Fic: [NR] Firmly Entrenched in Actual Fact [5/6]

Nov 03, 2011 22:01

Firmly Entrenched in Actual Fact [5/6]
Word Count: section: 3,974; total: 24,428
Pairing: Dani/Matt at first then hints to Dani/Nico
Characters: Dr. Dani Santino; Nico Careles; Terrence “TK” King; Vivica; Lindsay Santino; Ray Jay Santino; Ray Santino; Gabrielle Pittman; Xeno
Spoilers: thru Episode: 1.13
Summary: Nico is not all-knowing. He cannot predict every bad thing that may happen. Nor can he be everywhere to stop everything.
Disclaimer: don’t own, just like rewriting the crazy
Author’s Note: a longer post-finale fic… one that fixes that crazy ending most of us screamed at.

Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4


Dani frowned as she walked by the guest room the next morning and realized Nico hadn’t come back last night. She couldn’t shake the feeling that something was not right, like something else was coming for them.

“Morning, Frank. Where’s Nico? He didn’t come back last night.” Dani asked as she entered the kitchen and found Frank and another man sitting in her kitchen.

Frank looked over at her but couldn’t meet her eyes. Dani stopped in mid-step. “Tell me right now, Frank.”

“There was a car accident-.”

“No. Not Nico. Please, Frank. It can’t be Nico.” Dani cut him off, shaking her head. There were no power behind her quiet words but she hoped her denials would still make it not him.

“No. God no, Dani!” Frank stood up and moved around to stand in front of her. He looked her dead in the eyes and said, “It was not Nico, Dani. He responded to the call.”

“What is going on?”

They all turned and found Nico coming in the back door. There was no thought on Dani’s part: she threw her arms around him.

Nico took a step back to brace for her momentum as Dani threw herself at him. He turned his startled eyes to Frank, silently asking why she was crying.

“I started to tell her about the car accident and she thought-.”

“It was one of her kids? No, Dani, they are fine. I can call Xeno so you can talk with them if you want.” Nico told her, his hand moving up and down her back, trying to calm her.

“Uh, Boss, no. She thought you were in the accident.” Frank corrected his assumption.

Nico tensed. She was reacting like this to the possibility of him being in a car accident? No, this could not be a good thing. “Danielle, I’m fine. Really. It was one of the players’ kids. He got a bit drunk, friends dared him to drag race his dad’s Porsche and sent it through a stop sign and a fence. He’s fine. Scrapes and bruises and an airbag burn, but he’ll survive. His mother may kill him.” He hoped for a smile with that last comment as he pulled back a bit to look at her face.

Dani snorted as she forced a smile. She stepped back and used her sleeve to wipe her eyes, keeping one arm around his waist. “You didn’t come back last night. I wasn’t ready for the start of that announcement.”

Nico smiled down at her as he let her go. “That situation started at 1230 AM. I originally left last night to deal with something else. I was hoping to be back before you got up. I was not expecting such an early morning for you.”

Dani shrugged and moved over to the sink to wash her face. “What do you all want for breakfast? How many others are on duty? I can make breakfast sandwiches for the guys outside and scrambled eggs or sandwiches for you all inside.”

“I vote sandwich and there are three outside.” The guy she didn’t know spoke up.

“And you are?” Dani asked, looking him in the eye. She knew he wasn’t one of Nico’s regular men.

“I am Bogie’s half-brother. I go by Artie.” He offered Dani his hand.

Dani smiled. “And together you are Bogart. What do you do, Artie? You aren’t one of Nico’s regular men.”

“I broker information. And I dig up information.” Artie stated carefully.

Dani had turned back to the stove but at his words, she faced him again. “Did you investigate my jackass ex?”

Artie blinked at the blunt question and looked to Nico for help.

“Don’t look to him for help, Artie, just answer the question.” Dani spoke up before anyone else could.

Artie’s face blossomed into a full smile. “You, Doc, are definitely an impact player. Your words and your actions show how true those words are. Yes, I did investigate your jackass ex.”

