Fic: [NR] Firmly Entrenched in Actual Fact [2/6]

Oct 29, 2011 17:56

Firmly Entrenched in Actual Fact [2/6]
Word Count: section: 5,006; total: 24,428
Pairing: Dani/Matt at first then hints to Dani/Nico
Characters: Dr. Dani Santino; Nico Careles; Terrence “TK” King; Vivica; Lindsay Santino; Ray Jay Santino; Ray Santino; Gabrielle Pittman; Xeno
Spoilers: thru Episode: 1.13
Summary: Nico is not all-knowing. He cannot predict every bad thing that may happen. Nor can he be everywhere to stop everything.
Disclaimer: don’t own, just like rewriting the crazy
Author’s Note: a longer post-finale fic… one that fixes that crazy ending most of us screamed at.

Section 1


Nico was back at the hospital less than ninety minutes later. He nodded to Frank and tilted his head to say he could leave.

“Boss, her sleep has not been easy.” Frank told him as he headed out.

Nico’s head snapped up as he heard someone approach the door. He spotted the head nurse and moved silently over to the door. “Yes?”

Amy smiled as the man’s eyes flickered over the sleeping woman to make sure she was still sleeping. “I told her I would be off shift when TK was allowed visitors but I’m covering the first two hours for the next head nurse so I’ll come get you. She should be able to go in and see TK in about thirty minutes.”

“Thanks, Nurse Beckett. I know she appreciates all that you have done for her.”

Amy smiled. “She cleared the men out of my halls and made sure they behaved. I don’t know how she did it, but they listen to her and it made my staff’s job a hell of a lot easier.”

Nico smiled back at the woman. “She is an impact player.”

Amy thought for a moment and nodded. “I can see that. And she’s starting to wake up.” She moved away as Nico turned to look.

He moved to kneel in front of her as she struggled in her sleep. “Terrence is going to be just fine, Danielle. You should be able to see him in about thirty minutes.” He spoke quietly as he touched her shoulder.

Dani jerked awake at the touch and Nico swore silently.

Dani blinked and sat up. “Nico?” She looked around and sighed. “Not a nightmare.”

Nico sighed and moved to sit next to her. “No, not a nightmare, but Terrence made it through surgery. You made sure the players and Vivica made it through as well. Nurse Beckett said you made her staff’s lives easier by controlling and containing the players. She was impressed they all listened to you.”

Dani rubbed her eyes before smiling over at Nico. “I didn’t even need your scary presence in the background. The boys didn’t know what to make of me being forceful.” She let the smile go and closed her eyes. “I can see him in thirty minutes?”

“Yes, you can see him in thirty minutes. I do not know how long they will let you stay. I still say you too should head to the hotel and get some real rest. You’ll be here and helping the team a lot in the next few days. You will need the rest to make it through.” Nico answered her.

Dani patted his knee. “I’ll make you a deal. You rest at the hotel and I will accompany you.”

He blinked. “I have-.”

“That’s the deal, Nico. Take it or leave it, but it is your decision.” Dani stated softly and stood up. “God I love these shoes. They may be silly looking but damn are they comfortable. I can see why nurses love wearing them!”

Nico looked down at her feet and let the smile form. “They are definitely different than your usual ridiculously high heels.”

Dani eyed him, not sure how to take the comment on her heels or how odd it was to hear the word ‘ridiculously’ coming out of his mouth. She chose to ignore the comment all together. “Do you think there is food open around here?” She admitted softly.

Nico pulled out his phone, made one quick call, then looked over at her and frowned. “What is it? You said you would like food.”

Dani just shook her head with a smile. “I told Frank a gal could get used to service like this.”

Nico shook his head. “As if you would knowingly abuse this service.”

Dani nodded. “True, but I like that it is there.” She watched Nico get up and pace. She realized then that Frank was missing. “Where did my shadow go? And Gino, the guy at the door? Did you send them home?”

