Fic: [NR] Firmly Entrenched in Actual Fact [6/6]

Nov 04, 2011 14:57

Firmly Entrenched in Actual Fact [6/6]
Word Count: section: 3,311; total: 24,428
Pairing: Dani/Matt at first then hints to Dani/Nico
Characters: Dr. Dani Santino; Nico Careles; Terrence “TK” King; Vivica; Lindsay Santino; Ray Jay Santino; Ray Santino; Gabrielle Pittman; Xeno
Spoilers: thru Episode: 1.13
Summary: Nico is not all-knowing. He cannot predict every bad thing that may happen. Nor can he be everywhere to stop everything.
Disclaimer: don’t own, just like rewriting the crazy
Author’s Note: a longer post-finale fic… one that fixes that crazy ending most of us screamed at.

Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5


“Mr. Careles, you have four bruised ribs and will have significant bruising on your back. I trust you know how to treat it all.” The doctor told him before he turned to Dani. “Doctor Santino, you have a mild concussion and a stress fracture in your left wrist. We’ll use an aircast on the wrist and someone will need to monitor you for the next 24 hours. You both should rest and reduce your stress for the next few days. But as you work for the Hawks, I will only demand that you both rest for 24 hours.”

“We’ll rest the 24 hours, Doctor.” Nico spoke up. He looked over at Frank. “First we head to the kids, talk with them, then we deal with the police, after that, we’ll rest at an undisclosed location.”

Frank smiled. “The kids are in TK’s room. I figured the Doc would want to see them after she was sure you were checked out.”

Dani laughed. “Frank, you are brilliant.” She reached for Nico’s hand with her good one as she let the tech put an aircast on her left wrist.

Nico rolled his eyes and tightened his fingers around hers. “Can you get your cop friends here too? Less moving around would be good.”

Frank nodded. “Scheduled for,” he checked his watch, “an hour twenty from now.”

Dani hugged her children, told them it would be over in a couple more days, and told them that Nico had saved her life and they had figured out who was behind TK’s shooting and who was working to hurt the team. The kids told her how Ray had stopped talking bad about her but was constantly looking over his shoulder. It took everything in Dani not to smirk or move her eyes to Nico. They all moved into TK’s room and rehashed everything for him and Vivica before Nico and Dani made their way to one of the empty rooms to talk with the police.

Dani went into detail about how she had gotten some of the information, how she had put together other things. Frank talked about Dani’s demand that he call his police friends and the quickness of setting up their plan.

Frank looked over at Nico and sighed. “Boss, it wasn’t like anyone could stop her. She was going and I did all I could to keep her safe. There was no way she was letting you near the Viper as she called Mrs. Pittman.”

Nico nodded, he knew how Dani was and he smiled at the nickname. “I would have been-.”

“It was not something you needed to do. It would have taken your concentration off what else was happening.” Dani stated and turned back to the police. She figured they still had questions.

An hour later, they were released and said goodbye to her kids, TK, and Vivica. Frank handed off keys to Nico and made sure the two made it down to the car.

Dani frowned. She saw the bags in the Lincoln: one was his but she’d swear the other was one of hers.

“Yes, that is your bag. If we stay at your house, we’ll never get rest, too many will find us.” Nico stated as he opened her door. “You should take your painkillers, Danielle.”

Dani snorted. “As if you will.” But she got in the car and belted her seatbelt. When he was in the driver’s seat and settled, she frowned when she realized she couldn’t hold his hand.

Nico reached over and placed his hand gently on her cast. “I’m not going to ditch you, Danielle.”

“I know that, Nico, but I just need a connection.” Dani whispered, closing her eyes.

He drove them to his house and brought her inside. As soon as the gun had sounded, he knew she was in his life for good; there would be no removing her. Since he realized the losing battle for what it was, he just made the most of it. He already knew they’d share his room and bed. He’d keep her in his life at arm’s length.

“Nico, don’t leave me alone right now. I know I need rest but stay.” Dani whispered.

He nodded. “I can’t let you out of my sight, Danielle. God only knows what you will do next.” He smiled down at her. “Come on, we both need some rest right now.”

Nico found the note in his pocket and frowned. He recognized Frank’s scrawl. All it said was “Listen to the email file.” He shrugged. He’d get to it later. He smiled over at her and made sure she had access to his hand when they both laid down on the bed.

Dani listened to his breathing even out and finally allowed herself to relax. She held onto his hand like a lifeline even as Mrs. Pittman’s words echoed in her mind. Those words kept her awake and she finally gave in and let his hand go and slid off the bed, moving out of the room. She rubbed her temple as she made her way to the living room and sat in one of the chairs.

Nico frowned when he realized she wasn’t sharing the bed with him anymore. He wondered when she had left and he glanced at the clock to realize he had only been a sleep for just over an hour. He got up slowly. He hated rib injuries: they always took so long to heal and there wasn’t much you could do for them. Walking into the living room, he found her asleep in one of the chairs. He could read the tension in her body and he frowned. He moved into the kitchen and remembered Frank’s note. He pulled out his phone, opened the audio file and listened: it was a copy of the conversation between Dani and Gabrielle. The email Frank had attached it to said, “Boss, you didn’t see the horror in her face when she felt the bullet impact your body. I know you were terrified you wouldn’t be in time to save her and I’m sorry I didn’t have a vest to put her in, but the horror in her eyes even as she cradled your body as you struggled to breathe after taking the bullet for her is a sight I won’t soon forget. She might not realize it and you probably don’t want to know it, but the Viper isn’t wrong.” It had confused him-until he listened to the part of the conversation he had missed.

