OC Meme!

Apr 26, 2010 17:47

Because these things always have a lower turnout, and I really, really want to write some of my OCs right now.

- Three slots per person, five slots if you're one of my people1- Prompts must include fandom and what side you want me to write an OC from, assuming sides are relevant to the fandom. (Autobot/Decepticon/neutral, Earth/Water/Fire/ ( Read more... )

character: zhao, character: krisuk, character: katara, character: junkions, series: beast wars, character: nima, character: earth kingdom, character: soundwave and cassettes, character: air nomads, character: next-gen avatar, character: fire nation, character: oikodomopolis, movies: transformers bayverse, character: jee, character: zuko, series: x-men, character: water tribe, series: avatar, character: torao, series: g1 transformers, series: transformers animated, character: oc transformers, movies: the matrix, series: dresden files, character: long feng, character: iroh, character: dai li, series: star wars

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Comments 167

why AVATAR of course! :D suzukiblu April 27 2010, 05:39:18 UTC
Earth - you said you'd keep me honest / but I won't call you on it

Fire - I know what I am / and I'm your villain / although I don't give a damn if / I'm your villain

Water - oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight / lead me out on the moonlit floor / lift your open hand / strike up the band and make the fireflies dance / silver moon's sparkling / so kiss me

Air - do you know, tomorrow I'll be gone / I need to run away from who I am / and you know it's a pretty world outside / but take a look within / my heart is worn out

Fire - when the spark reaches powder I will blow up / I'll become the mist you breathe into your lungs / all of my love will then turn into yours / and you will feel hope bleeding out from your pores


AtLA: Fire: I know what I am / and I'm your villain beckyh2112 April 27 2010, 20:42:27 UTC
As a youth on Jagged Coast Island, Nakhu saw a girl from Fire Island dancing attendance on a merchant come to trade. She was a pretty girl, but more striking still, she was swift and moved like she was dangerous ( ... )


Re: AtLA: Fire: I know what I am / and I'm your villain suzukiblu April 28 2010, 19:34:56 UTC
You bad-guy lover you. <3 Also, interesting, I can't say I've read much fic written from the side of the abuser. And also interesting that Kazali's a martial artist and yet doesn't strike back.


Re: AtLA: Fire: I know what I am / and I&#39;m your villain beckyh2112 April 29 2010, 01:10:20 UTC
To be fair, I don't really like Nakhu. But I really, really like Kazali. <3

As for not striking back... She's a young bride, and this is her husband. And this was the first time he hit her, so she's willing to let it slide. (Also, possibly I just suck.)


blue_lacquer April 27 2010, 13:17:11 UTC

Earth, spring equinox
Water, water of life
Air, perfect storm


AtLA: Air, perfect storm beckyh2112 April 28 2010, 03:03:31 UTC
"Fire Nation! Fire eyes! Filthy, disgusting little-!" His mother's heavy wooden ladle comes down on Ketu's shoulders and back. He scrambles away from her, ducking out of the hut they live in, stumbling out into the street.

She heaves the chamberpot at him. "Don't come back, never come back!"

It takes him three days to figure out she really, truly means it. He's fourteen, black and blue with bruises, one eye swollen shut. His clothes are filthy, he has no shoes, and he's hungry.

He scrounges scraps from a neighbor's piggoose slops, then he walks out in the middle of the dirt road that runs through his village. He doesn't know what lies in either direction, except that the Fire Nation folks always come with the rising sun.

He turns to the setting sun, and he walks. Walking becomes jogging, jogging becomes running, and he's suddenly aware of his breathing. Each drag of air inside, each push of it back out. It echoes in his head, in the world around him, in the rustle of leaves and the stirring of grass, in the clouds scudding across ( ... )


Re: AtLA: Air, perfect storm littleseastar April 28 2010, 07:27:37 UTC
That is so amazing. The description is fantastic.


Re: AtLA: Air, perfect storm blue_lacquer April 28 2010, 17:17:49 UTC
Oh, wow, this is good. :)

Ketu's family situation is really disturbing (also intriguing, with the bit about him having "fire eyes.") The description of him flying away really captures a sense of escape and freedom and emerging power.

