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Comments 182

weirdlet October 31 2009, 03:26:00 UTC
...a horrible thought just occurred to me. If you haven't played D&D or read Salvatore feel free to ignore this, but- Zuko as Drizzt/Avatar in the Forgotten Realms?

(only with less angsting- I like Zuko's angst, it's nummy, but Drizzt himself bugs me)


beckyh2112 October 31 2009, 03:29:27 UTC
*LOVES Drizzt and the drow*


weirdlet October 31 2009, 03:31:11 UTC


spyridona October 31 2009, 16:13:43 UTC
Pffffpht, drows.

*Illithid fangirl, though drows are PRETTY.*


avocado_love October 31 2009, 03:31:36 UTC
I just (as of a half hour ago) finished the first Codex Alera book. So may I ask for a Avatar/Codex crossover. What would the cast call their furies?


Aleratar: Cast (1/2) beckyh2112 October 31 2009, 04:41:16 UTC
*chuckles and points Avocado at some of the other Aleratar things I've written*


Sokka had grown up with furies all around him. Gran-Gran had Passer, a little sparrowmouse of an air fury, and Parum, an even littler water fury like a tiny koi. Dad had his wood fury Tego and the other fury he didn't like to mention. Bato had Caris, his earth fury.

Mom had had her water fury.

It scares Sokka when Katara first manifests her fury. Scares him even more than the way he doesn't know what his fury is, except he has one, he definitely has one. But no one in the Water Tribe has ever had a fury that helps them suppress pain ( ... )


Aleratar: Cast (2/2) beckyh2112 October 31 2009, 04:41:30 UTC
The Northern Water Tribe is amazing. All kinds of amazing, from Yue to Master Pakku and his water fury to-

Well, to the other boy who feels like a metal war-club to Sokka. It doesn't hurt that Hahn is easy on the eyes, though the angry sneering does.

It's standing with Hahn against Zhao that Sokka learns the ability to shut down pain can also be used to shut down pesky emotions like fear. That helps a lot.

That doesn't help enough.

Hahn dies. Yue dies to become the moon.

Sokka shuts down everything that doesn't make him a weapon.


Toph is tiny and her fury isn't. Her earth fury doesn't have a name because she's never heard of that idea. But once she does, she decides she loves it, and she spends days trying out names on the massive stone badgermole.

She decides she likes Ballista best. The earth fury doesn't indicate any preference one way or another.


Azula has a fire fury. Of course Azula has a fire fury. She also has an air fury, and she's shockingly fast compared to her brother. So fast she almost burns Aang ( ... )


Re: Aleratar: Cast (2/2) avocado_love October 31 2009, 04:49:14 UTC

Thank you SO MUCH for writing this. For several reasons. The first one is that this is so well written and perfect for the characters. I loved how you explored all of their furys and the names were wonderful to boot. Seeing Sokka manifest his own was a real treat. The second reason I love this story is because it shows how different Avatar is from Codex. Even though they are elemental based, this really does well in drawing the line from me how things can be the same, but dissimilar.

Now I'm off to read your other fic! Woot!


neldluva October 31 2009, 03:38:07 UTC
Ooh, goodie! I'm so excited!

Song/Ozai, modern AU (spin that as you like). "I have lost myself again/ Lost myself and I am nowhere to be found,/ Yeah I think that I might break/ Lost myself again and I feel unsafe."

Urzai, 20's flapper-era. She's an independent woman, but when she loves, she loves hard.

Gaang meets the Fellowship of the Ring. Bonus points for Sokka and Aragorn comparing swords. Bonus points for Toph and Gimli totally hitting it off. But really, as long as they meet, it's up to you. I'm completely up for lulz and crack with this one.

Sankyouuuuuuuuu. <3


neldluva October 31 2009, 03:43:44 UTC
Okay, rather than that last one, how about a generic fantasy AU? The Gaang is still on a quest, but benders are mages, or something like that. Dragons are a plus. I really just want to see everyone in chainmail.


