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AtLA: Sokka/Katara, furs beckyh2112 May 30 2010, 04:05:57 UTC
Zuko is about twenty here. No, I have no idea where the 'furs' part of the prompt went.

The Water Tribesman curses a blue streak. He's Zuko's age, the banished prince notes. Scruffy seal-brown hair pulled in their tufty ponytails, a scruffy beard on his face to match.

His pants are down, and he's yanking a blue-green scarf down from where it was over his eyes. Kinkier than he would have expected from the Water Tribe.

His wife is a few years younger, locks of her seal-brown hair falling out of her bun and the two odd loops. Her coat hangs open, but it's falling just enough to hide her and her husband's modesty. Not that Zuko can't tell what they were doing, but he supposes it's the principle of the thing.

There is something about their faces that nags at him.

"What the hell do you want?" The woman snarls, the air seeming to turn to frost with her words.

Zuko remains in the doorway of their little cabin by the sea. "Rumor says you two are the last Southern Water Tribe still around. I'm here to talk to you about the Avatar."


Re: AtLA: Sokka/Katara, furs avocado_love May 30 2010, 04:20:18 UTC
hehe. Well they're definitely doing all they can to make sure the tribe lives on, aren't they? Oh man, Zuko... they are not husband and wife. I wonder what Zuko would do/think when he finds out. *G*


Re: AtLA: Sokka/Katara, furs beckyh2112 May 30 2010, 04:26:58 UTC
Knowing Zuko, there is jaw-dropping and staring and needing to go have a lie-down.


Re: AtLA: Sokka/Katara, furs flowerflute May 30 2010, 19:30:00 UTC
Prrrrr. I smell plot, delicious, tasty plot.
Is it just for the tribe (he wears the blindfold so he can't see her) or are they together? (the blindfold is for fun)


Re: AtLA: Sokka/Katara, furs neldluva May 31 2010, 00:51:45 UTC
Oh. You. I. GUH.

Okay, recovering coherency. Kind of.

Clearly, the "furs" prompt was not at all necessary, because woman, that was HOT. Getting caught by Zuko? Mmm, nice twist. Heh, and as usual, you have me curious about the before and the after and the particular flavor of this ... AU?

Anyway. I love love LOVED it. Muy sexy, and my day is made 200% better. <3


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