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AtLA: Azula/Zuko, brother knows best beckyh2112 May 30 2010, 17:41:14 UTC
Previously on Avatar...

Azula's lip curls as she strides up the ramp onto Zuko's ship. It's old, probably still running on firebender-power rather than burning coal. The sailors are either old and near-retirement or too young to have any decent experience. It didn't even have the added class of Uncle's presence anymore - Father had called him home two years ago.

Yet Zuzu still thinks he could find the Avatar.

A flash of blue catches her eye, and Azula frowns as she spots a Water Tribesman lounging against the railing of the ship. He chews a length of sea-grass, and-

Zuzu stands next to him, scalp shaved save for the topknot he wore. He has a map in hand, and he and the Water Tribesman seem to be actually talking about it ( ... )


Re: AtLA: Azula/Zuko, brother knows best flowerflute May 30 2010, 19:32:22 UTC
This is a pretty little mini-verse, oh yes it is.


Re: AtLA: Azula/Zuko, brother knows best flowerflute May 30 2010, 23:34:06 UTC
OKAY BRAIN, STOP IT WITH THE AZUTARA. My brain is so full of crack, sometimes. D:


Re: AtLA: Azula/Zuko, brother knows best beckyh2112 May 30 2010, 23:39:23 UTC
Heh. I've been taunting Rin with Azutara lately. Not for this 'verse, though.


Re: AtLA: Azula/Zuko, brother knows best neldluva May 31 2010, 00:59:04 UTC
Well. You already know how I love this 'verse. *purrs happily*

Oh Azula. No need to be jealous. Katara is already fucking her own brother, she doesn't need yours. (Not that we wouldn't mind some sort of incest-orgy, precious...)

It's interesting to see how the story changes when the main characters are aged up just a few years. I'm really liking this. And also Jee's cameo. Hi, Jee!


Re: AtLA: Azula/Zuko, brother knows best hiza_chan June 1 2010, 19:57:10 UTC
Oh, this is great. Jeez, I was already intrigued by the Sokka/Katara bit, so the fact that my request was a sequel to it was fantastic. ♥

I like this AU. A lot.


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