This also touches on two things I've always been curious about: how bending ability manifests and how social factors affect bending ability. (No one is expecting new air benders, so it makes sense that a new air bender wouldn't realize he was one for a while.)

Thanks very much!


Yay for being a people! <3 lunatron April 27 2010, 16:29:37 UTC
1. G1, Decepticons - "One dream of man/One dream of fate/One dream of love/That's turned to hate/With the rage of the seraphs at my side"
2. Star Wars, Imperials - "Where were you when the Death Star exploded?"
3. Dresden Files, whatever the heck kind of OCs you have there - "a black witch and green knight"
4. G1, Decepticons - "We're falling to pieces and that's why we're hunting you down/While you're falling from heaven we rise from the underground"
5. G1, Autobots or Junkions - "Grass grows, birds fly, sun shines, and brotha', I hurt people."

Bonus: uuuuh, gimme G1 Alkali, if you think you can manage her - "Give me a shot to remember/And you can take all the pain away from me/Your kiss and I will surrender/The sharpest lives are the deadliest to lead"


Transformers G1: Decepticons - "With the rage of the seraphs at my side" beckyh2112 April 28 2010, 03:38:53 UTC
Heavenmonger sprawled on the floor of the Caelumount's central hall, a gaping hole through his chest. His optics were dark, but his colors weren't fading. Yet ( ... )


Re: Transformers G1: Decepticons - "With the rage of the seraphs at my side" lunatron May 1 2010, 14:42:25 UTC
I like how you often work with themes of 'perceptive leader who puts his employees' abilities to good and often inventive uses' and 'appreciative employee who gains news insight into his own purpose'.

Loyalty is a thing of beauty and terror here, likely a finely honed knife. :)


Star Wars: Imperials, "Where were you when the Death Star exploded?" beckyh2112 May 2 2010, 19:51:21 UTC
Dave flopped bonelessly down on his bunk. He'd been awake for the last forty-eight hours, running through the final stages of his pilot training. He stared at the bulkhead over his head, too tired to actually sleep.

"Did you hear?" Someone said, and he grunted something that they didn't take as acknowledgment. "Rebels destroyed the Death Star!"


"I heard," someone else said, "That we're getting posted to hunt down their new base."

"How can they have a new base yet?" Yet another person said, and Dave wondered how the hell everyone else was awake enough to even talk.

"The attack on the Death Star surely revealed their old base," the first person snapped, sounding a little frayed around the edges. "So they have to have set up somewhere new. Somewhere they think we'll never ever find them. But we will."

Dave nodded agreement and slipped into sleep. His dreams were full of snow.

And thus Dave embarks on the first campaign in the TIE Fighter game.


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AtLA: Earth, this girl beckyh2112 April 30 2010, 02:13:55 UTC
Xin Wan knows how to pretend to be alive. It's easy to go through the motions - get up, get dressed, eat, visit, see if there is work for him. Come home, bathe, go to bed.

Sometimes all he can do is go through the motions. Sometimes he pulls other people in - Kiet, his lovers, Bae, Liu, Hyo, anyone to give him a bit of connection. As long as there are other people around, he's doing all right, isn't he?

'The songs in your music boxes are all sad,' Liu scribes on the wall one day.

Xin Wan blinks, and everything almost shatters.


Matrix: Machine, I drove through ghosts to get here beckyh2112 May 2 2010, 04:40:06 UTC
It's raining.

Special Agent Rahne could turn it off. But she let it come down. It soaked her clothing, her hair, her skin. Cosmetic, but she appreciated the complexity of programming and design that allowed even Agents such cosmetic changes.

Her heels clicked against the wet pavement.

The Zionist was wounded. She saw the trail his ruptured imaging code left in the strands of programming.

She'd shot him, and he was dying faster than he could get to the disconnect point.

(She'd shot the one rebel who fascinated her, the one that made her something outside of her assigned tasks.

But that way lay Exile, at best.)


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