OC Meme!

Apr 26, 2010 17:47

Because these things always have a lower turnout, and I really, really want to write some of my OCs right now.

- Three slots per person, five slots if you're one of my people1
- Prompts must include fandom and what side you want me to write an OC from, assuming sides are relevant to the fandom. (Autobot/Decepticon/neutral, Earth/Water/Fire/Air, Machine/rebel/Exile)
- Prompt me with whatever you feel like prompting. Lyrics, phrases, songs, situations, whatever. If it doesn't work for me, I'll just stick my mp3-player on random and drabble to that.
- I guarantee I will write you at least one piece.
- You can use two slots to request specific OCs of mine if you really, really want to. But I'd appreciate free rein on who to write, because there's a lot of my OCs that have never made it to stories.
- You may have a bonus slot in which to request that I write one of your OCs. However, you must provide me with history/appearance/personality. (OCs I am already familiar with can skip providing that sort of stuff.) ETA: A bonus slot is an extra slot that doesn't count towards your overall slottage.

1. 'My people' are defined as: anyone who has known me since ReBoot or The Matrix fandom, Deadzone players, Pepper, Dageraisy, Rin, Neld, and Spyri


character: zhao, character: krisuk, character: katara, character: junkions, series: beast wars, character: nima, character: earth kingdom, character: soundwave and cassettes, character: air nomads, character: next-gen avatar, character: fire nation, character: oikodomopolis, movies: transformers bayverse, character: jee, character: zuko, series: x-men, character: water tribe, series: avatar, character: torao, series: g1 transformers, series: transformers animated, character: oc transformers, movies: the matrix, series: dresden files, character: long feng, character: iroh, character: dai li, series: star wars

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