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AtLA: Azula/Zuko, brother knows best beckyh2112 May 30 2010, 17:41:14 UTC
Previously on Avatar...

Azula's lip curls as she strides up the ramp onto Zuko's ship. It's old, probably still running on firebender-power rather than burning coal. The sailors are either old and near-retirement or too young to have any decent experience. It didn't even have the added class of Uncle's presence anymore - Father had called him home two years ago.

Yet Zuzu still thinks he could find the Avatar.

A flash of blue catches her eye, and Azula frowns as she spots a Water Tribesman lounging against the railing of the ship. He chews a length of sea-grass, and-

Zuzu stands next to him, scalp shaved save for the topknot he wore. He has a map in hand, and he and the Water Tribesman seem to be actually talking about it.

Azula's eyes narrow.

"Princess Azula," Lieutenant Jee rumbles from off to her side, and she tears her eyes away from Zuzu to glance at the lieutenant. There is a Water Tribeswoman at his side. Her hips are full, her features exotically beautiful, her blue dress tight over soft breasts.

"Princess Azula," the Water Tribeswoman echoes, saying the name as if she's tasting it.

"Who is she?" Azula demands of the lieutenant. "Why are there Water Tribe on this ship?"

The lieutenant's mouth hardens. "You would have to ask the prince, princess. He brought them on board."

This is about the Avatar, she realizes. It is just about the Avatar. Zuzu stupidly thinks he has found another way to find the dead man, and the Water Tribesfolk are taking him for all he's worth. That's all.

The mental image of Zuzu fucking the Water Tribe slut won't leave her be, and she snarls blue fire as she stalks towards her brother.


Re: AtLA: Azula/Zuko, brother knows best flowerflute May 30 2010, 19:32:22 UTC
This is a pretty little mini-verse, oh yes it is.


Re: AtLA: Azula/Zuko, brother knows best flowerflute May 30 2010, 23:34:06 UTC
OKAY BRAIN, STOP IT WITH THE AZUTARA. My brain is so full of crack, sometimes. D:


Re: AtLA: Azula/Zuko, brother knows best beckyh2112 May 30 2010, 23:39:23 UTC
Heh. I've been taunting Rin with Azutara lately. Not for this 'verse, though.


Re: AtLA: Azula/Zuko, brother knows best neldluva May 31 2010, 00:59:04 UTC
Well. You already know how I love this 'verse. *purrs happily*

Oh Azula. No need to be jealous. Katara is already fucking her own brother, she doesn't need yours. (Not that we wouldn't mind some sort of incest-orgy, precious...)

It's interesting to see how the story changes when the main characters are aged up just a few years. I'm really liking this. And also Jee's cameo. Hi, Jee!


Re: AtLA: Azula/Zuko, brother knows best hiza_chan June 1 2010, 19:57:10 UTC
Oh, this is great. Jeez, I was already intrigued by the Sokka/Katara bit, so the fact that my request was a sequel to it was fantastic. ♥

I like this AU. A lot.


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