Dani watched him listen to the conversation and sighed. “I was hoping you wouldn’t listen to that for a while but I know I scared the hell out of Frank.” She put herself opposite him at the kitchen island and looked him in the eyes.

Nico studied her, his eyes and face blank. “I can’t have you do that again, Danielle.”

Dani smiled sadly. “And I can’t promise that, Nico. She probably is right, but I can’t see the truth of that right now. I know losing you would destroy me. I know I was horrified when I felt the bullet hit you. I know I won’t forget that for a long time.” She sighed. “And I know you will not forget the fear and hell of thinking you wouldn’t get to me fast enough.”

“What did you mean that you had me?”

Dani chuckled even though she knew he wouldn’t find the humor in it. “I knew you wouldn’t let anything happen to me.” She sighed. “We didn’t have time for a vest. I couldn’t have you come into the restaurant or alley so I had to get in there fast. Frank and I set up as much as we could with your men and with the police.”

Nico nodded. “You have too much faith in me and my abilities. So much could have gone wrong. So much almost did. How did Artie even get there? He isn’t on your detail and he wasn’t with me.”

Dani shrugged. “Don’t know. I assumed he was with you.”

Nico sighed and looked down at their joined hands, wondering again how that had happened when he hadn’t moved and he hadn’t seen her move. He closed his eyes and admitted, “You aren’t getting out of my life, Danielle, are you? I thought I could find a way to bring us back to a professional relationship but every time I turn around you are there. You know how they say you see your life pass before your eyes in near-death situations? I didn’t see my past: I saw a future with you not in it and that terrified me.”

Dani blinked and moved around the kitchen island and wrapped her arms around him, keeping them lose because of his ribs and back.

Nico pulled her into the ‘V’ of his legs and rested his forehead against hers.

“I’m sorry, Nico. I never meant-.”

“Hush, Danielle. We will be fine and move passed this fear.” He gave them a moment then pulled back a bit from her. “Now come back to bed and rest, Danielle. Doctor’s orders.”

Dani sighed. “I’ll try.”

He kept her banded to his side with one arm as they moved back to the bedroom. This time when they laid down, he pulled her over to his side, making her head fit in the hollow of his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head, “No slipping out, Danielle. Rest.”

She put her casted wrist over his chest and turned a bit into him before closing her eyes.

Nico sighed as he held her, not caring about the twinges of pain in his back. He needed her near him as he finished battling back his fears of almost losing her.

When she woke up three hours later, Dani found him awake. “Hey, what’s wrong? I’m right here.”

Nico allowed a half smile at her words. “I know you are right here, Danielle. I was just thinking about what you told Gabrielle. How did you know I chose myself?”

Dani smiled as she looked into his eyes. “Because you said you couldn’t compromise yourself which told me you wouldn’t hide anymore. And you aren’t the only one with sources, Nico.”

Nico frowned. He’d have to find those sources. No one should be sharing information on him. “Even my ex-wife knows I’m not capable of a relationship.”

Dani laughed, slid up and kissed his cheek, before sitting up. “All three of you are wrong there. What are the plans for dinner? While it will invite stress and the public eye, I vote food from elsewhere. Neither one of us is in any shape to cook something.”

“Wait. Back up. You think I am capable of a relationship?” Nico asked, slowly pushing himself up.

“Of course I do. What do you think you have with the Hawks? With Terrence?” Dani blinked. “Nico, you care about the team, you care about Terrence. If you didn’t, you would never do all of what you do for them. The team has been a long-term relationship for you. You’ve put effort and thought and focus into it.” She smiled. “I get that it isn’t a woman, but the basic concept is there. And I know you, Nico. If you wanted the relationship with your wife to truly work, you would have.”

Nico studied her. There was a point buried in her words there, a point he had never truly seen.

“You use your reputation based on fear and mystery to keep people away so you won’t get hurt, so they won’t manipulate you, and because you think you aren’t worthy of a real relationship.” She shrugged. “You are wrong. You care about these people. You care about me and my kids and your men. Those of us that care about you don’t manipulate you. I may out-maneuver you but I don’t manipulate you. I do it because I care about you not that I am trying to get something for myself. And you are so full of shit if you think you are not worthy of a real relationship. You don’t lie, you care, you protect, and you put yourself last. There are no things more important in a relationship. Relationships are not perfect. There is give and take; fighting and making up; and yelling and talking.” Dani told him.

“You mean what we have been doing since we met?” Nico tried to derail her. “Dancing around each other, arguing back and forth, protecting each other despite what the other wants?”

Dani stared at him. He was joking with her? “Stop, Nico. Don’t make light of what I said. You asked.”

