(no subject)

May 14, 2010 23:58

Title: Baby It's You
Author: simplebeatles  
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Swearing, some rape(in dream),groping from old person
Summary: George, on heading to the cavern, gets raped and someone saves him. Then that someone, will protect George as long as they both shall live. And there is a problem... they both love each other.
Previous Chapter[s]: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3

A/N: Sorry for the late posting of this story, thanks to my readers for being patient... school doesn't help get it down fast. Thanks for the comments on chapter 3, I would mention you all, but there is so many, I'd be here for awhile.

Promise the next chapter will be longer... might be longer for posting it, but it will come.

George looked up on the male fucking him in the middle of the street with people around laughing at him. He looked around the crowd hoping for someone he knew or someone who would come and stand up for him. No one came, so he cried as the torture of the man's dick in his ass.

"You're so tight." the man chuckled and started moving his hand up and down on George's cock. George cried loudly for someone to help him. Then like some angel came the yell from his mate, John.

"Get your fucking filthy hands off him!" he yelled. The man stood up looking at the saviour of the scene. The man then picked George up and grabbed his cock. John walked up and punched the guy in the face.

"John, you... you... thanks!" George cried into John's chest, who in returned hugged him. The crowd dispearsed and George got his clothes back on.

"You all right?" John asked taking George's face into his hands.

"Yes." he replied, even though it was a lie. Then John's face transformed to the man again. Then everything went black...

"Aah!" George screamed himself awake. His mother than came running into the room and hugged him tightly,

"Mom... it...was...just...a-a-a...dream." George struggled speaking with his mom's great big bear hug.

"Sorry sweetums." Mrs. Harrison said letting go of her son. She looked at the clock and saw it was quater to eight, "You're going to be late for school, come get up." she said standing up and throwing George's clothes at him.

"Thanks mom." George smiled and got himself dressed. He looked himself over in the mirror and then ran down the stairs.

"See you later mam!" he yelled as he grabbed his bag and headed out the door. He reached the bus stop just in time. He grabbed the bus and was on his way to school. He sat at the very back next to a scruffy looking lady, with missing teeth and reaching her age limit. She was patting her cat that was just as hairy as hers.

"Hey sonny." she said in her cackly voice, "Off to school?" she asked spit flying out of her mouth.

"Mhmm." George squirmed uncomfortably. Then the lady stopped patting her cat and slapped her hand between George's thighs. George's face went red as a rose's petal. Then she started rubbing him and reaching closer to his groin, he grabbed her hand.

"Don't you want some loving?" she giggled noisely. George shook his hand and got up and sat two rows ahead. Twenty minutes later he was standing in front of Liverpool Institute.

"Another day of fucking school day." he sighed and then looking at the other lads walking in and there was Paul standing there waiting for him. George walked towards him,

"Hey Paulie." he smiled weakly, "Ready for another boring day of school?" George didn't know what Paul was so bloody happy about, it was just school.

"George, forget school." Paul said, this took George by surprise, when did Paul ever want to skip school?

"And why is that Macca?" George asked, but Paul just grabbed his arm and ran down to the bus stop again,

"What is it Paul?"

"There is this man, who is willing to manage us." Paul said as both of them ran off the bus, when it came to Mathew Street. George looked down the alleyway where he was abused the night before, and he could swear that the man was down there staring out to the street, but he couldn't really take in the man's face, since Paul dragged by faster than the hare.


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