AU Mini-Meme

Oct 30, 2009 22:03

I am nothing if not open to peer pressure. At least as long as it's telling me to do something I already wanted to do anyway.

Stealing a mini-meme idea from the lovely suzukiblu: AU mini-meme! Pick a character or characters, an accompanying mood or lyric, and an alternate setting/genre, and I'll scribble you something. Pharoahs, Green Lanterns, high school, geisha, seriously, anything!

Feel free to pick any of my previously-written AUs, as well, except for Lightning at Sea.

One request per person (unless you're a listed exception). Avatar-only (unless you're a listed exception).

Exceptions: - Can ask for Transformers: ravynfyre, sapphirebreeze, heatherbeast
- Can ask for Codex Alera: bookblather
- Can ask for anything: dunmurderin, lunatron
- Have three slots: spyridona, dunmurderin, lunatron, ravynfyre, suzukiblu, dark_puck, neldluva
- Can poke me about that fic I owe her: raikomotomiya


character: teo, character: earth kingdom, au: selkie, character: hyo, character: jet, character: fire nation, au: codex avatar, character: yue, character: zuko, character: ozai, character: ursa, series: avatar, au: vampatar, character: pakku, character: azula, character: long feng, character: piandao, character: ty lee, character: iroh, character: aang, character: haru, character: zhao, character: bato, character: katara, meme, character: mai, character: hakoda, character: song, character: autobots, character: jee, character: sokka, writing, character: yujiro trio, au: drow, character: water tribe, character: hahn, series: transformers, series: transformers animated, movies: the matrix, au: bedrock, character: toph, au: aleratar, character: dai li, series: codex alera

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