“Thank you, Artie-for answering, for your honesty, and for doing the investigation.” Dani told him and went over to him and hugged him. It was interesting how that phrase was getting around. “Who told you that I am an impact player? It’s an interesting phrase.”

Artie glanced around the room but found Nico was gone. “Bogie told me Nico called you one once. A truer description cannot exist.”

Dani smiled. “Frank, scrambled or sandwich? Nico will get whatever we decide since he headed up to shower and change.”

She ended up making sandwiches and chatting with Frank and Artie for almost an hour before Artie decided he had to head out. She smiled and waved as he left then she did the dishes, waving Frank away. When she was done and Nico still didn’t come back down, she hoped he had crashed. He had looked exhausted when he came in the door.

Dani smiled and moved in to throw the comforter over him. She glanced at her watch and sighed: it was only 7 AM. She showered and got dressed then headed out with her team to the hospital.


Nico frowned at the note on the bed beside him. Her flowing script was short and to the point: “Mind my words. Headed to hospital.” She managed to get near him without waking up again? This was out of hand. He needed to get her out of his life. He had finally ended whatever he was calling the thing he had had with Gabrielle Pittman. Danielle had just gotten divorced and had almost slept with Donnally again. He needed a way to uproot her from his life and go back to their professional relationship.

He sighed when he remembered her reaction this morning; she had thought he had been injured or worse in a car accident. He couldn’t get the memory of the pain in her eyes out of his head, nor could he forget how tight her arms had banded around him. But he couldn’t admit how worried he had been when he thought she had thought it had been one of her kids nor how floored he had been when Frank had corrected him, telling him she was like this because she had thought he had been hurt. He was Nico, man in black, scary security dude: he dealt with situations. No one was supposed to worry over him.


Dani sighed. Something still felt wrong, like something else was going to go wrong today. She couldn’t really explain it so she kept the feeling to herself as she sat with TK. Until she just couldn’t handle it anymore and stepped outside of TK’s room to talk with Xeno.

“Xeno, where is Nico?” Dani asked quietly.

The other man studied her. There was something in her voice that told him something was wrong. “He’s working on a way to the payee. What is wrong, Doctor Santino?”

Dani shook her head. “I don’t know. Something just feels wrong, like something else is coming for us.” She looked up at Xeno. “I can’t explain it, Xeno. Can you just check in with him?

Xeno nodded and dialed the Boss’s number-it went straight to voice mail but he left a message to check in.

Frank came to pick her up to bring her to the Stadium and Dani hesitated. They were waiting for the elevator when she finally blurted out, “Can you get me in to see the shooter?”

Frank looked at her like she had sprouted a second head. “What?”

“The shooter. I know it is crazy, Frank, but something is wrong. It’s been wrong all morning. I can’t explain it. Nico didn’t check in with Xeno when we called over an hour ago. I think the shooter told Nico something that is going to hurt him.” Dani rushed through her explanation as she looked up at Frank, concern and something else in her eyes.

Frank studied her and shook his head. “Dani, this is crazy. I can’t-.” But he saw the fear in her eyes grow and he sighed. “Can your nurse friend let you borrow scrubs?”

“I can ask.” Dani said and moved over to the nurses’ station to talk with Amy.

Amy studied her new friend. “I don’t want to know anything else.” She finally stated and left. She returned with a set of scrubs and the pair of Crocs. “You can’t wear those shoes. You wouldn’t fool anyone.”

“I’m sorry, Amy.” Dani told her softly.

Amy smiled. “For a woman to best a man in black? No worries. Take care of yourself while you take care of him.”

Dani laughed and leaned in to hug the other woman. “Thanks. And I will.”


Dani didn’t ask how Frank got the police officer to move from the doorway, she just walked in and studied the man who had shot her friend and patient. She knew in her mind he wouldn’t look evil, but looking at him, he just looked pathetic with his jaw wired shut and casts on an arm and a leg. She watched his eyes follow her as she moved to the side of his bed. “You know who I am.” It wasn’t a question.

