Kink meme time

Jun 20, 2012 20:10

Meme shamelessly stolen from synnerxx

Give me a pairing and I will give you a list of five of their kinks. Tell me which kink is your favorite and I'll give you a drabble with it. :)

I promise I will post a real update later this week.

*hunts out kinks list*

drabble, meme

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Comments 44

bballgirl3022 June 20 2012, 19:13:02 UTC


bellacatbee June 20 2012, 19:25:36 UTC
1. Alpha males

2. Animalistic behaviors and characteristics, dominant (snarling; sniffing; scent-marking or biting; other claiming acts; territoriality; predatory stalking; cuffing; forcing the partner's neck down; claws and other features)

3. Biological imperative (pon farr or mating drive; being in heat)

4. Courting and dating (courtship rituals; dating; blind dates; personal ads; traditional gestures such as flowers and chocolates; unusual gestures designed to win someone's attention; showing off or displaying prowess; rivals seeking a character's favor; see also Seduction)

5. Domesticity (moving in together; nesting; shopping; building a family or meeting the family; getting a cat or dog; kidfic)

Choice of which you'd like? Okay, so this is kinks I associate with them.


bballgirl3022 June 20 2012, 19:49:22 UTC
biological imperative! Or domesticity. I'm partial to both XD (I know not helpful at all)


Barry/Roddy - "Sweet Summertime" - R - Kink: Biological Imperative bellacatbee June 20 2012, 22:46:54 UTC
Bears get frisky in the summer. It had something to do with the warm weather. Roddy found it almost funny. Through the autumn and winter terms Barry had dragged his feet, falling asleep in class, wanting to snuggle down on the couch and fall asleep in front of a movie or drag Roddy under the covers in his ridiculously big bed, spooning up against him and snoring in his ear ( ... )


ladyknightanka June 20 2012, 19:33:05 UTC
Michael/Adam. :D


bellacatbee June 20 2012, 19:41:59 UTC

1. Make-up and/or nail polish on men

2. Love and passion (falling in love; love at first sight; one true love; eternal love; unconditional love; star-crossed lovers; tempestuous passions, love/hate relationship)

3. Messiness and markers of arousal (mussed hair; flushed cheeks; swollen mouth; displaying bite marks or hickeys; clothes in disarray; sprawling; come-spattered skin)

4. Pushy bottom

5. Wet dreams or erotic dreams

Make your choice! And I knew you'd pick these guys.


ladyknightanka June 20 2012, 19:55:13 UTC
Adam is the epitome of 'pushy bottom' for me, so that, though I love the way your brain works. ;)


Adam/Michael - "Orders" - R - Kink: Pushy Bottom bellacatbee June 20 2012, 23:13:03 UTC
Michael is Heaven’s sword. When he talks, people listen ( ... )


casness June 20 2012, 19:36:59 UTC

(by the way, I love that icon!)


bellacatbee June 20 2012, 19:46:43 UTC

1. Wings (wingfic)

2. Voyeurism and vision themes (character A secretly watches B and C have sex; character A is forced to watch B and C have sex; character A watches character B perform/masturbate; viewing one's beloved in general; taking pictures or video; eye contact, especially as flirting; establishing authority with a look; closing eyes as a trust gesture; character A feeling that character B truly sees him, when no one else does; the quality of light, e.g., characters lit by moonlight or candlelight, or gilded by the setting sun; being in the dark; temporary or permanent blindness; gazes as objectification)

3. Trapped or stranded together (on another world; on a desert island; in a cave-in; in a cabin during a snowstorm; in an elevator)

4. Big guy/little guy

5. Accidental stimulation (proximity and friction; involuntary arousal; situations of adrenaline and reflexes)

Your choice lovely and thank you! I love that icon so much. It makes me want werewolf Dean.


casness June 21 2012, 01:07:37 UTC
How about accidental stimulation?


Sam/Gabriel - "Involuntary" - Soft R - Kink: Accidental stimulation bellacatbee June 21 2012, 16:57:08 UTC
This is not something Sam ever wants to admit and he will deny it to his grave, especially if Dean ever finds out because the teasing would be painful, but sometimes he gets hard when he’s in danger. It’s just a learned reaction and it’s not something he can stop. It’s a rush of adrenaline, a bodily function and it means nothing but Sam knows Dean wouldn’t see it that way. It doesn’t happen all the time, just occasionally when Sam’s blood is pumping through his veins and his heart is pounding in his ears and Sam knows he’s made it out by the skin of his teeth but he’s still alive and apparently his body wants to celebrate that ( ... )


nileflood June 20 2012, 23:08:55 UTC
Dean/Cas/Adam. ;)


bellacatbee June 20 2012, 23:19:48 UTC
1. Age differences

2. Incest (Obviously it’s all incest between Adam and Dean but making a big fact of that matter)

3. Sandwich sexual position or chain fuck (threesome)

4. Public displays of affection, PDAs

5. School themes and fetishization (boarding schools; dojos; scholarly gowns and uniforms; sailor fuku; prep school chic; teacher/student pairings; donnish or professorial characters; prefects/head boys; caning; schoolboy hijinks or sexual discovery; military academies; tutoring and teaching in general; see also Conditioning)


nileflood June 20 2012, 23:27:04 UTC
School! School themes!!!


Dean/Cas/Adam - "Sam's Fault" - R - Kink: School themes bellacatbee June 20 2012, 23:52:21 UTC
One day Dean’s gonna end up getting arrested and when that happens he knows who he’s going to blame ( ... )


whntomorrow June 20 2012, 23:17:16 UTC
Dean/Gabriel (haven't read this pairing in a while!)


bellacatbee June 20 2012, 23:26:30 UTC

1. Rough sex (quick and dirty sex; hate or grudge sex; angry sex; fighting/wrestling; jackhammer fucking; sex with no or little lube)

2. Sex in vehicles (cars, taxis, limos; planes or space shuttles; motorcycles; carnival rides)

3. Sharing (sharing a beer bottle, joint, or bucket of popcorn; loaning someone clothes; a character letting someone stay in their home; sharing confidences; sharing a woman)

4. Discomfort during sex (rough edge of a table as counterpoint to pleasure; cold stone versus hot flesh; position is uncomfortable at first but then becomes perfect; penetration is painful, then pleasurable)

5. Drugs (recreational drug use; Viagra; self-destructive addictions; addiction as a by-product of pain management; alcoholism and sobriety)

I've never written this paring properly before so it'll be fun to see what you pick.


whntomorrow June 21 2012, 06:18:04 UTC
Ooh drug use. Maybe the addiction as a by product of pain management?
Sorry it took me so long to reply, my Internet cut out!


Dean/Gabriel - "Use Me Up" - R - Kink: Drug Use bellacatbee June 21 2012, 17:08:27 UTC
Dean’s pretty much out of it. He is almost every night now. It’s funny because he knew the signs to look for. He’d watched Sammy dealing with withdrawal and he’d gone to future and seen Cas all hyped up on anything he could pop or shoot up and yet Dean hadn’t seen it coming. He’d thought alcohol was his way to deal with pain and occasionally he likes to mix his pills with whiskey but usually he keeps them separate. The hangovers are killers and Dean doesn’t like spending so much time on his knees, paying his respects to the porcelain God ( ... )


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