“Yes, I sent them to home to rest. They will be needed later to rotate out other men.” Nico stated. “Shadow?”

Dani shrugged. “Frank stuck to me like a shadow-which is what you wanted.” She watched Nico a bit more before she moved into his path. She wanted to see his eyes: they told her more than his words usually did. “Did you get to talk to the shooter? I know you spent a good amount of time with the police but did it give any insight into why he shot TK? Or if there is more to this than just a random shooting by a crazed fan?”

Nico looked down at her. “The shooter is not talking-to anyone, Doctor Santino. He’s conscious again but his jaw is wired shut. There will be no charges filed against any of the players-civil suits may come up but the lawyers will handle those.”

Dani knew the evasion for what it was. “Nico, if I am going to help the team, I need to know the truth.” She raised a hand to stop his objection. “That doesn’t mean I’ll tell the players, but I need to understand it to
better plan my help. And I should check in with your guys, at least the ones who were ditched. I don’t want them feeling guilty and letting it fester and manifest somehow later.”

Nico blinked. He hadn’t even thought of that: and he could admit his own guilt was altering his actions. “I will have them check in with you, Doctor Santino.” He sighed, recognizing he was adding more work on her when he was trying to reduce her work load.

Dani smiled and put a hand on his arm, understanding that he was frustrated because he was trying to help her but was adding work for her to deal with. “Nico, this is what I do. Do I think we should have a crisis/trauma specialist? Probably, but I know your men and the players would not even visit that person regardless of my recommendation. I’ll be fine, Nico. And it will keep me sane and busy. But the one who watches over me is not allowed in my office.”

Nico flashed a quick smile. “Noted, Doctor Santino.”

Dani’s eyes narrowed. “I thought we had finally moved to Danielle.” She squinted as she realized when he switched back to her full title. “Until you started using it as a distancing tactic because you thought I was getting too close.”

Nico moved to go around her and glared when she-surprisingly-shifted to block him. “Your food is at the door, Danielle.”

Her eyes frosted over at the twist of her name. “You think I’ll eventually give in to you and listen to your push backs, but you forget I didn’t cave when you, Coach, and Mr. Pittman tried intimidating me about TK. I can back down, Mister Careles, that doesn’t mean I always will.” And she turned, walked to the door and took the food from the man who had brought it. She smiled and thanked him before she moved to the table and set out the omelet, home fries, and orange juice. She smiled at the no coffee.

“Sit down and eat, Nico.” Dani stated, a bit more forcefully than she intended.

Nico sighed. She was upset with him and he hadn’t truly meant to upset her-he just needed to take a step back. “This is for-.”

“As if you’ve eaten in the last twelve hours, Nico.” Dani cut him off, her tone carrying her annoyance.

He’d give her this one-she was exhausted, after all she had dealt with all of the players, Vivica, some of the staff, a few of the wives, his men, and the hospital staff-hell, they both were exhausted and both were too stubborn to back down right now. He sat and split the omelet and the home fries.

Dani pushed most of her piece of omelet back onto his plate-the food had always been more for him than her but she did love good home fries!

Nico frowned, his eyes narrowing as he realized she had out maneuvered him. “This was never for you.”

Dani looked up blinking, surprised he was calling her on it. “True but then I never actually said it was for me. You need food and rest just as much as I do.”

He nodded and ate-surprised that he actually was hungry.

“Danielle, thank you.” Nico stated quietly after they had both finished their food. “We should be able to see TK now.”

Dani nodded. “I take it you are my new shadow? If the nurses allow me to, will you let me stay in TK’s room?”

Nico frowned but he saw the pain in her eyes and sighed. “I will be for a portion of the morning. As for staying in TK’s room for this day, yes. We’ll discuss tonight later. I would still prefer you going to the hotel to rest but I already heard you on that.”

Dani closed her eyes. “Nico, I’m exhausted. It’s nearly 7 AM and I know I should be at the hotel asleep.” She opened her eyes with a sad smile, “But I can’t leave him here alone.” She raised her hand. “Xeno doesn’t count when he is outside TK’s room and is more for security and not for TK.”

