Fic: [NR] Firmly Entrenched in Actual Fact [4/6]

Nov 01, 2011 17:37

Firmly Entrenched in Actual Fact [4/6]
Word Count: section: 4,006; total: 24,428
Pairing: Dani/Matt at first then hints to Dani/Nico
Characters: Dr. Dani Santino; Nico Careles; Terrence “TK” King; Vivica; Lindsay Santino; Ray Jay Santino; Ray Santino; Gabrielle Pittman; Xeno
Spoilers: thru Episode: 1.13
Summary: Nico is not all-knowing. He cannot predict every bad thing that may happen. Nor can he be everywhere to stop everything.
Disclaimer: don’t own, just like rewriting the crazy
Author’s Note: a longer post-finale fic… one that fixes that crazy ending most of us screamed at.

Section 1
Section 2
Section 3


It was an easy meeting with the principal: Dani merely explained her kids were close to Terrence King who had been shot and that the head of Hawks security wanted to be sure people close to TK were being watched as a precaution. She was clear it was not as serious as Ray had made it out to be.

The principal shook her head and promised to talk with the teachers and the coach. She smiled at Dani. “Honestly, I hadn’t given it much thought. I know you, Doctor Santino: they are your life.”

Dani smiled and thanked her before she headed back out to the car where Frank had agreed to wait for her. Her reasoning-after five minutes-had won him over.

“Who’s closest? Gino or Bogie?” Dani asked as she clicked her seatbelt.

Frank sighed. “I half hoped you weren’t serious, Doc. Bogie is.”

“They ignored your guy’s call last night with my final warning. I’m done being nice.” Dani told him. “They brought this on themselves, Frank.”

Frank chuckled. “That they did, Doc.”


“What the hell, Frank?” You know I’m-.” Bogie swore as he opened the door to his apartment in boxers.

Dani stepped out from behind Frank, grabbed the man’s earlobe and pulled it as she forced her way inside.

Bogie stared at her and swore in pain. “What the hell-.”

“Enough!” She yanked his earlobe. “You brought this on yourself. All you had to do was see me for thirty minutes like Nico ordered. I gave you two warnings. Now you deal with the consequences.” She yanked his earlobe again for good measure.

“Ow! Damnit! That hurts!” Bogie swore.

Dani smiled. “I know. Now sit down.” She glanced at Frank. “Frank, outside. Bogie knows to listen to me now. I’ll be fine.”

Frank gave Bogie a death glare before he took his spot outside the door.

Bogie stared at Dani across the kitchen table from him. “Who the hell-.”

“Really? Are you new? I don’t think so. Nor do I think you are stupid, Bogie.” Dani cut him off. “The longer you keep this hostile bullshit up, the longer I stay.”

He glared at her but remained in the chair.

She softened when she studied his eyes. This, she realized, was a flight or fight response and since he had tried flight and it hadn’t worked, he was trying fight now. She reached out and touched his hand only to have him flinch and pull away. She sighed.

“Bogie, they don’t blame you. No one blames you except yourself.” Dani tried. “The players told Nico exactly how they ditched you all. Detailed every step they took.”

Bogie flinched but met her eyes-clearly not believing her.

She pulled out her phone, dialed a number, and put it on speakerphone. “Hey, it’s Doctor D. Can you tell Bogie what you told Nico?”

The player on the phone took Bogie through the whole conversation with Nico: how they didn’t blame him or the detail and then a shorter explanation of how they ditched the detail.

“Thanks. I’ll see you later this afternoon.” Dani told the player and hung up the phone. She looked over at Bogie. “I don’t lie, Bogie; especially about the important stuff like this.”

He didn’t meet her eyes anymore but he nodded to acknowledge her words.

She stood, moved around to his side, and patted his shoulder. “I’ll tell you the same thing I tell the Boss: it’s not your fault and you failed no one. One day you’ll believe my words, Bogie, until then, I’ll remind you of them.”