Generic Fantasy AU = Forgotten Realms, bitches beckyh2112 November 1 2009, 02:07:19 UTC
"Gold elf," Toph says, sounding surprised. Her hands settle on her belt, close enough to yank out her hammers if she felt the need for them. Or the want for them. Or even just a vague whim for them.

Aang sometimes worried a little about her.

Katara studied the man across from them, then gave a sharp shake of her head.

"Black hair," Sokka said. His hand had drifted down to his quiver, and Aang wasn't sure if he meant to pull an arrow or one of his knives out of it. "Gold elves don't have black hair."

"Take your word for it, elf."

"He's wrong," Katara breathed softly. "He's from Outside ( ... )


Re: Generic Fantasy AU = Forgotten Realms, bitches neldluva November 1 2009, 02:14:33 UTC
*purrs happily*

Pretty things! I know nothing about the Forgotten Realms, but this is sparkly. <3 I like Katara's protective wolf, and Aang being all glowy and celestial. And hell, you can't go wrong with Elves. *also cuddles little angry Toph with hammers* Dwarf, I'm assuming?


MWAHAHAHAHA I AM PRESSURE. suzukiblu October 31 2009, 03:58:30 UTC
- Zutara. She moves through moonbeams slowly / she knows just how to hold me / and when her edges soften / her body is my coffin. Man-eating mermaids, bb. <3. NOMNOMNOM, ZUZU, DON'T YOU LOOK TASTEE. >:D

- Ozai, Ursa, their tiny brood; synchronicity. HERE THERE BE DRAGONS (and you may take that to mean dragon-riders or dragon-shapeshifters or dragon-hunters or RAISING PIRATE-BABIES or WHATSOEVER YOU SO PLEASE <3).

- . . . okay this last one is not my fault. YOU GOT ME THINKING ABOUT THE WINGROT, YOU DID.

Song/Jet, angels and demons. Nun!Song, falling!Jet. No, you'll never be alone / when darkness comes you know I'm never far / hear the whispers in the dark.


Angels and Demons: Song/Jet (1/3) beckyh2112 October 31 2009, 22:18:31 UTC
Jet went a long, long way away after Lee. He walked and stumbled over trampled roads, head down and wings folded out of sight, away from refuge. Towards the war itself ( ... )


Angels and Demons: Song/Jet (2/3) beckyh2112 October 31 2009, 22:19:14 UTC
The war was near. Jet smelled smoke, both normal and brimstone-tinged. People were fleeing along the roads, seeking refuge ( ... )


Angels and Demons: Song/Jet (3/3) beckyh2112 October 31 2009, 22:19:32 UTC
"Jet," Song said, her voice pleading, and her hand settled in the middle of his back between his wings. "Please. Don't fight him ( ... )


floranna October 31 2009, 06:01:43 UTC
Hmmh. Zuko meets Samuel Vimes.


beckyh2112 November 1 2009, 00:04:09 UTC
Zuko attended the Assassin's Guild School, like his father and uncle and cousin all had. It was the thing to do. It offered the best sort of education for a young man of his station, it required him to visit Ankh-Morpork which would give him a breadth and depth of experience that simply lacked in his home.

For one thing, back home, the dwarves did not wear high heels.

For another thing, his father had only half so many traps in his garden as Sir Samuel Vimes had.

"Yes, sir," he said carefully as he dangled by his ankles above the dragon pens. They looked... not very pleased. In fact, some of them were shooting small jets of flame. "I'm very sorry, sir."

The Guard captain leaned in the doorway, failing not to smile. "I almost believe you, and I'm in a good mood today. So let me tell you where the garden pond is."


floranna February 28 2010, 19:34:50 UTC
Sorry, this I have obviously forgotten to comment this. No surprise, looking the time.

Vimes is my favourite character in Discworld and you got his voice just right. And Zuko is his usual adorable Failko.


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