Nico nodded. He understood the difference. “There are rumors among others who think this was more to target the Pittmans. I will be putting your children under surveillance and each will get panic buttons. I’ll have a team bring them here about 10 AM and we can tell them then.”

Dani stilled in the middle of cleaning up their breakfast dishes. She looked over at Nico, her fear clearly written in her eyes. “I won’t fight you on that, Nico. They are my kids; they will always come first.”

He reached out to squeeze her hand. He hadn’t meant to frighten her but he needed to make sure all bases were covered. “It is just a precaution, Danielle. I do not think anyone would go after them. It is not a direct enough threat against the Pittmans if they are the target. TK was a loud message if it is more than just a crazed Chicago fan.”

Dani nodded. “Should I have them at my house with Ray staying there? Or is it okay for them to stay at Ray’s for a while? Until we know more?”

Nico sighed. He had caught her use of ‘we’ and didn’t know quite what to make of that. “Ray’s will be fine. I’ll have the detail bring him, too, so you can talk with him.”

Dani frowned. “Yes, I suppose I do need to do that.” She reached up and rubbed her temple. “I was just hoping to avoid him for a bit longer now that the papers are signed.”

“I hadn’t realized you had officially signed them.” Nico stated softly. “I am sorry.”

Dani smiled over at him. “Thank you. It took a bit, the finality of it, but we signed earlier this week.” She sighed. “It seems like years ago already.” Tossing their trash, she straightened her shoulders. “Let’s go see Terrence. I’ll get some rest in the recliner, and you can monitor situations on your tablet and phone.”

Nico smiled and shook his head as he stood up. His hand found the small of her back as if it had a mind of its own but he left it there even as she looked up at him with a smile.


Nico felt her falter at the sight of Terrence with tubes and wires coming off his body. He had to admit seeing the larger-than-life, always-active man so still and pale was unnerving.

Dani moved to the player’s side and took his hand. “Terrence King! You scared the crap out of me tonight. You know I don’t give up on you so there had better be no giving up on yourself right now either! I’ll be right here, TK, all day.” She leaned over and kissed his forehead.

Nico used the time to position the recliner right behind her so she could stay at TK’s side and remain holding his hand. He caught her grateful smile and nodded before he settled in the second recliner and pulled out his tablet. He looked up fifteen minutes later to find her asleep. He got up to cover her with a blanket and lowered the lights. He checked in with Xeno and then the rest of his men. The press were starting to gather at the houses of the five players whom had been with TK last night and he figured the team would need to have a press conference soon. Nico sent an email to the PR department to get that started.

He put the tablet down, and rubbed his eyes. The darkness in the room conspired against him a few moments later and he fell asleep.

His phone buzzed him awake two hours later and he frowned when he found a blanket covering him. How had anyone gotten close enough to cover him without him waking up? Then he noticed Dani wasn’t covered anymore and his eyes narrowed. He didn’t like that subconsciously he recognized her and allowed her near. That meant she was entirely too close to him and he needed to put a stop to that-somehow.

Dani smiled, noticing Nico’s discomfort. “Nico, it’s almost 930 AM, you said the kids would be here with Ray at 10 AM, correct? They will want to see Terrence but I do not want to have the conversation in here.”

“Correct. The rooms on either side of Terrence are empty; we can use one of those.” Nico answered and folded the blanket as he stood up. “You and Ray can talk while the kids are in here with TK.”

Dani nodded and looked over at TK. “I want to wake up and this all be a dream, Nico.” She looked up and over at Nico. “But I know it won’t happen so I’ll settle for Terrence waking up.”

Nico nodded. “It is disconcerting to see him so still.”

“Will you stay in here with him while I talk with the kids?” Dani asked softly. “I don’t want him waking up and no one being here for him.”

Nico sighed. He needed to get to the shooter. “I’ll stay until your children can be in here with him.”