Dani moved to the door. Before she opened it, she told him, “You warn Gino I’m gunning for him, and there will be consequences. And now you know I mean that.”

Bogie’s head snapped up at the threat in her voice. He smiled over at her. “Oh, I won’t, Doc. He deserves this as much as I did.”

Dani nodded and sailed out of the apartment. “On to Gino, Frank.”

Frank smiled. “You are good for us all, Doc.”

Dani laughed. “I doubt all believe that, but I’ll take it.”

“Boss is right, Doc: you are an impact player.” Frank shook his head as he got in the car.

Dani blinked. She’d have to think more about those words later.


They approached Gino differently since he was working. Frank let her walk up to him alone-watching her from the shadows.

Gino frowned. “Doctor, whachya doing here alone? Where’s Frank?” And he made the mistake of taking his eyes off of her.

Dani’s reflexes were no slouch-she did have two teenagers-and she grabbed his earlobe and yanked. When he went to pull away, she pulled harder. “Don’t even think about it, Gino. You had your orders and two warnings. Frank will take your post while we chat.”

Gino swallowed. It was the first time he heard anger in her voice. He winced as she pulled his earlobe again. “Okay but ease up, Doctor.”

“Nope, Gino. This you deserve. Bogie took his earlier, you can take yours now.” Dani stated and eyed the steps ten yards away. “And don’t get pissed he didn’t warn you: he knew I’d kick his ass if he tried.”

“I really don’t need to talk, doctor. I know I couldn’t have stopped it. They ditched us good. I know they don’t blame any of us. I heard they told the Boss how they did it and he’s making changes to prevent it happening again. I blame myself a bit, but only a healthy amount and it won’t impact my job.” He told her.

Dani rolled her eyes: men! “And you chose the hard way because you are an idiot?”

Gino shrugged. “I didn’t figure you would push it so hard and I didn’t want to waste your time.”

Dani yanked his earlobe again. “Now you know different, Gino, and you had better remember it!”

Gino smiled as he rubbed earlobe. “You are formidable, doctor. And, at times like this, as scary as Nico.”

Dani blinked. “I highly doubt that, Gino. Now, get back to your post. I need to get to the stadium.”

“Don’t ever doubt your scariness, Doctor Santino.” Gino stated as he stood and offered her a hand to help her up. He smiled at her then turned away.


Dani had been at the stadium for over two hours and she had seen two of the players’ families. She had thirty minutes to grab lunch before her next appointment. She headed out of her office and smiled over at Kul-he had relieved Frank earlier.

They were laughing as they returned to her office. Dani froze in the doorway then sighed.

“Good afternoon, Doctor Santino.” Mrs. Pittman stated from behind Dani’s desk. “Pretty children.”

Dani turned to Kul. “Thank you, Kul, I’ll see you at 4 PM.” She smiled at the man before she turned back to Mrs. Pittman. “You have,” Dani glanced at the clock on her wall, “five minutes before my client is here, Mrs. Pittman.”

The other woman blinked. “Still pushing me, Dani?”

Dani shrugged. “Maybe if you called you wouldn’t waste your time.” And she moved to pull out her desk chair, forcing the other woman to move.

“I could always have Nico-.”

“If you had wanted to speak to Nico about me, you would have done it already, Mrs. Pittman. Since you haven’t, I know that is an empty threat. Besides, we both know where Nico would fall on this. And that is why you haven’t used him. You no longer control him and that has you frightened-especially as the divorce moves forward.” Dani glanced at the clock again: she still had a couple minutes so she continued. “You don’t know, for the first time in a long time, where you are going to end up in this battle. It’s unsettling to you, especially since some you thought you had control over aren’t so sure anymore. I’m afraid you are learning what most who rule by fear do: when you are vulnerable, loyalty deserts you.” Dani heard voices in the hall and smiled at the Viper. “Now, my patients really are here, so if you’ll excuse me, I’ll get back to working for the Hawks.”

Mrs. Pittman tried a death glare but Dani only smiled back at her, unfazed.


