The meme is dead. Long live the meme.

Apr 25, 2010 23:14

The Anti-Whump Zuko Meme is as done as it's going to get. It's not all fluff, but it almost entirely avoids whumping. So that is good.


- Turtleduck jammies.
- Music Night, the evolving tradition.

- Zuko/Jee - Spending time together, perhaps trying to teach Zuko about musical notes? If not that, just talking about music. And if not that, make outs.
- Zuko - Fatherhood
- Ursa and Mai/Zuko - Wedding plans.
- Zuko and Iroh/Ming - meeting the new 'aunt'.
- Zuko, Aang, Sokka, Haru, Teo, and Toph - Guys' night out.

- Toph/Zuko - One perfect day. (can be romantic or not)

- I just want something where he gets a chance to be all lazy and sleepy and lie around in the sun...please.

- Mai/Zuko/Song; lazy day, lazy breakfast
- Zuko/Mai; bathtime shenanigans
- Zuko and Iroh; relaxing with tea on a rainy day
- Zuko and Ty Lee; friendly snuggles and daydreams

- Aang and Zuko: BFFing on the great winged lemur hunt (because Momo needs FRIENDS, you know). Only, turns out the lemurs like the Fire Lord better than the Avatar.
- Song/Zuko and DELICIOUS TURTLEDUCK. <333 Yes I totally want foodie fic. IT IS THE WAY TO A MAN'S HEART, BEX.
- Jin/Zuko; Jin is not as easily dumped as by one mere bisected kiss, and if she is going to bring a boy flowers and chocolates at work well WHY NOT, it would work on HER.
- WAT: Teo upgrades the teakettle for his new crush. Adorable shenanigans ensue.
- Ty Lee and Zuko, aura-cleansing. By which of course I mean a spa day.
- Mai/Zuko; cross-dressing in each other's clothes.
- Jet and Zuko; ridiculous Ba Sing Se AU with them both waiting tables at the Jasmine Dragon, and also possibly FIGHTING CRIME when the need arises.
- BUNNY-KITTENS. Do with that vision of UNSPEAKABLE ADORABLENESS as you will.

- Mai goes off and has the awesome adventures we all desperately want her to have and leaves Zuko at home with the court and the kids. Father-children shenanigans. It's not really Zuko whumping if he's prone to fatherly fits of anxiety, is it?
- Zuko bonds with his new niece or nephew (Azula might be stark raving mad, but that's all the more reason not to leave a kid with her) and gets advice from his own uncle.
- A sweet moment between uncle and nephew in Ba Sing Se (during S2, not post war)

- Zuko&Katara. Sailing and sunshine. (can be / too... :D)
- Zuko and Mai go to a Fire Festival. Masks = carefree.
- Zuko and someone (I don't care who) discover that all those blankets and furs really do keep you toasty warm in an igloo. Alternatively, kotatsu!
- Uncle Iroh tea party!

- Zuko, slept on by kittens. Warm object (or person) = kitty magnet.

- Post becoming-part-of-the-group, Zuko has a cold and the Gaang fuss over him, especially Toph, so he feels loved.

- Zuko and Ursa- I'm so proud of you, Zuko. Post-Sozin's Comet.
- Zuko and Suki- I can't believe that we're friends, but I'm glad we are.
- Zuko and Azula- Better days ahead.

- Zuko visiting the Sun Warriors and trying yummy new foods.

- May I request Zuko as a snuggly-drunk? Not really horny (unless you want, of course) but really snuggly.
- Or maybe... Zuko is trusted with a baby dragon to raise? With much snugglings, bringing daddy-Zuko random "presents" to show what a good hunter it is, etc. Though, ok, it's sounding more like a cat, but still. Dragon = big = bigger prey = dragon can deposit a hot 'n sexy Sokka in the middle of the Fire Lord's bed rather than a mouse.
- ooor maybe just S1 Zuko's crew rallying around him after the events of The Storm..?

- Ty Lee and Zuko try to treat orphaned turtleducks together. Fire Lady Mai is amused.
- Mai/Zuko, just after the finale they have a long chat and cuddle. No sex please.

- Fire Avatar Ozai is proud of his son's ability to inspire loyalty.

- Zuko & Sokka - unarmed & weapon practice, great workout, mutual respect (non-sexual)
- Zuko & Katara - Undoing the damage my grandfather did to your people
- Zuko/Mai - massage, "Around you, I don't have to be the Firelord"

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