His eyes moved nervously.

Dani smiled. “Good. He is the easy one. He doesn’t lie. He says he’ll do something and you know he will do it.” She caught the fear in the man’s eyes. “He’s good at getting in your head. Me, I just want to know what you told him. And then I want to know what you didn’t tell him.”

The man in the hospital bed went to shake his head and Dani reached out to still his head. “I imagine that has to hurt.”

His eyes got wide and he looked at the door.

Dani smiled. “They can’t hear you, even if you could talk, and he thinks I’m just another nurse.”

He moved to reach for the paper and pen on his hospital tray table, scratching something quick on paper.

Dani glanced down at it and just shook her head. “You and the ones who paid you threaten my children.”

There was more frantic scratching.

Dani’s hand moved closer to the morphine drip. “No one gets between a mother and her children.”

He closed his eyes and blew out a breath, then wrote carefully.

Dani read it and blinked. She hadn’t truly thought she could get anything out of the man but had had no choice but to try. She took the paper with her and paused in bathroom doorway to catch a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Jesus! No wonder she had frightened him! She looked like someone who had come unglued! She sighed and walked out of the room and down the hall. She paused at the nurses’ station then headed to the elevator and meet up with Frank.

“Dani, you would scare Nico like that.” Frank stated quietly.

“Who would he take with him? We have to find out where he is.” Dani stated. They got off on TK’s floor and she left Frank to talk with Xeno as she used TK’s bathroom to change out of the borrowed scrubs and Crocs.

“Dani, we tracked him down. He’s in the middle of-.” Xeno started as she came out of TK’s room.

Dani shook her head. “Frank and I go. You’re job is watching TK. My team and I can handle getting to Nico.”

“He’s meeting with the man who paid the shooter in 30 minutes at a restaurant.” Xeno told her. “Frank has the address. He’s already called the rest of your team in to meet you there.”

Dani nodded. “I won’t let him walk into this trap, Xeno.”

Xeno shook his head and laughed. “I never worry about the Boss, Dani. He was a SeAL. Even when the deck is stacked against him, he comes out on top.”

Dani nodded. “I would agree with you but the man whom Nico thinks is behind this is just a patsy.” She looked up at Xeno. “It’s her.”

Xeno flinched. Frank snapped his head back to look at Dani. “What are you saying, Doctor Santino?”

“I’m saying we have to hurry.” Dani stated and moved to the elevators again. She couldn’t see a good ending for this. Not for Nico.


She planted herself at a table right in the front window, easily visible to anyone watching the place from the street. Frank had no choice but to sit with her as he scanned the shadows looking for Nico and the two men with him.

Dani figured she didn’t have to wait long for Nico to contact her. It was only five minutes after she sat down that her phone rang. It was Finn’s phone. She made sure there was happiness in her voice when she answered it. “Hello, darling.”

“What the hell do you think you are doing?”

“Enjoying a bite to eat with an old friend. A friend stopped by again yesterday so I thought I’d see if another was free today. I was feeling a bit trapped at the Stadium, so I thought we’d come here.” Dani smiled over at Frank. “I know you cannot join us, busy correcting that report the other man tried handing in. It was a shame it was so full of incorrect data that the analysis was completely off, honey. I’m sure you’ll correct it in no time. I need to run, though, we’re ready to order.” And she hung up the phone wondering if he had understood any of what she had been trying to tell him.

“To what do I owe this pleasure? Doctor Danielle Santino, famed therapist of the New York Hawks, eating here in my humble restaurant?”

Frank’s face tensed as he recognized the voice. “It’s been awhile, Carlo. Should have been longer.”

Dani smiled, glad she was good at keeping her true emotions in check. She’d get the real background when they were alone again. “I wanted some food and we were close by here. A friend recommended the place, said today’s special was not to be missed.” She told the man who approached their table. “You are?”