Nico observed the other man from the shadows for thirty minutes. He was well protected and it would take a bit more planning before he could move in on the man. Nico glanced at his watch and smiled: on the other hand, the other man he had to talk with would be much easier to approach.

“Did you honestly believe someone would not talk about your recent actions?” Nico stepped alongside Ray Santino. He smiled as he watched fear and disbelief war on the smaller man’s face. He held in the laugh at Ray’s head bobbing back and forth, trying to figure out where he had come from.

Ray finally found words but his voice cracked as he spoke. “I knew she would-.”

Nico laughed at that. “You think I would be here if Danielle knew you had talked with your lawyer again?”

Ray swallowed nervously, looking around for Nico’s men. “How do you-.”

“You have heard your own children call me the scary security dude and you really need to ask that?” Nico cut him off. This was almost fun. “You continue down this path and Danielle will find out about every affair-from the wedding day on.”

Ray paled.

He started to turn away, then thought of something else and chose his words carefully. “Oh, and you keep cutting their mother down in front of her children and they will never see you again.” Nico knew what the other man would assume from those words but he wasn’t truly threatening the man this time-Ray would drive his children away on his own if he continued to do that.

Ray snapped his eyes back but the man in black was gone-not even a rustle of leaves to indicate the direction he had disappeared in.

Nico smiled as he watched the other man frantically turn in a circle before he walked away. Nico pulled out his phone and frowned when the call went to voicemail. “I never laid a hand on him but he got the point. He’ll be better now,” was the message he left.


Dani sent Vivica out to dinner with her mother and sister since they were leaving in the morning. The kids left closer to 8 PM and Dani smiled over at TK who was barely able to keep his eyes open.

“Thanks, Doctor D. I needed them.”

“I know, Terrence, now sleep.” Dani patted his hand.

“Go home, Doctor D. I’ll see you in the morning.” TK told her.

Dani smiled at him-he was asleep ten minutes later. Her phone buzzed and she frowned when she found she had two voicemails and five text messages. She scrolled through the five text messages first and responded to the ones from her daughter and Frank. She chuckled at the one from Gino and sighed at the other two but left them alone. She listened to the voicemail and paused as she exited TK’s room as she listened to Nico’s message about Ray. She stopped the last voicemail for until she got home: it was from Jeanette.

“Kul, I’m ready to head home. Do you know where the Boss is?” Dani asked, picking up their name for Nico. She put her phone away.

“Right here, Danielle. I was surprised I hadn’t gotten a response to my voicemail.” Nico stated, coming up on her left. “It is okay, Kul; I’ll take her home tonight.”

Dani smiled. “Don’t worry, Kul: we’ll finish that conversation another time.”

Nico lifted a brow in question.

Dani took Nico’s arm and shrugged. “Just a discussion about a book. And I just got your message a minute ago. I forgot my phone was on vibrate for my client meetings. I missed a call from Jeanette too but I’ll listen to that voicemail at home.”

Nico looked down at their joined arms but saw no way to extract himself from her hold. He frowned at that thought as he realized it was too close to his life and her hold on it.

Dani caught his worried frown and pulled him to a stop. “What’s wrong, Nico? You are concerned about something. I thought the talk with Ray went fine.”

Nico’s eyes snapped up to hers. “It was fine. He has no idea you told me anything. I used only a verbal threat but he’ll back off the custody thing-and stop bad-mouthing you in front of your children.”

Dani nodded. “Thank you for that, Nico. Now what is bothering you?”

Nico shook his head and started them walking again. “Just a setback.”

Dani rolled her eyes and sighed, letting her next question go unasked. She remained silent until they were in his car and almost back to her house. “I finished talking to the men on the detail that was ditched the night TK was shot.”

Nico nodded, wondering if she would give him details. “I’m surprised two bothered to stop by, to be honest.” He led her into the discussion and waited.

Dani shrugged. “I can be persuasive, Nico, when I need to be. And then I can also be formidable when pushed.”