Dani nodded. “Thank you, Nico.” She stood up and stretched. “Anymore news?”

“The Hawks will be having a press conference in front of the stadium at noon today. I need the pressure of the press off the homes of the five players.” Nico told her.

“Should I be there?” Dani asked, hoping the answer was ‘no’. She really did not want to leave the Terrence, especially if he wasn’t awake yet.

“If he hasn’t woken up yet, no. But if he has and Vivica is here, it would be a good thing to have you there. I can also have some of the detail who was ditched meet you in your office.” Nico was honest with her.

Dani nodded. “As long as Vivica is here, I’ll be at the press conference either way. Then I’ll talk to some of your men-individually, Nico, so you had better make that clear. Thirty minutes each, I doubt any of them need more but they can have it if necessary.”

Nico nodded, mentally noting her requests. “You do not have to leave Terrence, Danielle.” He made one more token protest, knowing her mind was already set.

“Thank you, Nico, but it will be fine.” Dani waved his objection away. “Will you be driving me or one of your men? I’m assuming I won’t be driving myself, especially since I don’t have a car here.”

“I have not planned that yet, Danielle. I will let you know before 11 AM.” Nico told her.


Ray flipped out. It was the easiest way to put it and all three of them-the kids and Dani-stared at him. Surprisingly, Lindsay spoke first. “Give it a rest, Dad. Mom is a fantastic therapist and I already told her once not to stop helping the Hawks. Ray Jay and I need her strength now more than ever. We might hate the restrictions and stuff,” she eyed her mom, “but we know it is because she loves us. You left us, Dad. So now, you deal with this. We’ll stay with you. We’ll keep the panic buttons on us. And we’ll have a security detail around your house until the scary head of security dude tells us it is safe.”

“His name is Nico Careles and the panic buttons are not just for this situation.” Dani cringed a little at the word but it fit so she used it. “Most of the players’ kids have them. Mr. Careles feels that because of how close we are to TK, you two should also have them.”

“My men will respond promptly but I do not expect unnecessary emergencies through these buttons. They are for emergencies and I expect you both to respect them.” Nico stated from the doorway. “Doctor Santino, Vivica has arrived. She will be in with Terrence. Xeno will drive you to the stadium before he goes off duty. Frank and Gino will stay with Vivica and Terrence here at the hospital.”

Dani nodded then moved to catch Nico outside. “Nico.” She called and he turned to face her. “My words from yesterday still stand: be careful, check in, it’s not your fault, and you failed no one,” she stated softly, holding his glare.

He nodded before turning and walking away. She turned back to the room and sent the kids into TK’s room so she could talk with Ray.

“I can’t believe you brought this danger to our children, Dani! This is ridiculous! I should-.”

“You talk about challenging custody now that the papers are signed and I’ll have Nico’s associates dig up dirt on every woman you cheated on me with.” Dani cut him off. “And it will make every paper around here. I can handle the embarrassment, Ray, but can you say the same?” She closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. “It wasn’t supposed to go like this, Ray. I wanted us to talk but you are making it impossible. Would you prefer the kids stayed at the house and I had Ma come stay with them?”

Ray glared. “Who the hell are you? The Dani I married would never have done any of this.”

Dani froze. “You killed that woman, Ray, a long time ago. What is your decision? The kids staying with you and the security detail outside or I have Ma come in and stay with the kids at my house?”

Ray frowned. “They’ll stay with me.”

Dani nodded. “Good. I’m glad I can count on you. Thank you, Ray.” She almost choked on the words, but she got them out. She looked over at the shadow in the doorway and smiled at Xeno. “Good morning, Xeno.” She glanced at her watch and sighed. “Let me stop in to see the kids, Vivica, and TK and then we can leave.”

Xeno nodded and moved from the doorway.


