
Feb 23, 2007 22:23

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. When others comment asking to be interviewed, ask them five questions.

raisedbymoogle's questions

1) What's the story behind your default icon?

That's the Chaos Angel, made with Kim McFarland's ReBoot Doll Maker KiSS set and with some modifications in Paint Shop Pro. (... I want to go play with my KiSS dolls now, by the way.) I've dressed the icon up a bit over the years - added a grungey border and some background texture.

The Chaos Angel and the Hyper Angel were my first online handles and avatars. They're really only around anymore in really old stuff, like my EZBoard account and my AIM screenname.

In the early 2000s, I roleplayed as the Chaos Angel with another girl I knew online, which is how she's gone from a nice point-eared girl with funky blue hair that otherwise looked like me to her current black-skinned and scantily-clad state.

2) What did you want to be when you grew up as a kid?

A veternarian. I liked animals a lot and working with them to make them better seemed like a good thing to do. But over the years, I've gotten really unhappy with being in hospitals, which turned me off of being a vet.

(There were a few years when I wanted to be a priest, but my denomination does not allow female priests.)

3) Favorite color M&M?


4) What do you like best about yourself?

Uh. Vast amounts of angst and depression is screaming that there's no answer to this question. I'm ignoring that part of me right now.

What I like best is being creative. I like making things, even if it's intangible as a story. I like using what I've made to entertain people and affect them some way. I like having an outlet for the things that I'm not supposed to show other people or that I can't show them even if I wanted to.

5) Pirates or ninjas?


*gets out interpretive dance!Snake Eyes*

ravynfyre's questions

1. What's your dream job?

Being paid to do what I want. To be more specific, I'd take being paid for writing Transformers fanfiction as a dream job.

But yeah, I'd really like to get paid for my writing someday. To do that, I need to work on plotting stories and developing longer stories, which is something I'm trying to do these days.

2. Ideal pet?

Cat! Or a snake that likes being handled.

3. Favorite type of writing to do and why?

I'm assuming you don't mean poestry/screenwriting/prose/etc., but rather a particular genre... And it honestly depends on my mood. At any given point in time, I enjoy writing different things.

I think smut's the hardest thing for me to write, because my own smut never really turns me on, so I never know if I'm doing it right until I show it to someone else. But so far, people have had good reactions to it.

4. If you could move anywhere in the world, where would you go, and why?

Atlanta, because there's at least two people there that I could spend real-life time with, and one of whom has been one of my dearest friends for the last six years.

5. Who is your favorite dark hero, any fandom, any genre, OC or canon, and why?

Riddick! (After some debate as to what qualifies as a dark hero and whether or not anti-hero is just another word for dark hero.)

But Riddick was bad-ass. And hot. Smoking. Hot. *fans herself*

His night-vision eyes made him very visually distinctive. When he had them uncovered, they had this lovely silver sheen, and when he had them covered, he had on dark goggles that identified him as Riddick.

He's a violent pyschopath that kills people, but I wound up cheering for him in both Pitch Black and the Chronicles of Riddick. (Cheered more for Fry than for him in Pitch Black, though.)

His relationship with Fry and Jack was awesome, especially the one he had with Fry. He and the pilot really seemed to connect in a way, and I think it would have been very interesting if she had lived. Not sure how it would have gone, but it would have been interesting.

Also, he probably wouldn't have just left Jack to hero-worship herself into prison if Fry had survived.

monoshiri's questions

1. Most gorgeous bit of weather you've ever seen: what, where, how?

Personally gorgeous? Beautiful, crisp fall days when the humidity is low, there's a hint of chill in the breeze, the sun is shining, and it's no longer stiflingly hot.

We get about three of those a year in Louisiana, and I love to roam around in them.

2. Congratulations! You've got Reflector for the afternoon. Whaddaya do with him?

We go do touristy things in New Orleans. I'm thinking hitting the zoo, though roaming around the French Quarter would also be fun. I take thorough advantage of his camera-ness.

3. If you were stranded on a desert island and could only have one book with you, what would it be?

Minx! What sort of question is that to ask a bibliophile?

Probably the Bible. It'd give me a lot of text to read, as well as soft pages for anything I might need soft paper for.

4. Favourite place you've never lived and why?

Atlanta. There is a Dragon*Con and a Sharon there!

5. If you could be any Transformer's KISS girl, which one would you choose?

See, my first instinct is to say "Wildrider", but since I actually have a few brain cells to rub together and am marginally fond of my planet, I really don't want to be working for the bad guys. So probably Silverbolt. Silverbolt's awesome.

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