Nico pulled into her driveway and put the car in park before he turned to her with a half smile. “So I am not getting details on how you got to Gino and Bogie?”

Dani froze-shocked he would be joking with her, then she grinned. “I can tell you over a glass of wine.”

Nico nodded and got out of the car. She waited for him to circle around and open her door and help her out.

He opened one of her bottles of red wine-noticing it was one of the wineries he also enjoyed-and poured them each a glass but left them on the counter beside him to breathe.

Dani sat on a stool at the peninsula and watched him. “I need to ask you something, Nico, but I would like a real answer, not your usual evasion with vagueness.”

Nico brought his eyes to hold hers and just lifted a brow in question.

Dani broke eye contact and picked at her nail, suddenly no longer sure she wanted to ask him for an explanation. She took a deep breath, let it out, and just gave in. She picked up her head and met his eyes again before she asked, “What did you mean when you said I was an impact player?”

Nico blinked and shifted slightly under the weight of her gaze. It wasn’t a question he had been prepared for: he didn’t know who told her he had called her that up on the roof with JD nor did he know how to answer it. He turned, picked up the two glasses and moved to sit next to her. “Can I know who told you?” He held up a hand. “I’m not evading; it’s just I need the context.”

Dani sighed and took a sip of wine. She shrugged. “He didn’t say it in confidence; it was an off-the-cuff comment. Frank mentioned it, said, ‘Boss is right, you are an impact player’.”

Nico nodded. Had he said it to Frank? He didn’t remember that. “I said it but I don’t recall saying it to Frank. Up on the roof, as you talked the Kurse down.” He caught her frown at the name and smiled. “When JD was there, he was surprised you just walked up to the man and talked him down. I told him, JD, you were an impact player.” Nico blinked-he had had a comm unit in that day. Xeno, Frank, and Bogie had all be on the channel too. He shook his head, frowning. “Frank, Bogie, Xeno, and I had comm units, ear pieces, in that day. They would have heard me.” He added.

Dani nodded. “That’s the context. Now what did you mean by it, Nico?”

Nico smiled and shook his head. “Habit, Danielle.”

She rolled her eyes and took another sip of her wine as she waited for him to explain the comment.

“Danielle, if you think about it, it fits you and not because you work for a professional football team. First, you easily blindside people because they underestimate you. Whether because of your size, looks, or gender, it does not matter. What you say carries weight and has a large impact on people. You need to just look to Terrence for an example. Look at how far he has come because of your words.” Nico told her, pausing to sip his wine.

Dani nodded, a little surprised he was using so many words in his explanation. It didn’t stop her from pushing it-and him-further. “And second? You said that was the first, Nico.”

Nico chuckled, not surprised she would pick up on that and push him and it. But he could push back as well. “Details on your visits with Bogie and Gino, Doctor.”

Dani thought about it a minute before she agreed. “I suppose you earned Bogie’s details with that response.” Sipping her wine, she decided where she wanted to start. “First, you promise no consequences for either no matter what I say.”

Nico sat back. “No one was injured?”

Dani swallowed but kept eye contact. “That I cannot say is truth, but I can say neither one hurt me or tried to physically hurt or intimidate me.”

Nico’s eyes narrowed. “Neither man will face consequences from me for their past actions concerning my orders about needing to report to you for thirty minutes to check in about Terrence’s shooting.” He chose his words carefully and made the promise as specific as he could.

Dani laughed, knowing what he was doing. “Okay, so Bogie ignored that order. I let it go for a bit then told Frank to tell him he had to be at my house at 10 PM last night and I didn’t care about what assignment he was on. At 1005 PM, I had my guard call him to tell him if I didn’t hear from him in five minutes, your way would be prettier, Nico.”

“And he still did not at least call you?” Nico smiled. “That is a mistake I would not make, Danielle.”

Dani laughed. “Oh, he won’t make it again, Nico. The next morning, after dealing with the school, Frank took me to Bogie’s and we woke him up.” Dani’s eyes shifted and she smiled at something she was remembering. She refocused on Nico and continued, “He didn’t expect me to step from behind Frank and grab his earlobe.”

