Revenge of "Wing Shift"

May 19, 2008 00:52

You know, the constant bashing of Megatron is getting kind of annoying. Ohnoes, everyone thinks he's a horrible leader who has lost sight of the Decepticon cause. Ohnoes, he's so terribly incompetent and possibly insane. Ohnoes, he has a small dick ( Read more... )

character: megatron, series: transformers

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Comments 46

tarajcl May 19 2008, 16:54:17 UTC
-He can get an upgrade if he really wants a bigger one.-

He doesn't. He's MEGATRON. What he does is make every other Decepticon castrate themselves.

And do you really need a cause when making war is your entire culture?


beckyh2112 May 19 2008, 17:01:27 UTC

Some people appear to. I dub them whiny. ;-)


childofatlantis May 19 2008, 17:06:12 UTC
I think I may have identified your problem: you are thinking about the plot. In a fic dedicated to utterly daft yet oddly charming soap opera-esque sessions of messy sex. :D

(I have noticed that Megatron and Starscream seem to be the characters in this fandom who suffer from the "either/or" syndrome the most - people who like Starscream tend to bash Megatron, and vice-versa. Because if they're rivals, clearly they can't BOTH be cool characters! One of them has to suck! And Starscream is a darling emo woobie didn't you know? Except there's a lot more people who love Starscream than people who love Megatron, so poor Megatron gets the worst of it.

*has embarrassing crush on Megatron and loves Starscream far, far too much, resulting in 90% of fic involving either of them leaving me mildly irritated*)


beckyh2112 May 19 2008, 17:40:15 UTC
I can't help thinking about the plot. It keeps thrusting itself in my face and bashing my beloved Megatron!

Yes, when push comes to shove, I will choose Megatron over Starscream every time. Especially since Starscream seems to be roxxoring boxxors in this fic just fine.

I've never quite understood why people love Starscream more than Megatron, but I've never quite understood the attraction to Starscream in the first place. I enjoy the character and enjoy writing them, but I just do not grok how he gets the screaming fangirls.


tarajcl May 19 2008, 17:49:05 UTC
-keeps thrusting itself in my face-

D: Pelvicthrustingbadficnooooooooooo

(And G1 Starscream is kind of boring when he's not being funny by doing something stupid. Maybe it's the immortal thing? Which would explain why Rampage has collected a little consortium of woobiefying fans?)


beckyh2112 May 19 2008, 18:08:59 UTC
Oh, Rampage. I love Rampage. He's an excellent, excellent monster. So very, very creepy.

And I love his voice. Mmmm, Rampage voice.

*does not need to woobiefy him, since my main attraction is a) voice, and b) cannibalistic immortal psychopath*


(The comment has been removed)

beckyh2112 May 19 2008, 18:06:50 UTC
Oh, Starscream denies he's competent, but Starscream is biased. ;-)

Yeah, evil is pretty much doomed to lose, because that's the way the genre works. We're not reading horror, we're reading action-adventure science fiction. Or watching, as the case may be. Good wins, evil loses.


Evil loses because good has luck, pluck, and skill on their side. Good does not win because evil can't navigate their way out of a paper-bag with a GPS receiver. Incompetent evil that manages to hold its own against the good guys just means the good guys are incompetent, too.

Um. Wandering off-track.

If you've never watched Beast Wars, you should give it a try. Their Megatron is one of my all-time favorites. Even with incompetent troops, extremely crazy troops, anywhere from two to four people trying to undermine him at any given moment, acts of God Vok, treacherous spiders, an immortal psychopath that's only barely kept on a leash, aaaaaand the Maximals, he still almost wins three or four times!


childofatlantis May 19 2008, 18:16:18 UTC
On a random note, have you ever read and of the Star Wars expanded universe novels? Grand Admiral Thrawn is my standing example of how a villain SHOULD be done - he's competent, cunning, ruthless but not mad with bloodlust, incredibly intelligent, and has sound (from a certain point of view) motives for everything he does. The only reason the good guys triumph is sheer luck and a coincidence of events that otherwise would not, individually, have taken him down. And it's so beautifully handled that you actually spend half the story holding your breath every time he comes just that close to discovering what they're up, because you know that if he did, that chance would never come again - and they'd lose.


beckyh2112 May 19 2008, 18:47:42 UTC
Mmmm, Grand Admiral Thrawn.

The Thrawn books are pretty much the only EU stuff I read at all, and I tend to reread the entire quintet every three or four years. He's one of my favorite villains - he's not really evil for the sake of being evil. He's also not really a realistic strategist/tactician, but sometimes realism needs to go hang.


earthscorch May 19 2008, 23:16:39 UTC
Up until a ways into the movie, Megatron was doing great! Cybertron was pretty much Decepticon territory, even at the start of the cartoon. He wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty, unlike that Beast Wars sissy! I always liked how him and Optimus Prime always found the time to drop everything and start punching each other too! It takes millions of years to build up the desire to punch someone that much! Don't forget Shockwave did some good work keeping Cybertron going with almost no energon, too. I was mad when he got demoted and Scourge got promoted at 2k5! Ramblerambleramble!


charles_rb May 20 2008, 16:07:51 UTC
"He wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty, unlike that Beast Wars sissy!"

Beast Wars Megs got into fights _all the time_ - in Series 3 alone he's in the fray in 7 out of 13 eps, including against a Vok Emmisary who can warp reality _and_ almost killing Optimal Optimus twice. ("I give you... NO CHANCE AT ALL!")


dragoness_e May 20 2008, 02:33:20 UTC
I might be to blame for the "Megatron has lost sight of the Decepticon cause" meme.

*looks embarassed*

I'd like to point out that in my fiction and RPing, that was Starscream's opinion, not mine. Of course, Starscream would see it that way--it's part of his rationalization for why he should be running the Decepticons. I dropped hints in the LJ-RP that Starscream just might have realized he was wrong about that, but I don't think I got around to writing it.

Megatron is extremely competent. Too bad he was buried under a volcano for a few million years letting someone else run the war.


beckyh2112 May 20 2008, 15:12:19 UTC
I hope it's just random fan-people having similar ideas really.


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