“Carlo Jemsen. There was a time I worked for the Hawks but that time has long passed. I still keep tabs on them as I move between my three restaurants.” the man held out a hand. “Dare I ask whom your friend is who recommended my restaurant?”

“Mrs. Pittman. In fact, I thought she said she would be here. She said we could talk.” Dani smiled and watched the man pale.

“I didn’t know Mrs. Pittman had been at this restaurant. I will have to keep an eye out for her.” Carlo smiled at Dani. “Please, enjoy the food.”

Dani nodded and turned back to Frank as the man walked away from their table. She caught the disbelief in Frank’s face and sighed. “It will be fine, Frank.”

“You are going to get burned, Dani, playing with fire like this.” Frank shook his head.

The food, surprisingly, was very good. Dani stood up to head to the ladies room about 30 minutes after they got there. She waved Frank back down and shook her head. She pulled out her phone, hit a few buttons and made her way to the Ladies’ room. As she figured, she never made it there.

“I do have to say, I had not expected you. Xeno or one of his men, but never did you enter my mind as a possibility. I think I may actually enjoy this, Doctor Santino.”

Dani turned to the voice and smiled. “That’s because it was never he who sent me here, Mrs. Pittman.”

“But he knows you are here now, so follow me, Doctor.” Mrs. Pittman smiled and waved the other woman in front of her and out the back door into the alley.

Dani took a steadying breath then turned to face Mrs. Pittman. “Why Terrence? You could have destroyed the Hawks a number of other ways.”

Mrs. Pittman frowned. “It was perfect. Marshall can’t sell them and they won’t do anything this year. The idiot was only supposed to wing him; it wasn’t like I wanted TK to be out forever, just for the post-season.”

“And this? This set up to take out Nico Careles?” Dani asked, eyes narrowing.

Mrs. Pittman shook her head. “It was never about taking out Nico personally, but with him out, the team will never get it together enough to rally to take the post-season in honor of TK.”

“You would have the man you loved killed? For what? Payback against your husband?” Dani blinked. This woman was incredible.

Mrs. Pittman shrugged. “He made his choice. He chose Marshall.”

Dani’s mouth dropped opened in shock at the callous words. “But why bring three men to take him out? Why bring him here to Carlo?”

“Kills two birds with one stone. Literally.” Mrs. Pittman flinched when it hit her the other woman had said three men. “What do you mean I brought three men? How do you know who is here?”

Dani laughed. “Nico and his mean are well trained. And none of them are idiots. I knew you’d have some people here. Nico and his two men cased the place. Three of my detail got here before Frank and I.”

“I hate to tell you but three are idiots like the one that shot TK. There is another. And if I can’t take out Nico to continue to destroy the team, I’ll settle for you.” Mrs. Pittman spit out.

Dani nodded-to the men behind Mrs. Pittman. She was about to say something when she was knocked down, her head striking the dumpster she was standing beside. She heard the shot, felt the body knocking her down jerking at the impact of the bullet, and she struggled to keep the darkness at bay. She turned to find Nico on top of her, struggling to breathe. She caressed his face. “Nico,” she whispered.

Mrs. Pittman’s bitter laughter brought Dani’s head up. “You love him. How sweet. He is not capable of it.”

Dani shook her head slowly. “That’s where you are wrong, Mrs. Pittman. Nico does most of what he does because he cares. Probably too much. And point of fact, he didn’t choose Mr. Pittman. He chose himself. He said he would give up names, not that he had. Mr. Pittman won’t ask, but you knew that. You kept Nico bound to this team, to this life, because of your manipulations of his feelings. You lied to him about your daughter, giving him enough doubt to make him believe she could be his. You destroyed his love for you years ago by simply making him compromise himself.”

“Dani, I have the last one.”

“Thank you, Artie. Frank, your friends have enough?” Dani asked looking behind Mrs. Pittman.

Mrs. Pittman snapped around to find Frank and a handful of police officers.

