Five (x3) Questions!

Feb 26, 2007 13:38


1. How'd you get interested in Transformers?

CharlesRB convinced me to buy Beast Wars season one by talking up how cool it was. Since it was by Mainframe Entertainment, and they'd already done ReBoot, I figured I'd give the show a try.

Beast Wars was probably the best show for me to come in on, since it introduced the basic concept while having the great writing, enjoyable characters, and a good plot. I don't think I'd have been near as Transformers-crazy if I started with one of the other shows first.

2. What character/s don't get enough canon/fan love?

The Aerialbots. Yeah, I'm biased, and yeah, the Protectobots could probably use some love too, but I really wish there was more fic/art involving the jets. There's several really good authors for each of the second-season Decepticon gestalts that I can think of off the top of my head, but all the Aerialbot stuff I've found has been one-offs for the given author. There's no specific person that I think of when I think of "Aerialbot fic", you know?

And I do so love those Autobot jetbois.

3. What are you majoring in school?

English, Creative Writing focus. Though, I wish I had a double-major in Art so I could take some of the practical classes.

Reminds me, must take more Art History next semester.

4. What's "easier" to do -- fanart or fanfics? ('easier' in the sense of ease to pick up ideas/complete ideas/etc).

Easier for me to do fanfics - I've got way, way, way more writing skill than art skill.

This does not, however, stop my brain from giving me cute mental images that make me really wish I could draw. Just things that are too weird or too minor for me to want to commission them, but that I'd love to see.

5. What's the one fic idea you think is too cracky to write but secretly still want to?

Drag Strip falls into the Spring of Drowned Girl, and how the Decepticons deal with that. I've got assorted notes for it scattered hither and yon, but man, is it ever crack.


1. If you could take a college course in anything, what would it be?

Pottery! Something fascinating and new to learn, as well as a chance to do things hands-on. I like hands-on work.

2. Seriously...what's up with the Giant Death Robots?

They're just cool. Like I said earlier, I got introduced to the fandom through Beast Wars, which is one of the best of the Transformers series ever done. But it's got a variety of different timelines - Armada/Energon/Cybertron, G1, Beast Wars/Beast Machines, Robots in Disguise, the different comics continuities, the new movie coming out this summer...

It's a huge, huge world, and there's a lot of stuff that's hinted at that's never expanded on, at least in AEC and G1. Hell, G1 is chock-full of characters that barely get any screentime whatsoever, but are pretty damn cool when they do get it.

Basically, it's got a huge world that I can play around in, and a very engaging fandom. I don't think I would have kept up with Transformers if it weren't for the other fans.

3. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

Telekinesis. The idea of being able to move things with my mind is very cool, even if I do never need to actually know how to do a Force-chokehold with it.

4. What would be a perfect day for you?

Get up early, go for a walk in the cool, crisp air with just the silence in my head for company, have waffles for breakfast, write for a while, have a tasty lunch, spend the afternoon playing Dark Age of Camelot, go for another walk before dinner, enjoy a scrumptious dinner, go out and watch some television/a movie, talk on AIM with my friends, go to bed in nice clean pajamas on nice clean sheets.

5. What's your favorite book?

*blank stare*

Do not ask the bibliophile such questions!

The one I go back to read the most often is Starswarm by Jerry Pournelle.


1. Motormaster/Optimus, Motormaster/Silverbolt, or Silverbolt/Optimus. Which is most likely to cause problems in a (sub)faction?

Tough to say, tough to say. I can see the bad sides to them all, especially the ones involving Motormaster.

Of the three, I'd say Silverbolt/Optimus would probably be the healthiest of the relationships. Optimus cares very deeply for his people, as does Silverbolt. Silverbolt also respects Prime a lot and seems to want Optimus to think well of him and his brothers. (Whereas his brothers will happily walk out if Slingshot suggests it.) So, I think the two of them could fit very well together, and Silverbolt would be good for Optimus.

I think Optimus/Motormaster would be comparatively more healthy than Silverbolt/Motormaster, if only because Optimus has a lot of experience that Silverbolt doesn't. The Prime is older and more likely to know how to get out of a bad situation involving Motormaster than Silverbolt does.

The way I write Motormaster/Silverbolt, it's primarily a dominance affair. It would be very, very easy to tip it into non-con. And if that happened, there would be bad shit going down. You do not rape Optimus's favorite jet-son. Very easy to kick the war up a notch with increasing retaliations/atrocities for fresh wrongs.

2. The Stunticon who is most dear to you?

On the one hand, I love Wildrider for being my kind of car. Fast, loud, and evil.

On the other hand, Breakdown needs snuggles. Lots of snuggles. Oh, my poor paranoid Lamborghini.

3. Channel surfing... where do you end up at?

I hardly ever turn on the tv, but either HGTV (interior design shows!), Animal Planet, or Discovery.

4. In your screen name, what does the '2112' represent?

It's a song by Rush. I can't honestly say if it's my favorite song, but it is a song I love.

Note: The big chunks of prose in there are not actually in the song itself, though they are in the liner notes.

5. You is the bad 'cracken teh whip' woman for one minute! Which fanfic writer do you crack the whip at, and for what?

Monoko for more Stunti-fic. She is the writer who got me hooked on them, and I do so love what she produces when she writes.

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