Revenge of "Wing Shift"

May 19, 2008 00:52

You know, the constant bashing of Megatron is getting kind of annoying. Ohnoes, everyone thinks he's a horrible leader who has lost sight of the Decepticon cause. Ohnoes, he's so terribly incompetent and possibly insane. Ohnoes, he has a small dick ( Read more... )

character: megatron, series: transformers

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Comments 46

invisiblemoose May 19 2008, 08:08:48 UTC
I agree with you pretty much on everything you've said here.

The episode you're thinking of is Desertion of the Dinobots Part 2, by the way.


beckyh2112 May 19 2008, 16:14:45 UTC
W00t! Thanks. *goes to correct*


koh4711 May 19 2008, 10:22:23 UTC
I don't mind the first, as long as the "Decepticon cause" is elaborated upon and it's established why it resonates with a certain character, and why they think it's been lost. Granted, given his history of manipulation(Thundercracker, humans, Autobots), I'd more easily buy he NEVER believed in a cause, than has lost sight of it.

The second... they're totally right. The Decepticons would do just fine without Megatron. Like they did at the beginning of Season Three. Heck, giant planet involvement aside, you can still accurately state the Decepticons held Cybertron until Megatron "died".

You know, an idea I've not seen in terms of the nine million year war... maybe on some level, consciously or unconsciously, Megatron doesn't want to win, because he's enjoying the challenge of battle too much. Would take a lot of work, but could be quite interesting.


beckyh2112 May 19 2008, 16:14:17 UTC
I could buy him just spouting certain rhetoric to gather followers or something similar. I could very easily buy that, especially with a non-Marvel Megatron. (I haven't finished reading the run of Marvel, so I'm not ready to say there.) Although, IDW Megatron is... confusing. Megatron: Origins needed to be slightly longer.

I would actually really enjoy a take on Megatron, consciously or unconsciously, deliberately prolonging the War for his own enjoyment. I know in one of my few "Megatron wins" universes, he then goes on to keep conquering and complains to Soundwave that actually running an empire is extremely boring. It's an idea about Megatron that really resonates with me.


lunatron May 19 2008, 12:27:43 UTC
He has Constructicons. He could have a vibrating, ridged, LED-studded, black hole-powered, man-eating phallus if he wanted.


apathocles May 19 2008, 13:16:12 UTC
black hole-powered, man-eating phallus

Greater words have never been uttered (or written) in the history of existence.

*wonders just what devices have been tested out on Starscream over the years*


apathocles May 19 2008, 17:37:34 UTC
*may have just added 'megatron's black-hole-powered man-eating phallus' to interests*


lunatron May 19 2008, 19:10:03 UTC I see. *Rubs chin and laughs manically.*


apathocles May 19 2008, 13:14:14 UTC
You're paying attention to the plot again! Stop that!

Also, I would pay good money to see Megatron's grand mercenarying adventures on the galactic rim. A few dollars, anyway.


beckyh2112 May 19 2008, 16:24:13 UTC
How can I not? It keeps shoving itself in my face, whether I want it around or not!

I need to write some of Blitzwing's grand, post-"Five Faces of Darkness", mercenarying adventures on the galactic rim.

Megatron tempts me, mm, but the setup... That's not really something you can open with him already out on the rim, not unless you start providing some immediate flashbacks or some idea that he's already exiled. Hmm. Open it in the middle of a conflict, take him through to the end, and then either immediately flashback and stay there for the process of his exile or interspersing flashbacks and info-dropping as it connects with the main plot of the fic. Because, if you're going to open the fic with him adventuring, then you have to tie his exile into the plot.

Or I could do linear-time, do his exile in one story, and then go on and write grand, galactic-rim adventures.


apathocles May 19 2008, 17:34:31 UTC
The trick is to just concentrate really hard until the part of your brain that deals with logic dies a little!

I support any and all of these setups!

I also support Starscream's grand intergalactic rimming adventures, but that's neither here nor there.


charles_rb May 19 2008, 16:29:49 UTC
"'Megatron has lost sight of the Decepticon cause."

The Decepticon cause "I want that! *punches and takes it*", it is IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to lose sight of that unless they become a pacifist. Unless the fic wants to seriously say that Megatron has listened to too much U2 and gone hippy...

And if he's incompetent, why haven't they been beaten yet? Is Prime _more_ incompetent?

And if his small dick bothers everyone, they can club together to buy him an upgrade...


beckyh2112 May 19 2008, 16:34:30 UTC
And if he's incompetent, why haven't they been beaten yet? Is Prime _more_ incompetent?

The fic doesn't let little details like that stop them. Or-

Oh! That's not a connection I quite made before. There's strong suggestions that Megatron is at least adequately competent at planning assaults and seeing them executed, but that he's dangerously incompetent at managing people.

I will have to think on this. And possibly stab someone.


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