31_days - Crack!

Feb 24, 2007 23:54

I'm also using this as one of my fanfic100 Writer's Choice entries, so here's a link to my table.

Title: Hair!
Day/Theme: Feb. 25, 'a measure of beauty'
Series: Transformers
Characters: Dead End, Breakdown, Motormaster
Rating: G
Summary: Stunticons with hair. Crack.
Author's Notes: One too many pictures of Transformers with hair drove me insane.


Dead End ran a fine-toothed comb through his dark hair, carefully unknotting it before he ventured into the washrack. It was time to give the filaments a thorough cleansing to remove all of the gunk that had gotten into them since last time. Unlike Drag Strip, he didn't believe that grease was just a perfectly good method for arranging your hair in styles that it didn't really want to go in.

He glanced up, seeing that Breakdown had his hair only partially extruded from his cranium. The Lamborghini tended to keep it shorter when only his brothers were around, and he didn't let sections of it obscure his face. If the two of them had been in mixed company, Dead End would have expected to see only a section of Breakdown's right optic amid the thick hair running down to his mid-back.

Right now, the Lamborghini stood behind a seated Motormaster, carefully combing his gestaltmate's hair. He pressed against the truck's back as he worked, the destructive cry of his engines mingling with the angry rumble of Motormaster's.

Of course, given the absolute rat's nest that was Motormaster's hair, it was no wonder the truck was unhappy. He never took care of it outside of keeping it clean, so his hair always wound up in a snarled mess. Thank Megatron, the Constructicons had decided after the second time they had needed to hack it off completely to just redo his hair so that it only reached to his shoulders.

They hadn't even given Drag Strip that much hair, but he didn't seem to mind. He just used his engine grease to spike it, then bleached the tips.

Dead End continued combing the section of hair he was currently focussing on, counting out a hundred strokes down the whole length. As he watched, Breakdown finished combing Motormaster's hair with a minimum of hazard. The Lamborghini was the only person tolerant enough of Motormaster to be able to do this - untangling his own hair drove the grey truck up the wall. The constant tugging irritation when someone else did it at least gave him a victim.

Now Breakdown divided out a section of Motormaster's hair, seperated it into three portions, and began the laborious, fiddly process of braiding cornrows. Since Megatron had long ago forbidden the Stunticons to perform length modifications on their hair after the spate of Wildrider trying out human punk styles, cornrows were the easiest method to keep Motormaster's hair under control. A style that let him wear his hair out and the only daily hygiene it required was oiling? Perfect. The weekly showers he didn't mind, but the near-daily ones that Dead End and Breakdown took when they had their hair out would have infuriated Motormaster.

As all the Stunticons knew, the fewer reasons the world gave for Motormaster to get angry, the better.


character: stunticons, writing, series: g1 transformers, writing: 31 days, table: fanfic100

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