If Dani was surprised Nico was not at the press conference, she didn’t let it show. Xeno had walked her over to two of Nico’s men, introduced her, and then headed home. She stayed with the two men, let the PR staff put her in the front sideline of the press conference, smiled at the press, and refused to answer the few questions put toward her, using her patient-therapist privilege. Then she headed into her office at the stadium and saw three of the five men who were ditched.

Dani sighed when the last one left. Surprisingly two of the three had used more than 30 minutes with her. She was glad and they had been fantastic talks and she doubted she would need to see any of these three again, but she had told them all her door was always open, for another chat about this or about anything. She had thanked them all and given hugs to all of them-despite their reluctance.

She was going through paperwork, wondering who was returning her to the hospital when she heard someone walking down the corridor. Female by the sound of the heels clicking on the concrete floor; Dani frowned, not sure who it would be. She pulled out her phone, pulled up Nico’s number and had her finger over the call button just in case.

“Doctor Santino, I would like to talk with you about your work with the team.”

Dani squinted. What was Mrs. Pittman doing here? “What about my work, Mrs. Pittman? Please, come in and have a seat.” While she didn’t stand, she waved the other woman into her office and to a chair. She knew enough about the woman to know the power games the owner’s wife liked to play.

“If we pay you as the team’s therapist why are there not more complete files on players’ visits to you?”

Dani smiled. “Because I am a therapist and as such, despite who pays my bills, I have ethical obligations to my patients.”

The other woman frowned. “We provide you with plenty of clients, an office at the stadium, and yet most of the players visit your home office. I would say that is inefficient at best. And I would also say that we should have exclusive rights to your time.”

Dani actually laughed at that. “The players don’t trust that you don’t bug this office so they prefer to meet me at my home office. You do not pay me to have exclusive rights to my time. Besides, I have done enough middle-of-the-night calls for the players.” She glanced at the clock. “Is there a point to this meeting, Mrs. Pittman, outside of you questioning my methods? I would suggest you get to it, otherwise, I have to be back at the hospital in 30 minutes.”

Mrs. Pittman blinked. “You would dare leave in the middle of our conversation? You do realize I pay your salary.”

“No, the Pittman Group pays for my time to counsel the players and staff of the Hawks. I bill hours and you pay. If you would prefer this be a therapy session, I can bill the Pittman Group for the time.” Dani stated calmly. She stared the woman down but frowned when her phone rang. Glancing at the number she sighed. “Yes?” There wasn’t a chance in hell she was giving away the caller’s ID to this viper. She listened for a moment, said ‘thank you’ and hung up. “Was there something else, Mrs. Pittman? My ride to the hospital is waiting for me.”

The other woman huffed but stood and moved out of the office.

Dani scowled at her back then grabbed her stuff and headed out of the stadium. She didn’t even think about what may be waiting outside for her until she pushed open the door to find a crowd of reporters yelling questions and taking pictures.

Two men suddenly flanked her and pushed her through the gaggle of reporters to a waiting car. She wasn’t given time to thank them before the car took off.

Dani smiled over at the driver before she checked her mobile phone and sighed at the 13 texts and 4 missed calls she had. Scrolling through the texts, Vivica told her TK had woken up two hours ago and was asking for her. Vivica added more that TK wanted to talk to her. There were a couple from her kids that made her smile. Another two from Vivica wondering why she hadn’t responded yet and TK was asleep again. Two of the calls were from Vivica, one was from Ray, and the last was from an unknown number but no voicemail had been left.

She texted the kids and told them Terrence was awake and that she would make sure they would come back to the hospital in the evening to see him then she texted Vivica that she was on her way back to the hospital. Dani debated texting Nico, wondering how to tell him about her visit from the Viper: she didn’t want him to worry but she didn’t think he would like finding out from other sources. She ended up just texting him to check in with her via the phone.

Dani sent Vivica out of the hospital to eat dinner with her mother and sister while she talked with Terrence. She had Frank call the kids’ detail and they were coming about 7 PM.


