
Jun 30, 2011 22:26

Rant about Wizard's First Rule and some dog pictures behind the cut.
If you want to waste half an hour of your time go read. :P

Rant behind the cut..HA i rhymed :P )

!rant, !random

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beautifullauren July 11 2011, 21:20:50 UTC
I never read the books so i don't know for sure, but yeah i heard C/K have great moments in every book, they're best friends and sisters of the agiel. ;)

Oh, and the reason I don't want to read through to the end and see Cara wind up with Benjamin is because in the books, she's actually not even bi. She's just straight. And it will ruin my imagination (of seeing her having those kind of feelings toward Kahlan) and my OTP.

Well if you're going to look at it like that, Kahlan is straight both in the books and on the show. Doesn't that bother you?
And we don't know for sure if Cara is straight in the books, i personally think she's blind to sex, i'm sure she slept with her mord'sith sisters in the books also, it's just that Terry never wrote about it.

(For some reason, book canon Richard/Kahlan is easily ignorable, to me. It's selective imagination. LOL Besides, (sorry show actors) TV Richard/Kahlan got too blah/non-spark-y for me, and made it easier to mentally deny that R&K are even a "real" item in the books, now, too. *snorfle* (Though I feel bad saying that. Look, I'm just extremely C/K "spark" biased. Although it *cough*doesn't take much bias*cough*.)

That's why i'm trying to picture Bridget with someone else, then i'm sure i'll be able to enjoy reading about their relationship. So many people love them in the books, it's a shame B/C look so funny together. *sigh*

When i read this paragraph i decided to read the books:

“Kahlan felt tears running down her face. She didn’t want Cara to die. She didn’t know why she should feel so much for this woman, except perhaps because no one else did. The soldiers wouldn’t even come down to see why she had stopped screaming. She could have choked to death on her own vomit. Something as simple as that, not magic, could have killed her because they were afraid, or perhaps because no one cared if she died.

“Hold on, Cara. I care.” She smoothed the Mord-Sith’s hair back from her clammy forehead. “I care. We want you to live.””

I'm so happy that they're so close. Gosh how i want season 3 or at least a tv movie with more C/K. Although i'm sure we'd get more R/K now that they can have sex. BOOOOORING!


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