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bite me (karen, edward, alice) pg13 bebitched November 7 2009, 19:18:12 UTC
If Karen were a superstitious woman, she’d say this was bad luck. In fact, the very moment Jim had approached her with his ridiculous scheme to hoodwink Dwight with garlic and crosses under the guise of vampirism, she might have knocked on wood. Kept some of that holy water for herself. But she’d never put any stock in her mother’s umbrella-leashing, black cat-avoiding beliefs. So considering the unexpected outcome of today, she’d have to say it was all terribly ironic.

Because it is definitely something unnatural that, walking home, causes her to happen to pick the ally that houses a vampire. Go figure.

And it isn’t necessarily the vampire part that bothers her. Or that the blood-sucking dude is kind of hot, in a goth, totally cliché, couldn’t you have come up with something more original for immortality? kind of way. (Not that she should be noticing such things at a time like this.) It’s that she doesn’t become dinner, like she’d been expecting the second she connected shiny teeth and pale, cold skin and (she rolls her eyes) of ( ... )


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