Nico watched her. He knew she had been busy all day, that the kids had left at 9 PM, and that she had sent Vivica back to the hotel with her sister close to 10 PM. She hadn’t rested at all but she was determined to stay the night at the hospital, had even gotten the nurses to approve it. Xeno would be back on duty at midnight so he wasn’t concerned about her safety.

“I thought you told me you would get some rest today, Doctor Santino.”

Dani jumped. “Jesus, Nico. Do you really need to do that in the hospital? Is it honestly necessary?”

Nico’s eyes narrowed. “Why are you so angry?”

Dani blinked. She hadn’t realized her frustration was running that high-probably had to do with the fact that she was rerunning the conversation with Mrs. Pittman in her mind. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to let something else bleed into the rest of this.”

“I take it the talk with Ray did not go well?” Nico asked.

Dani looked away. “It didn’t but that was expected. I thought I told you a phone check-in was fine or have you been the hospital just on another floor?”

Nico noticed she didn’t look back at him so he wondered if she was even expecting an answer to that question. “And who was unexpected? Three of the men did check in with you today, correct?”

Dani nodded. “The three are fine; we had great chats.” She looked up at him as he moved over to her side.

“Are you going to tell me who stopped in to see you today?” Nico asked again.

Dani sighed, looked down at Terrence, patted his hand, and stood up. “Not here. Next door.”

Nico nodded and stepped out of the way to allow her to head out first. He frowned at her back, wondering what he was going to have to fix now.

“You are not fixing this.” Dani faced him, hands on her hips. “I don’t even want to tell you but you’ll find out eventually from someone and then it’ll just be worse. I can handle this, Nico, and I need you to let me handle this on my own.”

Nico frowned and tilted his head slightly, studying her. “First I need to know what the situation is and then we can decide who should be handling it.”

“I had a visit at the stadium from Mrs. Pittman. We had a short discussion before I was picked up to head back here to the hospital.” Dani told him. She caught the quick narrowing of his eyes and the tensing of his mouth at the name. “That’s all you get to know, Nico. You have the shooter to talk with, the police to handle, the players and my children to keep safe, and finding out what else motivated this shooting. I can handle the Viper just fine on my own. If I need you, I’ll let you know.”

Nico started to shake his head.

Dani glared at him as she moved into this personal space and poked him in the chest. “Nico Careles, I am perfectly capable of handling the woman. I’ve dealt with cattier women than her and put them in their place. Just as I did today. Let her come back with more, Nico. I’m not afraid of her.” She raised her hand to stop his words. “Don’t tell me I should be. Don’t tell me she can have me fired: right now, I just don’t care.”

Nico didn’t even bother stopping the smile that tugged at his mouth. “All right, Danielle, you can handle Mrs. Pittman. For now.”

Dani blinked, taking a step back. “Really? Just like that, you’ll let me handle her?” Her eyes narrowed. “What’s the catch? I’m staying here tonight. The nurses said it is fine. Frank is fine with it. Xeno’s on at midnight and I doubt he’ll care.”

Nico had to chuckle at how much groundwork she had laid to convince him to let her stay overnight in Terrence’s room tonight. “You do know that none of that concerns me.”

Dani sighed and nodded. “I know. I’m still staying, Nico. I told you the deal about the hotel. And I know you got less rest than I did today.”

Nico eyed her, one brow raised. “You rested outside of the hour or so you slept in Terrence’s room this morning while I was there?”

Dani threw the question back at him: “Did you?”

Nico didn’t bother answering her as he moved to open the door. “Xeno knows it is approved for you to stay here and Frank knows he doesn’t have to bring you home tonight. Tomorrow, Danielle, you will go either to the hotel or your home. Those are your choices.”

Dani rolled her eyes after she was through the door and in front of him.

“Do not roll your eyes, Doctor Santino. I’ll personally see you to one of those locations if I have to.” Nico leaned down to whisper in her ear.

Dani shook her head. “Then be prepared to do it, Mr. Careles.” And she slipped into Terrence’s room.

dani santino, nico careles, necessary roughness, fan fic

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