Baby it's you

May 05, 2010 19:23

Title: Baby It's You
Author: simplebeatles 
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Swearing, some nude, some rude gestures
Summary: George, on heading to the cavern, gets raped and someone saves him. Then that someone, will protect George as long as they both shall live. And there is a problem... they both love each other.
Previous Chapter[s]: Chapter 1

A/N: A good slash fiction to read is Pandemic by eleanorrigby_66  I'm not a j/p or g/r fan, but it is really good, and those are not my slashing favourites. Thanks to those who commented on my first chapter( heather_rawriee , sealloaf , spirit414 , Anonymous, and larainefan ) thought you all would get mentioned here :D here is the second chapter, hope it is as good as the first.

Cavern Club, backstage.

"Where the fuck is he?" John Lennon yelled to his new mate, Paul McCartney, "He should fucking be here by now, that twerp!" John picked up his guitar and started playing each string loudly. 'If that twat doesn't get 'ere soon, 'ell 'e will be outta 'ere before you could say, bloody fuck your mother.' he thought.

"John, I don't know where he is." Paul said fidgety with his hands and started pacing around the room, "But please don't be angry with him, this is his first time." he begged. John rolled his eyes at Paul's big puppy dog's eyes.

"No bloody fucking excuse there, mate." John said now fiddling with the knobs and fixing the tuning, "He's a fucking kid, that is what he is, a fucking kid." Paul looked at John annoyed at what he said about his little friend.

"Don't you ever---" Paul began to say before John came right into his face.

"Or what?!" he yelled, "I'm the fucking leader of this group and no matter how fucking good you are," John breathed, "I will and would kick you out in the cold and you can be a stupid teacher working with those little brats we call kids, eh?" John finished his statement and Paul would not have the gut to stand up to him of accounts of getting kicked out of the band.

The was silence between he and Paul for awhile.

"However..." Paul said slowly waiting to see if John would spat out something, but there was no sign of him wanting to say something, "He is never like this, he'd be here on time." he said finishing off his little piece of thought.

"Well if he were, he'd be 'ere by now, wouldn't 'e?" John sneered, "Listen... I'm going for a walk, fresh air you know." John stood up again, "Want to come?"

"No, rather not." Paul said and went to tuning his guitar. John walked out the back door and headed up the road. He had his cigarette in his mouth and everything was fine. The night air was crisp, and every bar along Mathew Street seemed to be open.

"John!!!!!!!!!" someone's voice rang out.

John didn't know if it was meant for him or not, but he knew the voice sounded like he was in danger. John started walking faster than before dropping his cigarette on the ground.

"Oh yeah... come on baby..." a man's voice rang out from down the alley close to him. He tip-toed the best he could and stood still when the bodies moved. He some guy kneeling being laid down flat on his back. The little light from the building next to them revealed, George Harrison. John's eyes went wide and in all in one second, when the man started giving George a blow job and he, George, crying. Something in him just opened up, his shock had disappeared and anger rushed over him.

"You bloody fucker!" John yelled and grabbed the man's shirt, "Get off 'im!"

"Wait your tu--" but before the man could finish anything John punched him on the face.

"You fucking asshole!" John yelled and this time kicking him in genitals, "Keep these in your pants, and find your self a dog, for all we care." John grabbed the man's cock and twisted it roughly, "I could snap them off though, if you'd like." John gave the man an evil smile.

"S-sorry..." the man said and grabbed his clothing and ran for the hills. John's expression, feeling of anger... vanished and in came the protective side of him that he'd thought he ever show. 'That fucker, what he do to him... this sweet boy.' John thought, but stopped himself from going any farther than those words.

"George..." John trailed off as he looked into the younger man's eyes and saw the tears streaming down his face, "Don't you worry I am here, no one is ever going to hurt you again." John pulled George into a hug.

"John... y-you're... 'ere." he stuttered. John rocked him back and forth.

"Here... let's get this cloth off you and get you pleasant." he said looking into the younger man's face. George nodded. John reached around and untied his hands and pulled George's shirt over his head and grabbed his boxers and trouser and helped putting them on. John then put an arm around George and they walked onto the cobble stone street, onwards towards the Cavern Club. John knew what he was going to do. He was not going to do a show that night, George was more important.


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