Nico choked on his sip of wine and looked over at her. “You pulled his earlobe?”

Dani nodded, smiling. “Got a few good yanks in before we made it over to his kitchen table and he sat down and I sent Frank outside. Then we talked, and like you, I’ll need to remind him to mind my words.”

He almost wondered if he could find video on that. He gave in and smiled. “Only you, Doctor Danielle Santino, could get away with pulling the earlobe of one of my men.”

Dani sipped her wine with a grin.

“Yet you still ask what I meant when I said you are an impact player.” Nico shook his head.

Dani heard it in his voice then and her grin fell a little. She finished off her wine. “Gino started the same way-but by the time we got to him, he was working.”

Nico froze. It should be his turn. He faced her but she was looking at something in the distance in front of her so he reached out and touched her hand.

Dani startled and looked over at him. “Gino, I just walked right up to and he made the mistake of taking his eyes off of me for a second. I have two kids-it’s all I need for quick reflexes. Again, I went for the earlobe.” She shook her head. “Adults always forget how much that hurts. But Gino surprised me too. He had clarity-just didn’t think I would push it so far. He learned his lesson though.”

Nico nodded, a smile passing over his face quickly before he realized what she was doing. He watched her hop off her stool, rinse out her glass, and head out of the kitchen.

At the doorway, she turned. “Good night, Nico. Don’t forget to mind my words.”

Nico wanted to call her back. He owed her the second reason he thought she was an impact player. He left his glass on the counter and moved after her. “Danielle,” he started-catching her halfway up the stairs.

Dani stopped but didn’t face him. “It’s fine, Nico.”

“No, it is not, Danielle.” His voice was firm, louder than he had intended it but it got her to turn and face him.

She tilted her head slightly and studied him. “You’ve shared enough of yourself for one night, Nico.”

That stopped him cold. Whatever words he was going to say fled his mind. Thinking it and hearing her say it were two different things. He shook his head quickly, clearing his mind. “No. But that-your insight and strength to say it-is the second reason I said you are an impact player.” Nico stated quietly.

Dani sat down hard on the stairs, his words taking the wind out of her.

He went on. “Your ability to know exactly what someone needs, then doing it. Danielle, I mean you out-maneuvered me how many times now just since TK’s shooting?” He studied her on the stairs. “Why am I safe for you?” The question was out even before he realized he had asked it.

Dani frowned, completely confused by that question. “I don’t understand, Nico.”

He sighed. It was too late to take it back, even if he wanted to, and he was pretty sure he didn’t. “You said you were safe with me. It was the night you collapsed. I laid you on your bed and was heading out when you said, ‘Safe with you’.”

Dani smiled: he was just as uncertain as she was about this line of questioning. “Probably because I do feel safe with you, Nico. And it isn’t because of your scary man in black persona-we both know that doesn’t intimidate me.” Dani shrugged. “You protected my kids without me having to bring it up. It was a given with you. You see, notice, everything. You do what’s necessary.” She stood and looked down at him. “I don’t have more than the fact that when I’m with you, I know all is well, nothing will happen we can’t handle. Bad always comes, Nico, but I know I can survive it, that someone has my back, and is keeping my children safe when I’m around you.” And with that she turned and walked up the rest of the stairs and headed into her bedroom.

Nico’s phone beeped but he was still looking at empty stairs, shifting through her softly spoken words, processing their meanings, and wondering what he should do with them. The second beep had him moving as he read the two text messages.


She watched his car lights fade as he drove away, off to fix whatever situation called him out. “Mind my words, Nico,” she whispered before she turned away. She pulled out her phone and finally listened to Jeanette’s voicemail.

Dani wiped her tears away as she finished listening to the long message. God! I miss you, Jeanette! It was too late to call her back, so Dani set a reminder in her phone’s calendar to do it tomorrow. Then, she just gave into exhaustion and went to bed.

dani santino, nico careles, necessary roughness, fan fic

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