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Sokka/Zuko (1/3) beckyh2112 May 2 2010, 03:33:29 UTC
1. wild west

Sokka has no idea how Katara managed to talk Dad into a family vacation to Vegas. None. Zero. Zip. Zilch. He has even less of an idea of how she managed to get 'family' to include Gran-Gran, Pakku, and Bato, but frankly, he doesn't care.

Mostly because he managed to win a nice bit of change earlier. Nice enough to get entrance into a particularly ritzy strip club.

Really ritzy, and maybe he shouldn't have had that champagne and beer earlier. Because he's starting to think that the guy currently working the pole needs a fuckton of tips, and guh, how can a scar that bad be so hot?

2. cyberpunk

The program grins. It's hard to remember this one is a facade sometimes, a glitchy piece of artificial intelligence software and not an actual human being ( ... )


Sokka/Zuko (2/3) beckyh2112 May 2 2010, 03:34:05 UTC
6. born another gender

"Now this is what I'm talking about," Sanna said appreciatively as she nestled against Zura.

"-They're breasts, not pillows," Zura growled, but she made no move to push the Water Tribe girl off of her. It felt rather... nice to be cuddled like this, and the press of Sanna's own breasts against her side was-

Well, it was making her want to squirm.

"They are sexy, sexy breasts that are decidedly pillowesque," Sanna countered.

"Stop talking about Zura's breasts!" Kanook snapped from the other side of the fire.

"But they're nice breasts," Hera purred, mischief in her voice, and Toph laughed like he knew a joke no one else did.

Sanna grinned and pointed a finger at Hera. "By the way, if my baby brother knows anything about how nice your breasts are, they'll never find your body ( ... )


Sokka/Zuko (3/3) beckyh2112 May 2 2010, 03:34:26 UTC
9. urban fantasy

"Where's Mai?" Zuko croaked.

The selkie prince smiled and wrapped human hands around the iron-black blade. His hands didn't burn, and more importantly, he didn't answer Zuko's question.

That was one of the things Zuko loathed about selkies. Without their skins, they were fully and completely human. In their skins, they were fully and completely seal. It was only in the space between that they were real fey.

"Where's Mai?" Zuko repeated, taking a step forward.

The selkie prince grinned. "With my sister. She doesn't want to see you." He added, almost as an afterthought, "She said you could go to hell."

Zuko thought his heart would drop out of his chest.

"I told you not to lie to her," the selkie prince said, sheathing the sword over his shoulder. Then he reached down and began to undo the jeans that protected what little modesty he had.

"She hates the Unseelie," Zuko gritted out, ignoring the baring of dark, toothsome flesh. Damn it, it was Mai who was important here, he shouldn't even be thinking about the way ( ... )


Re: Sokka/Zuko (3/3) avocado_love May 2 2010, 03:57:45 UTC
9. Poor dumbass Zuko. That's what you get when you lie to your woman... I guess you'll have to find some way (via sex) to get the selkie Prince to somehow fix this. And then more sex.

10. Eek. Dark, but then again... Harem... Well this begs the question of what the heck Piandao has done to get such an interesting group. Gah.



Re: Sokka/Zuko (3/3) flowerflute May 2 2010, 15:33:48 UTC
Your nines are just freaking mind-blowing. Ten, two and one are great too.


Re: Sokka/Zuko (3/3) ithilgwath May 11 2010, 18:46:43 UTC
Sokka = Pepe Le Pew = LOVE and LOL

Also... Princess Bride reference. Loove~

The Urban Fantasy (both this one and the Zuko/Mai one) just beg for more. If you do do more with that I will be on it like white on rice. X3


Re: Sokka/Zuko (3/3) beckyh2112 May 11 2010, 18:50:12 UTC
.... You might want to read all of the different 9s (in order) then. ;-)


Re: Sokka/Zuko (2/3) avocado_love May 2 2010, 03:54:10 UTC
6. This was so funny and cute, but I laughed out loud in real life when Toph's name was... Toph. OF COURSE. <3

7. That new kid has no chance. *grin* And I like this modern!Sokka. I've always seen him as sort of a jock-type, but overachieving at everything just because he can is way up his ally too!

8. Ah! Angsty! I'm thinking firefighters? Damnit, this is another AU I suddenly want. You tempt me, woman! :D


Re: Sokka/Zuko (1/3) avocado_love May 2 2010, 03:50:46 UTC
OH MY GOODNESS. <33333333

how can a scar that bad be so hot?

Yeah, that pretty much sums up Zuko in one sentence. lol.

And I just really like the cleverness of naming the program S0KK4. that's great. lol. Even if he is, literally, an internet whore. :D

3. Reminds so SO MUCH of Peppy Le Pu. Now I'm going to have that mental image in my head of Sokka grabbing poor, painted Zuko and Zuko struggling to get away. hehe.

4. !!!!!! PRINCESS BRIDE REFERENCE!!! This is adorable, and although I know Zuko would fail where Wes would succeed, I sorta want an AU of this. A sexy AU wit lots of Zukka.

5. And this shows once again why putting these two together with weapons will always be a bad idea.


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