Revenge of "Wing Shift"

May 19, 2008 00:52

You know, the constant bashing of Megatron is getting kind of annoying. Ohnoes, everyone thinks he's a horrible leader who has lost sight of the Decepticon cause. Ohnoes, he's so terribly incompetent and possibly insane. Ohnoes, he has a small dick.

No, I am not kidding about the last one. It was brought up in the fic.

I'll ignore the thing about his dick-size, because dude. Giant robot. He can get an upgrade if he really wants a bigger one.

1) Megatron has lost sight of the Decepticon cause.

As this fanfic seems to be set in the G1 cartoon, there may actually be a Decepticon cause outside of what Megatron has made it today. After all, there were some guys who fought the Second Great War against the Autobots. Of course, we have no idea what they were all about, anyway, since the primary point of that episode ("Desertion of the Dinobots, Part 2"; thanks, invisiblemoose!) was to show that the Transformers fought a lot in their back-history. Yay, Autobot propaganda films!

Be that as it may, the War that's lasted for the past nine million years? Megatron has been the supreme leader of the Decepticons. He formed the Decepticons, shaped them, led them out against the Autobots... Everything they currently are, the entire War that currently exists is because of him.

Megatron may have changed the rhetoric and the focus of the Decepticon cause in the last nine million years (I don't think the Cult of Megatron bits were originally included), but the Decepticon cause of this last War has pretty much always been what he defined it as.

Want him to go back to his roots? Fine. Thinking he hasn't improved with age? Fine.

But you have to accept, when you get right down to it, the Decepticon cause is Megatron.

2) Megatron is incompetent.

While I do think it takes a special brand of incompetence for a war to last nine million years, I don't think it's the type that's being used in this fic.

Anyways. Megatron has successfully run the Decepticons for the last nine million years. Despite, a) Starscream, b) the Autobots, c) Astrotrain and Blitzwing, and d) other's best efforts to the contrary.

Oddly enough, the way this fic phrases things, I get the impression that the incompetence on Megatron's part is something new. Which is... odd. It makes me hope that perhaps Megatron has some debilitating, brain-eating disease that will be discovered. Or he's faking it so he can retire and go have grand mercenarying adventures on the galactic rim, because he's tired of managing the Decepticons.

But then I remember those options would be interesting and realize they're not going to happen in this fic.

character: megatron, series: transformers

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