“Yup, Doc, we do. Got it all.” Frank smiled down at her. “We’ve got an ambulance for you and Nico to hit the hospital with.”

Dani sighed. “Thanks.”

Nico struggled to sit up and move out of her arms. Dani tightened them around him. “Stop fighting, Nico. We’re both going to the hospital.”

“I’m fine. Bruised ribs and bruises.” Nico refuted. “You’re bleeding, Danielle.” He reached up to touch the side of her face. “You need to be checked out. You could have a concussion.”

“Like the hotel, I go to the hospital if you do. I get checked out if you do.” Dani stated, closing her eyes. “All are gotten, right? Please tell me everyone is in police custody.”

“You need to let me up so I can make sure.” Nico stated.

Dani shook her head slowly. “Wasn’t talking to you, Nico. Frank?”

“All is good. Artie got the professional. The boys got the three amateurs. Cops got everything Mrs. Pittman said thanks to you.” Frank nodded. “Boss, if you aren’t going to go to the hospital via the ambulance, I’ll take you two.”

“Thanks, Frank. That would be perfect.” Dani said and let Nico go.

Nico moved to stand up stiffly. Dani winced when she put her hand down to push herself up.

Nico reached out a hand. “Danielle, let me help.”

Dani looked up at the concern in his voice. “You saved my life, Nico. You took a bullet for me.”

“And I hurt you in the process.” Nico barked.

Dani used his hand to pull herself up. She pushed herself up on her toes and got in his face. “And I’m still standing here to be hurt because you took the bullet.” Her eyes soften. “I felt that bullet hit you, Nico. Please just come to the hospital. I don’t care if you’ve been shot before, vest or no. I need to know you are fine.”

Nico sighed. There was no argument against the fear and worry in her eyes. “All right, Frank can bring us. And along the way, you are going to tell me how you got here and how you knew it wasn’t Carlo.”

Dani rested her head on his chest. “Nico, give me a minute,” she whispered and just leaned into him.

Nico sighed and lifted his arms around her. “You are crazy, Danielle. And Frank is no better letting you walk into this with no protection.”

Dani smiled into his chest. “I had you. And it isn’t like Frank could do anything else, Nico. There was no arguing with me, only coming with me to mitigate the damage and protect me as best he could.” She raised her head and went to step back from Nico but found his arms wouldn’t let her move. She tilted her head up slowly to meet his eyes.

“You could have been killed. If he had gone for the head. If he had been faster.” Nico whispered, looking down at her.

Dani froze at the terror she found in his eyes. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t let you walk into this.” She closed her eyes. “Let’s get to the SUV. I need to sit. You can let the cops talk with me later.”

Nico moved her to his side and hissed as he took the first step.

“Frank, I can’t-.” Dani started.

Frank immediately turned and picked her up. She reached out for Nico’s hand and closed her eyes.

Once they were settled in the back seat of the SUV, Frank moved to the driver’s seat and headed back to the hospital TK was in.

“Danielle, are you okay?” Nico whispered, looking over at her cradling her left wrist with her eyes still closed.

“It’s not my head, just coming down from the adrenaline high I’ve been on since Mrs. Pittman took me out of the restaurant.” Dani told him, giving him a brief smile. She opened her eyes to look over at him. “You wanted to know how I knew this restaurant. I got Terrence’s shooter to tell me what he told you and what he didn’t tell you. He said it was a woman who contracted him.” She looked away from Nico. “There was only one woman who wanted to destroy the team and punish you. It made sense, her coming to the stadium, her talking with me twice. She thought I would run to you, pull you off the shooting and mess with your head.”

Nico let out a hiss as he tried to take a deeper breath. “Little did she know you barely even told me she stopped by the first time and never told me she stopped by the second time.”

Dani offered a quick smile. “The rest can wait, Nico.”

His hand reached over and touched her thigh. Dani grabbed his hand with her right hand and held on tight.

dani santino, nico careles, necessary roughness, fan fic

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