
Jun 30, 2011 22:26

Rant about Wizard's First Rule and some dog pictures behind the cut.
If you want to waste half an hour of your time go read. :P

Rant behind the cut..HA i rhymed :P )

!rant, !random

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Comments 7

imaginary_lives June 30 2011, 21:39:49 UTC
I definitely understand your problem even though I never really had any problems myself (I read the first three books). When I read the books, I do picture Bridget as Kahlah, but I somehow picture a more muscular and taller Craig for some reason. I do it with the Harry Potter books too. Some characters I picture exactly like in the movies, and some I do but with minor (or sometimes) major differences, it depends ( ... )


beautifullauren July 1 2011, 09:49:32 UTC
I can't picture him taller and more muscular, his face is also what's bothering me, he has a baby face. I never had that problem with other books cause i think the casting was always good. I can totally picture Daniel as HP or Alexander from True Blood as Eric. *shrug* This is the first time and that's why i'm so annoyed lol.

Show!Kahlan is not more badass than book!Kahlan. I can assure you, I was a bit underwhelmed by book!Kahlan in the beginning, but when she first gets into the Con Dar? Damn. Also, in the second book she leads an entire army into war. Naked.

Oh no, i won't have a problem with that. I was just saying that show!Kahlan looks more intimidating than show!Richard lol and that is what's bothering me when it comes to their pairing. They don't fit imo.

Cara arrives at the end of the second book, but her role's not that big yet there. She gets more to do in the third book (she is after all the leader of the Mord'Sith there), but it is shared with two other Mord'Sith, Berdine and Rayna (who are both lesbian and have been ( ... )


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beautifullauren July 1 2011, 10:04:43 UTC
Yeah, i know how many people were pissed when Craig was casted, if i read the books before the show i'd be furious. And i heard when it comes to personality that show!Richard is entirely different too. Did they read the books for Gods sake?
Same goes for casting of Jamie Campbell Bower as King Arthur in Camelot (don't know if you're watching that show), Jesus he looks like a sissy.
What is wrong with these casting people today, these men are supposed to be heroes, and look like heroes. *sigh*

Have you considered skipping ahead, to a later book where the plot wasn't used on the show? If you're not afraid of spoilers, it might be worth reading a book-only story arc to try to separate the two Richards and come back to book 1 later?

I don't think that's going to help. I read Richard Rahl and Craig's face pops into my head. Unfortunately i have a very vivid imagination lol.

Now i already know which book is going to be my fav. :D It's a shame they don't make out in the books. :P


morrowfest July 1 2011, 11:07:22 UTC
D'aww. Your puppy is cute! :)

Point 1: I agree with you on Craig Horner and Book!Richard. I started reading Book 1 when Season 1 ended & the show took a break. Book!Richard was different enough in personality to me that I didn't have too much of a hard time separating the two, though. But I agree with you in the sense that I cannot reconcile them, in my mind. They always have to exist as two separate characters ( ... )


beautifullauren July 2 2011, 15:39:39 UTC
He's the cuttest thing EVER. :D

Point 1: I agree with you on Craig Horner and Book!Richard. I started reading Book 1 when Season 1 ended & the show took a break. Book!Richard was different enough in personality to me that I didn't have too much of a hard time separating the two, though. But I agree with you in the sense that I cannot reconcile them, in my mind. They always have to exist as two separate characters.

At least they're two separate characters to you, they're still the same character to me, and that's why i have such a hard time imagining someone else, not Craig.
But when i start reading i'm sure that problem will disappear if the two of them are so different.
But how the hell am i going to imagine blonde Bridget, cause Kahlan is blonde in the books, right?

Point 2: I agree with you on Bridget's appearance in S1 vs. S2. They changed her makeup...significantly. When I saw the previews for S2, I hated it. I got used to it more as S2 went on, but I'll always prefer S1 makeup. And, frankly...the white dress. (Though, I ( ... )


morrowfest July 11 2011, 00:42:46 UTC
*hi5*s back :D

And: Ugh, you had to mention that I can't really get all the cool Kahlan/Cara interaction moments without reading all (well, almost all) of those books!? Seriously?

I heard mainly books 4 and 6 are what I want to read. Bleh...this discussion (which books to read for the Kahlan/Cara stuff) has been had over and over. Sorry, I don't mean to revive it. ;p I think I'll just try to read Book 3, see how it goes, and then at least go through Book 4 before I determine if I'm going to need to wade through Book 5 and whether I'm going to skim Book 6 or read the whole thing. *heavy sigh*

Oh, and the reason I don't want to read through to the end and see Cara wind up with Benjamin is because in the books, she's actually not even bi. She's just straight. And it will ruin my imagination (of seeing her having those kind of feelings toward Kahlan) and my OTP ( ... )


beautifullauren July 11 2011, 21:20:50 UTC
I never read the books so i don't know for sure, but yeah i heard C/K have great moments in every book, they're best friends and sisters of the agiel. ;)

Oh, and the reason I don't want to read through to the end and see Cara wind up with Benjamin is because in the books, she's actually not even bi. She's just straight. And it will ruin my imagination (of seeing her having those kind of feelings toward Kahlan) and my OTP.

Well if you're going to look at it like that, Kahlan is straight both in the books and on the show. Doesn't that bother you?
And we don't know for sure if Cara is straight in the books, i personally think she's blind to sex, i'm sure she slept with her mord'sith sisters in the books also, it's just that Terry never wrote about it.

(For some reason, book canon Richard/Kahlan is easily ignorable, to me. It's selective imagination. LOL Besides, (sorry show actors) TV Richard/Kahlan got too blah/non-spark-y for me, and made it easier to mentally deny that R&K are even a "real" item in the books, now, too. *snorfle* ( ( ... )


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