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Comments 46

dark_puck May 22 2010, 05:08:27 UTC
Haru/Katara; the rain goes on.


AtLA: Haru/Katara, the rain goes on beckyh2112 May 25 2010, 03:16:23 UTC
The rain fell.

Haru stood on the porch of the little wooden house he had built with his own hands. His hands, an axe, a plane, hammer and nails. No 'bending at all, not even to test the ground for sturdiness.

Not that he really needed to 'test' the ground anymore. Walking over it in bare feet was enough for him.

Dirt, freshly churned by his building, turned to mud under the falling rain.

"That's what happens when water and earth mix," Katara said, coming up behind him. "Or so the ladies all said in Ba Sing Se."

She linked her arm in his, resting her cheek against his shoulder. He still sometimes marveled at how short and slender she seemed, compared to how they had been as teenagers. But while they'd both grown, she'd gotten her father's height... And he'd gotten his.

"I think of it differently," she said, hip pressing against his thigh. "To me, the mix of water and earth is a beach. But," she added, tipping her grinning face up to his, "I'm not a catty, spoiled noblewoman who resents seeing a powerful earthbender fall for a


Re: AtLA: Haru/Katara, the rain goes on dark_puck May 27 2010, 18:16:52 UTC
I need a Harutara icon.

*purrs* I very much like this. How Haru built his and Katara's house, Katara's comments on what happens when water and earth mix... the catty, spoiled noblewomen should learn about clay sometime. <3333

Thank you for this.


karma_aster May 22 2010, 05:11:00 UTC
Sam/Jack, street-hockey, and a skinned knee.


SG-1: Sam/Jack, street-hockey and a skinned knee beckyh2112 May 25 2010, 04:46:30 UTC
"Whoa!" Sam shouted, slewing herself around and jamming her hockey-stick into the pavement. Her rollerblades scraped, and she almost thought she'd topple over too ( ... )


Re: SG-1: Sam/Jack, street-hockey and a skinned knee bookblather June 2 2010, 03:08:19 UTC
I really like this. It's very in-character, especially the mysteriously destroyed jeans and Jack getting drafted to go help the Asgard AGAIN and Jack digging for presents and Sam and Jack playing street-hockey is kinda perfect, and I love the bit about being sixteen and in love all over again. And of course Sam likes the Lord of the Rings and Jack doesn't know what it is. Great job, Bex m'darling.


Re: SG-1: Sam/Jack, street-hockey and a skinned knee karma_aster June 6 2010, 01:43:48 UTC
Hee! This is so cute! Thank you! It's all shippy but it has tones of early seasons flirtiness too!


neldluva May 22 2010, 05:12:00 UTC
Okay, know what I really want? Blindfolds. If you can work blindfold sex in here, you will have fulfilled a craving. And I will heap praise on you.

Secret 'cest pairing go! Sokka/Katara. Furs.


AtLA: Sokka/Katara, furs beckyh2112 May 30 2010, 04:05:57 UTC
Zuko is about twenty here. No, I have no idea where the 'furs' part of the prompt went.

The Water Tribesman curses a blue streak. He's Zuko's age, the banished prince notes. Scruffy seal-brown hair pulled in their tufty ponytails, a scruffy beard on his face to match.

His pants are down, and he's yanking a blue-green scarf down from where it was over his eyes. Kinkier than he would have expected from the Water Tribe.

His wife is a few years younger, locks of her seal-brown hair falling out of her bun and the two odd loops. Her coat hangs open, but it's falling just enough to hide her and her husband's modesty. Not that Zuko can't tell what they were doing, but he supposes it's the principle of the thing.

There is something about their faces that nags at him.

"What the hell do you want?" The woman snarls, the air seeming to turn to frost with her words.

Zuko remains in the doorway of their little cabin by the sea. "Rumor says you two are the last Southern Water Tribe still around. I'm here to talk to you about the Avatar."


Re: AtLA: Sokka/Katara, furs avocado_love May 30 2010, 04:20:18 UTC
hehe. Well they're definitely doing all they can to make sure the tribe lives on, aren't they? Oh man, Zuko... they are not husband and wife. I wonder what Zuko would do/think when he finds out. *G*


Re: AtLA: Sokka/Katara, furs beckyh2112 May 30 2010, 04:26:58 UTC
Knowing Zuko, there is jaw-dropping and staring and needing to go have a lie-down.


bookblather May 22 2010, 05:49:50 UTC
Lord and Lady Placida? "Well, that was impressive."


Codex Alera: Lord Placida/Lady Placida, "Well, that was impressive." beckyh2112 May 30 2010, 04:51:36 UTC
"I thought so," He said, tossing a heated glance at her.

She smiled, fire fluttering its wings inside her chest. "I think I could do better."


Re: Codex Alera: Lord Placida/Lady Placida, "Well, that was impressive." bookblather June 2 2010, 03:06:51 UTC
Sorry for late comment! I am just now getting all caught up on LJ.

Anyway, I love this! It's short but sweet, and thoroughly obvious what has just happened and is probably about to happen again, with a strong emotional undertone. Very nice. <333333 Thank you so much!


hiza_chan May 22 2010, 06:18:22 UTC
Do threesomes with het count? If they do, Katara/Sokka/Zuko, rather steamy.

If not, Azula/Zuko, brother knows best.


AtLA: Azula/Zuko, brother knows best beckyh2112 May 30 2010, 17:41:14 UTC
Previously on Avatar...

Azula's lip curls as she strides up the ramp onto Zuko's ship. It's old, probably still running on firebender-power rather than burning coal. The sailors are either old and near-retirement or too young to have any decent experience. It didn't even have the added class of Uncle's presence anymore - Father had called him home two years ago.

Yet Zuzu still thinks he could find the Avatar.

A flash of blue catches her eye, and Azula frowns as she spots a Water Tribesman lounging against the railing of the ship. He chews a length of sea-grass, and-

Zuzu stands next to him, scalp shaved save for the topknot he wore. He has a map in hand, and he and the Water Tribesman seem to be actually talking about it ( ... )


Re: AtLA: Azula/Zuko, brother knows best flowerflute May 30 2010, 19:32:22 UTC
This is a pretty little mini-verse, oh yes it is.


Re: AtLA: Azula/Zuko, brother knows best flowerflute May 30 2010, 23:34:06 UTC
OKAY BRAIN, STOP IT WITH THE AZUTARA. My brain is so full of crack, sometimes. D:


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