He caught the disappointment in her eyes and sighed. “Habit.” He touched her cheek. “Sorry.”

“Finding our way through this won’t be easy, I know that, Nico. We both come with baggage and pain and history. I mean you scare the crap out of my kids.” Dani offered a small smile.

Nico smiled. “True, but I think telling them I took a bullet for you has moved them passed being scared of me-at least a little.” He had meant to lighten the mood, make her smile fully with the thought that her children were no longer afraid of him. Instead her eyes glistened with tears and she scrambled off the bed and out of the room.

Nico swore when he couldn’t move fast enough to catch her. He found her in the living room, crying on the couch. He sat beside her and pulled her into his arms. “I am fine, Danielle.”

She nodded. “I know. Just need to breakdown for a bit.” And she held on to him, the sobs still coming. She let them come for a bit, then sighed and pulled back from him, wiping her eyes. “We talked of dinner at one point. What about using that stellar service and having one of the guys pick up something from your Tuesday Night Restaurant?”

Nico smiled. “I guess you can get used to that service. And the place does have a name other than My Tuesday Night Restaurant, Danielle.”

Dani laughed. “Not any longer and not for us. Pick something good, not too heavy, Nico, for me.”

Nico sighed. This was going to take work on both their parts. He groaned. “I just realized that when TK finds out about this new stage of our relationship, he’s going to either freak out or make our lives miserable.”

Dani smiled and patted his hand. “Dear, he has a talent for driving us insane with his antics so that doesn’t really change anything, but he is going to be concerned that the one who knows too much of his life and the one who won’t give up on him are getting too close.” She stood up: she needed a bathroom. “You go put the order in while I go use the bathroom and get cleaned up.”


Dani looked in the mirror and pushed the hair away from the cut on her forehead. The bruising would be horrific tomorrow but it could have been much worse. This time, she didn’t get stuck on the ‘what ifs’ that could have happened to Nico. She stared at her injured face in the mirror as it finally hit her that the bullet had been meant for her. Someone had tried to take her away from her children-she had put herself in a position for her children to lose her and suddenly her knees couldn’t hold her up.


Nico frowned as he looked at the clock. Forty minutes had gone by, their food had just been delivered and Dani was still in the bathroom. Something was definitely-what if she-. He squashed that thought before it completely formed but made his way quickly to the bathroom door and knocked. “Danielle? Are you okay?” He tried the door handle as he spoke and found it open. He took it as an invitation and slowly pushed the door open.

Dani looked up at him from her spot on the floor, fresh tear tracks running down her face. She frowned as she watched the grimace of pain cross his face as he sat down across from her. “I’m fine, Nico. It just suddenly hit me that I put myself in harm’s way and nearly took myself away from my children.”

Nico nodded. He had been waiting for this. She had spent the last discussions concerned about his almost dying: now it was time to deal with her lack of immortality. He reached out for her hand. “It wasn’t like you chose this, Danielle. You were pulled into it.”

Dani shook her head. “Bullshit, Nico. I chose to get to that restaurant ahead of you. I chose to bully Frank to make it happen. I chose to make sure you came out of this alive. And I would not change anything that I chose to do. Every step, I would make the same choice. Never will I say that I regret any of the choices I made because that means I wouldn’t be sitting here with you knowing that we will have a relationship.”

Nico stared at her. He had understood that she was tenacious and stubborn-had seen that with protecting and helping TK and the others-but to have her turn that bulldog determination on him and, more importantly, a relationship with him was startling. And scared the crap out of him because she was the one person he couldn’t seem to stop. “You know this isn’t a good idea.”

Dani laughed in his face at that comment before she pushed herself off the floor and offered him her good hand to help him up. She hadn’t really meant to laugh at him. Honestly, she hadn’t but the look on his face as he said the words was comical-it had been fear with a touch of awe, and what saddened her, was the surprise that someone wanted a relationship with him.

Nico stared at her outreached hand. He understood it wasn’t simply a hand up at this particular moment. It was an agreement to try-to let her into his life and try a relationship with her and he was not sure he was ready for that.

Dani watched him struggle, realizing that he wasn’t seeing her hand as an offer of help up from the floor. He saw it as granting an opening in his life for her, a step toward the relationship he knew she wanted. She kept the hand out even as she squatted in front of him, offering him a smile. “Right now, Nico, I won’t push for more than a possibility. Later, we both know that will change, but right now, after you allowed me into your home, into your life outside of the Hawks, all I want is you to acknowledge the possibility of more.”

Nico looked from her hand to the smile she offered him. He knew the war inside him wouldn’t stop but then he also knew there was little choice but to take her hand and see where everything was going to lead. He had tried stepping back, giving them space and all that had done was give her the opportunity to get herself shot at. Besides, she was right-he had let her into his home, his life outside of the Hawks, by bringing her here to rest. He smiled back at her as he took her hand. “This isn’t accepting the possibility, Danielle.” He watched her frown as they both stood up. “This is about accepting the fact that there is a relationship between you and me. I won’t say where or how far it will go, but even I understand that it is way beyond the concept of possibility and firmly entrenched in actual fact.”

dani santino, nico careles, necessary roughness, fan fic

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