME BUT THIS IS NOT AWESOME.")

3) ANDERRRRRRS <333333333333333333333333333333333333

4) hee, I love Puck and I dig Rachel and I loved them together, but to be honest my biggest Glee ship is Puck/EVERYONE. :D

AND 5) Dean/Castiel has kind of eaten my brain, I'm honestly a little ashamed of how much. For a long long time I didn't ship it, but somewhere along the way, between the middle of season 4 and now, I've somehow gotten sold on it. It makes sense in a way that I kind of expected Wincest to, but just never has to me.

I think Dean is at LEAST bi-curious, if not actually bisexual. and I thought this BEFORE his canon crush on Dr Sexy. ;D Dude loooves sex, he's one of those taste-all-the-flavours types; I'm pretty sure he'd have tried it with a dude, and if not I'm convinced he'd have thought about it - there are stopping factors, like his ex-Marine dad who Dean has serious issues with Not Disappointing, and his fairly traditional views on masculinity and all, and how he went on the road with his brother and THEN it's just right out, cause there's no way he'd risk Sam finding out. clearly, I have Theories on this (by which I mean I've thought it out to the point where I could probably write a goddamn thesis. My over-analysis is probably the biggest reason I can't make Sam/Dean work in my head without something extreme happening; it's not even really the incest factor, cause hi I'm a perv and have shipped some cest before. it's stuff to do with their personalities and shit, patterns of behaviour. ARMCHAIR PSYCHOLOGY, YAAAY). anyway this is the longest comment ever =/ also I answered your questions, so go Borg it up if you're bored and feel like answering some more! XD ♥♥


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